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#1 2012-03-11 13:22:02

Registered: 2012-03-11
Posts: 11

vim buld with python support

Hi everybody, i'm using vim quite often but has never tried to configure it for python programming. All the time i've preffed gedit and sublime for it.
They have very suckful autocompletion skills so today i've tired of it and installed ropevim.
After tah my vim is crushed=) It said 'no such command - python'. I haven't known anything about python-rybu-etc support in vim before, but guessed to use help.
All the time i used to think everybody is bilding vim vim +everything_that_could_be_useful, and i was really confused when found -python, and even -python3!
i thought that problem was on the server while building.
i've downloaded all the stuff needed to build. well, really, i missed it's written 'disable' instead of 'enable' there=)
so i thought it's okay and started to make package. of course i've got -python again=) okay, i've fixed that problem than and tryied again..and it's faild again!
i've looked into configure-script's log and found a thing:

checking --enable-pythoninterp argument... yes
checking for python22... no

i thought 'yeah, i really havent any 22 version of python' and tried to look into script but havent found anything. then i simply try again:

checking --enable-pythoninterp argument... yes
checking for python222... no

whoooa! it's saved somewhere!
i've tried to refetch all the sources, restart whole arch, but nothing helped

well, now i of course just installed gvim, but i don't think it is good idea to make a difference of vim from gvim more than an existance of non-console interface, so i've filed u bug about it.
i've started grepping some hours ago, and i still haven't found a thing.

now i see building from root could end unlucky=) you shouldnt do it=)
nevertheless, any ideas?) a've tried to look into configrator, but haven't found anything related.

and, BTW, i'm still interested in something better than rope, if somebody knows


#2 2012-03-11 13:37:09

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: vim buld with python support

foobarrior wrote:

i don't think it is good idea to make a difference of vim from gvim more than an existance of non-console interface, so i've filed u bug about it.

In case you haven't checked, such bugs have been filed before.

Link to foobarrior's bug report:
I linked to some older related reports there.

Last edited by karol (2012-03-11 14:11:14)


#3 2012-03-11 14:04:25

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,341

Re: vim buld with python support

I'm not sure I really follow - but perhaps that's because I prefer a DIY approach.  Are you looking for vim with some python options compiled in?  Why not just use the add on tools available (Are features missing)?

I don't use many of the add-ons, rather I enjoy learning how it is all done and implementing things myself in my vimrc.  I wrote a function (~10 lines) and key-binding for code-folding for whitespace/indent structured languages like python and put that in my vimrc.  You can also add the appropriate 'dictionary' as needed to tab-completion.

I've noticed there are a lot of variants of vim, and a lot of "add on packages" that really just reinvent the wheel.

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#4 2012-03-11 14:43:39

Registered: 2012-03-11
Posts: 11

Re: vim buld with python support

Trilby wrote:

I'm not sure I really follow - but perhaps that's because I prefer a DIY approach.  Are you looking for vim with some python options compiled in?  Why not just use the add on tools available (Are features missing)?

I don't use many of the add-ons, rather I enjoy learning how it is all done and implementing things myself in my vimrc.  I wrote a function (~10 lines) and key-binding for code-folding for whitespace/indent structured languages like python and put that in my vimrc.  You can also add the appropriate 'dictionary' as needed to tab-completion.

I've noticed there are a lot of variants of vim, and a lot of "add on packages" that really just reinvent the wheel.

well, i disagree about any need of doing suff already made. programming language parsing stands for more than 10 line of code.


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