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#1 2012-03-10 02:24:13

From: Greece
Registered: 2012-03-10
Posts: 1

FlashySlideshows..! a hardware accelerated 3d slideshow application



Hello Everybody , just wanted to share my latest project with the world..!
The goal is a user-friendly hardware accelerated slideshow application , with zoom/pan effects , Ken Burns effects , smooth transitions , face/edge detection , fast performance , that will look something like PS3 Slideshow , and also be compatible with touch screen displays , user friendly and eye pleasing..
I have a pretty big photo archive ( amateur photographer tongue ) and couldn't find a program with this kind of functionality so I decided to make one..! tongue

Also the title "Flashy"-Slideshows has nothing to do with Adobe Flash , the project is written in C++ uses OpenGL , freeGLUT , OpenCV and WxWidgets as its framework..
Its just  "flashy" so I thought it is a fitting project name smile

It is currently under development but it is stable enough for "real world" use..!
I can't guarantee 100% that it will work on any video card/graphics driver combination , but on 5-6 systems that I have access to with NVIDIA and Intel chipsets it seems to be working fine , after all it is clean OpenGL calls..! Frame rates are another issue I try not to oversaturate/overheat/drain power on laptops with the graphics card ( sleep time 2000+ microseconds tongue ) and still  get 400+fps and there is a configurable texture resolution on the GUI that starts the application for older hardware..!

Code readability and quality can ( and I hope it will ) be improved  , I will also have to make a real make file instead of the current  custom ./make script.   
Dependencies are : gcc imagemagick openal opencv wxgtk aur/wxwidgets freeglut libxxf86vm libexif zenity
The project also needs jpegexiforient which I couldnt find in the arch repos , and have added it to the repo , it should be added to the system along with flashy slideshows using ./

A relatively recent video of it in action here :

and an older ( 2010 ) version here :

The code is hosted on github
You can find some screenshots of it here

Feedback , bug reports etc are appreciated xD


Last edited by AmmarkoV (2012-03-10 03:06:26)

I would like to change the world but they won't give me the source code


#2 2012-03-10 02:34:06

From: Greece
Registered: 2010-06-01
Posts: 562

Re: FlashySlideshows..! a hardware accelerated 3d slideshow application

wiki seems nice smile hardware accelerated stuff are nice too wink

.:[ git me! ] :.


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