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#1 2010-08-17 22:06:41

From: Chile
Registered: 2008-08-17
Posts: 49

Arch on a MacbookPro 7,1

(sorry for my english)
Hi… long time without posting here….

I'm recently receive a new macbookpro 7,1 (13 inch) and as a lover of free software and participant in the Chilean community of Arch ( i want install Archlinux in my machine … dual-system Archlinux/Snow Leopard (sorry but i like OSX xD), but reading in the web i see some post of people trying to install other distributions (Ubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva, Gentoo, etc,etc) with comments about some impossibility due a bug in kernel and some other comments about bad performance of GNU/Linux in the Apple's Machines …

Well, i want to install Arch but i wan't to know if someone have experience with this or ideas or comments about the process and performance.
There is some problem with installation?

thanks in advance!... (Spanish) All what i Do in the linux world!!!
Arch User... Feel Free... Feel Speed....


#2 2010-08-17 22:20:32

From: Brisbane, AU
Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 11,493

Re: Arch on a MacbookPro 7,1

Well...  the 5.5 works fine, I think there are still issues surrounding the touchpad in the 6.3, and the 7.1 is quite new so there is likely to still be issues...

However, this is the main bug: , and it looks like it will be in the newer kernels.  Try the "archboot" iso.


#3 2012-02-22 17:37:49

From: Concepción, Chile
Registered: 2009-08-20
Posts: 116

Re: Arch on a MacbookPro 7,1

Does anyone have more information installing Archlinux on MacBook Pro 7,1?

I want to install it on one of them.

Thanks in advance.


#4 2012-02-23 00:58:00

Registered: 2012-02-11
Posts: 179

Re: Arch on a MacbookPro 7,1

I would reccommend installing refit which is a good boot loader for Mac machines.  My friend has Ubuntu 11.10 running on his MacBook which I believe is your model, and he simply had to manually install nvidia graphics and modify a file which properly recognized +/- volume and brightness correctly afterwards.

The archiso is your best bet because it comes with many up to date packages and also grub2 which is important to install to gpt disks.  My problem is installing grub2 to the same partition as root (/dev/sdaX, whatever partioon root it) to not interfere with refit which is /dev/sda.  I am currently trying to properly do this.  In Ubuntu installs its as easy as saying install grub2 to /dev/sda5 for an example.  In arch I've had a lot of trouble with getting grub2 to properly install.

Let me know how your journey goes, and remember refit is the reccommended boot loader.


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