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Didn't know where to post this, please tell me if I'm on the wrong place.
With the latest RXVT-unicode-package (from comunity), I'm not allowed to run programs like top, screen and irssi in it. I've tried to install it on two diferent computers, with the same result:
[kristian@localhost ~]$ top
'rxvt-unicode': unknown terminal type.
[kristian@localhost ~]$ screen
Cannot find terminfo entry for 'rxvt-unicode'.
[kristian@localhost ~]$ irssi
setupterm() failed for TERM=rxvt-unicode: 0
Can't initialize screen handling, quitting.
You can still use the dummy mode with -d parameter
I've seen this happen with earlier binary pacages of "rxvt-unicode." I'm not quite sure how I fixed i back then. I might have built it myself with a PKGBUILD from this forum.
I can't find urxvt in "/usr/share/terminfo/". I think that's what causes these problems.
EDIT: Found a cvs-vesion on the aur that works. LINK
Top and irssi are working fine for me, but I can't speak on the screen package.
Here's an "aterm thread" that has a lot of info regarding problems some of us are having with the rxvt-unicode package:
Top works fine here.
hm, strange. The pacage in comunity actually DOES contain:
Why was it not present on my system?
Hey, kristian, check to see if the usr/share/terminfo/r/rxvt-unicode file is a blank file. It is on my box. That's one of the problems we are discussing in the other thread.
It's the same bug. Witch means that we'll let this thread die. (I'll mention it in the thread you liked to, yust to be shure.)
Well, I think it's the same. But the file doesn't look blank...