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If you have an Apple USB keyboard that you'd like to treat like a regular PC keyboard, look no further than un-apple-keyboard. Features:
- Makes your F1-12 keys the default, use the Fn key to get the multimedia keys
- Maps F13-15 to PrintScreen/SysRq, Scroll Lock, and Pause, respectively
- Swaps the order of the Alt and Meta (Command) keys
- Does all this with a udev rule
It only works on my keyboard, because, well, that's the only one I can test on. But if people with other keyboards (like the bluetooth one or the built-in laptop ones) want to contribute, I'll be happy to add them to the package.
I've added this information to the wiki too.
The post this came out of is here. I'm still trying to figure out how to get the number pad to always enter numbers, since there's no NumLock key.
I'm still trying to figure out how to get the number pad to always enter numbers, since there's no NumLock key.
Does numlockx do the trick?
tavianator wrote:I'm still trying to figure out how to get the number pad to always enter numbers, since there's no NumLock key.
Does numlockx do the trick?
Well the Clear key maps to numlock, so it's not that it's hard to turn num lock on. It's just that there really isn't a num lock key, so turning num lock off shouldn't be an option. I guess I could use numlockx and setleds to turn num lock on everywhere, and then remap Clear to something else so it can't get turned off.
But I've seen X lose track of the num lock state, especially when switching between VTs, so I'd like some way to really prevent num lock from being off on this keyboard.