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Ummm - i tried to make a wallpaper but I cannot, for the life of me, figure out which tool I need or even how to use half of them so if someone could fix it I'd be very grateful.
Basically, you can see this just a photo slapped on a white background so the whole right hand side is plain and needs integrating:
My effort so far is here
so you want to blend from the photo to the plain white as though it were one big image?
-=edit=- Like this? -=edit2=- (wasn't quite right, removed from server for space. )
is that any different? I can still see the divide - but yes, that is what i would like to do
something like that?
Great work TomE how did you do that tho, please?
Ah, you wanted the gradient all the way across. Now I get ya.
remove the background get it to this
and then make the grendent your self and abit of a alpha patten to brake it up
use this one its better
I should have though of that - v nice TomE cheers
Wow! That is one pretty woman... who is she?
Scarlett Johansson
TomE - I hate to be picky but could you do me one more favour? There is a 1px thick white edge along the bottom and could you bump her up to 1280x1024 - I screwed it up before size wise
TomE - I hate to be picky but could you do me one more favour? There is a 1px thick white edge along the bottom and could you bump her up to 1280x1024 - I screwed it up before size wise