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#1 2012-04-05 22:26:53

Registered: 2011-11-02
Posts: 171

[SOLVED] Install Vala and its version

I tried two AUR packages (vala-git and vala-devel). Basically I want vala 0.16 or higher, but when I install from those AUR packages (which build from source), Make and other building tools don't detect vala version:

Setting top to                           : /home/david/src/geary 
Setting out to                           : /home/david/src/geary/build 
Checking for 'gcc' (c compiler)          : /usr/bin/gcc 
Checking for program pkg-config          : /usr/bin/pkg-config 
Checking for 'gobject-2.0'               : yes 
Checking for 'gthread-2.0'               : yes 
Checking for program valac-0.8           : not found 
Checking for program valac               : /usr/local/bin/valac 
Checking for valac version >= (0, 8, 0)  : None 

When I do "valac --version", I get "valac: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". (with vala-devel installed, which is vala 0.16).

Any idea of what's happening, despite being very vala-specific?

Last edited by ephan (2012-04-06 16:56:45)


#2 2012-04-06 09:09:31

From: Paris, Europe
Registered: 2011-04-26
Posts: 61

Re: [SOLVED] Install Vala and its version

I'm not really helping, but vala version 0.16.0 is in testing.
NB : glad to see someone working on geary wink

Sorry for my English - Home Page - «Violence never settles anything.» : Genghis Khan, 1162-1227


#3 2012-04-06 10:17:49

Registered: 2011-11-02
Posts: 171

Re: [SOLVED] Install Vala and its version

Stemp wrote:

I'm not really helping, but vala version 0.16.0 is in testing.
NB : glad to see someone working on geary wink

However, I don't think I can install a single package from testing, and have all my other packages from stable.

Oh, I work at elementary OS, Geary and Postler are being worked on hard lately.

Last edited by ephan (2012-04-06 10:18:20)


#4 2012-04-06 12:17:33

#archlinux@freenode channel op
From: The intertubes
Registered: 2004-11-07
Posts: 4,096

Re: [SOLVED] Install Vala and its version

ephan wrote:
Stemp wrote:

I'm not really helping, but vala version 0.16.0 is in testing.
NB : glad to see someone working on geary wink

However, I don't think I can install a single package from testing, and have all my other packages from stable.

Oh, I work at elementary OS, Geary and Postler are being worked on hard lately.

You can grab the PKGBUILDs for the vala package in testing and compile it yourself.

Evil channel op and general support dude.
. files on github, Screenshots, Random pics and the rest


#5 2012-04-06 16:56:34

Registered: 2011-11-02
Posts: 171

Re: [SOLVED] Install Vala and its version

Thank you, it didn't work too, but it seems like it's a Vala bug.


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