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I'd like to install Yesod. According to this page, you need to do "cabal install Cabal cabal-install yesod".
I did that, and get a bunch of errors:
Lots of "There are files missing in the xxxxx package"
Anybody knows how to figure this out?
BTW, I know that Yesod is available in AUR, but there are many dependencies and I don't want to install them manually.
Not knowing anything about that package, just looking at the AUR package tells me that you would need those dependencies (which is WHY they're in the depends list). No way around that, unfortunately.
If you don't want to build manually software like yaourt can help.
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This is what I'd try:
1. Uninstall all Haskell packages managed by Pacman except ghc and cabal-install.
2. $ rm -Rf ~/.cabal
3. $ cabal update
4. $ cabal install yesod
Hmm I just tried using yaourt, and apparently there are broken dependencies here and there, so I can't build it
I even uninstalled ghc, and re-installed it again. The same errors still occur.
Anyway, I think I'll wait for a while, untill all the dependencies are updated.