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i want mount a vfat into mnt/docs, but when i mount appear
drwxr--r-- 14 root root 16384 Dec 31 1969 docs
how i can change permises
in my fstab:
/dev/discs/disc0/part6 /mnt/docs vfat gid=users,umask=0007 0 0
thats is my ultimate intent,m cause i probe x formes that appear into forum
Try changing it to -
/dev/discs/disc0/part6 /mnt/docs vfat users,umask=000 0 0
Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped.
000 is scary you give rwe rigths to everyone
002 is a much better options this is read and execute for everyone...
Freedom is what i love
well, i put umask=002 but appear the same, only roor can acces to that directory , what other i can put
you can not even read as a user now ?
Freedom is what i love
root only can read /mnt/docs, cause users (rikrdo) can acces to directory
chmod appear --- to user
Pages: 1