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#1 2012-04-07 17:12:02

From: Македонија
Registered: 2010-08-25
Posts: 174

Xmonad and ncmpcpp question

When i start ncmpcpp in xmonad i want to send it to workspace "5:Mp3" and view it. How to do that?
This is my

import XMonad
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
import XMonad.Util.Run(spawnPipe)
import XMonad.Util.EZConfig(additionalKeys)
import System.IO
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers
import XMonad.Actions.NoBorders
import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
import XMonad.Actions.FloatKeys
import XMonad.Actions.CycleWindows
import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops
import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook
import XMonad.Layout.Named
import XMonad.Layout.ToggleLayouts
import XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle
import XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle.Instances
import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile
import XMonad.Layout.MouseResizableTile
import XMonad.Layout.Simplest
import XMonad.Layout.SimplestFloat
import XMonad.Layout.Mosaic
import XMonad.Layout.MosaicAlt
import XMonad.Layout.Spacing
import XMonad.Layout.Grid
import XMonad.Layout.Accordion
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import XMonad.Layout.MosaicAlt
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified System.IO.UTF8
import XMonad.Layout.Spacing
import XMonad.Layout.Spiral
import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
import XMonad.Layout.TwoPane
import XMonad.Layout.PerWorkspace
import XMonad.Layout.WorkspaceDir
import XMonad.Layout.Magnifier
import XMonad.Layout.Reflect
import XMonad.Layout.Named
import XMonad.Prompt
import XMonad.Prompt.Shell
import XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutCombinators hiding ((|||))
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import Graphics.X11.ExtraTypes.XF86
import Data.List
import XMonad.Actions.WindowGo

myManageHook = composeAll
    [ className =? "Gimp" --> doFloat
    , className =? "Pidgin" --> doFloat
    , className =? "MPlayer" --> doFloat
    , className =? "Skype" --> doFloat
    , className =? "Arandr" --> doFloat
    , className =? "LibreOffice" --> doFloat
    , className =? "Lxappearance" --> doFloat
    , className =? "Xchat" --> doFloat
    , className =? "Oblogout" --> doFloat
    , className =? "Firefox" --> viewShift "2:Web"
    , className =? "Xmessage"  --> doFloat
    , className =? "File Operation Progress"   --> doFloat
    , className =? "Chromium" --> viewShift "4:Web"
    , className =? "Opera" --> viewShift "4:Web"
    , className =? "Skype" --> viewShift "3:Skype"
    , className =? "Thunar" --> viewShift "2:Home"
    , className =? "Gimp" --> viewShift "6:Gimp"
    , className =? "URxvt" --> viewShift "1:Term"
    , className =? "MPlayer" --> viewShift "8:Mov"
    , className =? "Trayer" --> doIgnore
    , isFullscreen --> doFullFloat
    , isDialog --> doFloat
    where viewShift = doF . liftM2 (.) W.greedyView W.shift

myLayoutHook = avoidStruts $ tiled ||| Mirror tiled ||| Full ||| Simplest ||| simplestFloat
      -- default tiling algorithm partitions the screen into two panes  
      tiled = spacing 10 $ Tall nmaster delta ratio  
      -- The default number of windows in the master pane  
      nmaster = 1  
      -- Default proportion of screen occupied by master pane  
      ratio = 2/3  
      -- Percent of screen to increment by when resizing panes  
      delta = 5/100

myWorkspaces = ["1:Term", "2:Home", "3:Skype", "4:Web", "5:Mp3", "6:Gimp", "7:Prog", "8:Mov", "9:Main"]

startup :: X ()
startup = do
          spawn "xfce4-power-manager"
          spawn "trayer --transparent true --alpha 255"
          --spawn "volumeicon"

main = do
    xmproc <- spawnPipe "xmobar"
    xmonad $ defaultConfig
                     { borderWidth        = 2
                     , normalBorderColor  = "#000000"
                     , focusedBorderColor = "#1793D1"
                     , workspaces         = myWorkspaces
                     , terminal           = "urxvt"
        { manageHook = manageDocks <+> myManageHook -- make sure to include myManageHook definition from above
                        <+> manageHook defaultConfig
        , layoutHook = myLayoutHook
        , startupHook = startup
        , logHook = dynamicLogWithPP $ xmobarPP
                        { ppOutput = hPutStrLn xmproc
                        , ppTitle = xmobarColor "#ffffff" "" . shorten 35
                        , ppCurrent = xmobarColor "#ffffff" "" . wrap "" ""
                        , ppUrgent = xmobarColor "#ffffff" "" . wrap "<" ">"
                        , ppLayout = xmobarColor "#1793D1" ""
                        , ppSep = xmobarColor "#ffffff" "" " : "
        , modMask = mod4Mask     -- Rebind Mod to the Windows key
        } `additionalKeys`
        [ ((controlMask, xK_Print), spawn "sleep 0.2; scrot -s")
        , ((0, xK_Print), spawn "scrot")
        , ((0, 0x1008ff11    ), spawn "amixer -q set Master 2dB-"                     )   -- XF86AudioLowerVolume: Lower audio volume
        , ((0, 0x1008ff12    ), spawn "amixer -q set Master toggle"                   )   -- XF86AudioMute: Mute audio
        , ((0, 0x1008ff13    ), spawn "amixer -q set Master 2dB+"                     )   -- XF86AudioRaiseVolume: Raise audio volume
        , ((mod4Mask                    , xK_t       ), spawn "urxvt -e rtorrent")
        , ((mod4Mask                    , xK_f       ), spawn "firefox")
        , ((mod4Mask                    , xK_F7      ), spawn "feh --auto-zoom --full-screen --hide-pointer --randomize --slideshow-delay 10 --title \"feh() | %n\" /home/dejan/MyGirl/*.jpg /home/dejan/MyGirl/*.png")
        , ((mod4Mask                    , xK_s       ), spawn "skype")
        , ((mod4Mask                    , xK_i       ), spawn "pidgin")
        , ((mod4Mask                    , xK_d       ), spawn "thunar")
        , ((mod4Mask                    , xK_a       ), spawn "chromium")
        , ((mod4Mask                    , xK_o       ), spawn "opera")
        , ((mod4Mask                    , xK_l       ), spawn "dmenu_run -b")
        , ((mod4Mask                    , xK_w       ), spawn "urxvt -e wicd-curses")
        , ((mod4Mask                    , xK_m       ), spawn "urxvt -e ncmpcpp")
        , ((mod4Mask                    , xK_v       ), spawn "urxvt -e alsamixer")
        , ((mod4Mask                    , xK_x       ), spawn "urxvt -e nano /home/dejan/.xmonad/xmonad.hs")
        , ((mod4Mask                    , xK_z       ), withFocused toggleBorder)
        , ((mod4Mask                    , xK_g       ), spawn "gimp")
        , ((mod4Mask                    , xK_F9      ), spawn "sudo reboot")
        , ((mod4Mask                    , xK_F10     ), spawn "sudo shutdown -h now")


And... here... we... go!


#2 2012-04-07 17:26:10

Registered: 2012-04-05
Posts: 1

Re: Xmonad and ncmpcpp question

Start it a named terminal - depending, and you'll be able to make a rule for it just like everything else. What terminal are you using?


#3 2012-04-07 17:30:25

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 29,615

Re: Xmonad and ncmpcpp question

You've already got the pieces there, just put them together

    , className =? "Ncmpcpp"    --> doFloat
    , className =? "Ncmpcpp"    --> viewShift "5:Mp3"

You'll have to check the classname of Ncmpcpp as I don't have it.  If it's a gui app then use `xprop | grep CLASS` then click on it's window.  If it is a terminal app, you'll have to launch it with the appropriate parameters to rename the terminal and replace "Ncmpcpp" with whatever name you chose to give that terminal.

"UNIX is simple and coherent..." - Dennis Ritchie, "GNU's Not UNIX" -  Richard Stallman


#4 2012-04-07 17:48:03

From: Македонија
Registered: 2010-08-25
Posts: 174

Re: Xmonad and ncmpcpp question

I'm new in xmonad and i still learn how to use this wm.I use urxvt as termnal and ncmpcpp is terminal app. Can you explain to me how to start ncmpcpp with named terminal and how to rename terminal?

And... here... we... go!


#5 2012-04-08 01:35:02

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 29,615

Re: Xmonad and ncmpcpp question

grobar, I realized after the fact I'm not even sure there is an easy way to set the classname of a terminal window.  However it is *very* easy to set the title or application name.  Xmonad can use either of these in place of the classname:

    ,  title =? "my ncmpcpp window"    --> doFloat

or you could make your own property (not yet tested in xmonad):

    , stringProperty "MY_CUSTOM_PROPERTY" =?  "Ncmpcpp"  --> doFloat

These can then be set when the program in launched with urxvt's -name option for the title, or after the terminal is opened by using xprop's "-set MY_CUSTOM_PROPERTY "Ncmpcpp".

See the Xmonad page for more information on the manageHook matching abilities.

Last edited by Trilby (2012-04-08 01:36:08)

"UNIX is simple and coherent..." - Dennis Ritchie, "GNU's Not UNIX" -  Richard Stallman


#6 2012-04-08 13:13:27

#archlinux@freenode channel op
From: The intertubes
Registered: 2004-11-07
Posts: 4,092

Re: Xmonad and ncmpcpp question

see the name flag for urxvt, it is a nice way to identify which window contains what.

Evil channel op and general support dude.
. files on github, Screenshots, Random pics and the rest


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