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Hi dibble,
my apologies, I focused on anew package and forgot to call the
post_install message on post_upgrade. Here is a fixed .install file.
Sorry for inconvenience.
moreover I gave the worng filename to the compiler, fixed in script beneath
# arg 1: the new package version
post_install() {
echo -n "compiling terminfo file... "
/usr/bin/tic /usr/share/terminfo/r/rxvt-unicode
echo "done."
cat << 'EOM'
--> urxvt is a 88 color terminal, to achieve that you have to set your $TERM
--> export TERM=rxvt-unicode
--> Some ncurses application and editors like are capable of diplaying more
--> than 8 dark + 8 light(bolded) colors. To honour rxvt's capabilities you
--> have to mess with the respective applications' configuration then.
post_upgrade() {
post_install $1
$op $*
# vim: ft=sh
LOL - I should have thought of that :oops:
neri said:
Anybody else has some more issues? If not I'll put this to extra next week.
It has so many votes.
Cool... thanks for your work on this. Oh, and I did vote for it... 8)
Still playing around with this and found that the following seems to allow rxvt-unicode to work properly if placed in .Xdefaults:
urxvt*termName: rxvt-color
edit: hmm... maybe not, will report back later...
neri: any word on this? I didn't update the community package because you were going to move it to extra...
would love to know when I can use pacman to grab a problem-free version of this.
Your discussion has made me want to try it.
there is one in my repo - click teh link below for instructions on how to access it
neri: any word on this? I didn't update the community package because you were going to move it to extra...
my turn now, I know, it will happen this week, promised.
Still playing around with this and found that the following seems to allow rxvt-unicode to work properly if placed in .Xdefaults:
urxvt*termName: rxvt-color
edit: hmm... maybe not, will report back later...
I played with putting it to $TERM and it worked as expected, also the things
I do in mlterm still worked nicely ecept mutt, this becomes completely b/w
So I tried your approch by exporting either mlterm(i have an mlterm
terminfo, which will part if the next version) or xterm-color to $TERM and
URxvt*termName: rxvt-unicode to .Xdefault. This worked closely to the
way I expected it to work. All my terms work now with nice colors - urxvt
with even 88 colors.
just one thing is important, if TERM!=rxvt-unicode, vim doesn't set &t_Co
automatically to 88 and sticks with 8 instead! You guess it, that sucks. But
on condition $COLORTERM=rxvt-xpm, which is exported by urxvt
automatically, you can redifine set t_Co=88 and every thing is fine. Watch
the "vim in terminal" thread for more details.
urxvt is supposed to have other than - /me vomits - rxvt scrollbars. They
are even compiled but I never got one of them (plain,next,xterm) displayed :shock:
urxvt is supposed to have other than - /me vomits - rxvt scrollbars. They
are even compiled but I never got one of them (plain,next,xterm) displayed :shock:-neri
All the different scrollbars worked for me through .Xdefaults:
Just replace "plain" with the type you want. I like the plain because it's really minimal.
I think there's 2 man pages, too BTW - I'm not at my arch box, but I seem to recall .1 and .7 - so maybe it's in the other one...
Ok I've updated the one in community, it's mostly like the pkgbuild here with the exception of that menus section and some post_install echo is a bit different.
Neri will be taking over and it should appear in [extra] when he has time.
The suggestion box only accepts patches.
Note to self:
urxvt*scrollSytle != urxvt*scrollStyle
just to find out that it desn't work either.
but "scrollstyle" is case sensitive while Urxvt* isn't ... yuck
anyway thanks, copy and paste did the trick
As I'm writing that, urxvt has been moved. Just wanted to say thanks to all
contributers and that I like this way of moving an application from
aur->extra. It improves packages, it makes all people learning a bit and
finally it's just fun. It's not like rushing in stuff but maturing down things.
Thanks, neri... it seems to be working fine so far. Will report back here with any problems. 8)
As I'm writing that, urxvt has been moved. Just wanted to say thanks to all
contributers and that I like this way of moving an application from
aur->extra. It improves packages, it makes all people learning a bit and
finally it's just fun. It's not like rushing in stuff but maturing down things.-neri
I agree - now... I wonder if there's anything actually in place to remove the package from the AUR... heh
Dumb question ... but
Can anyone reproduce/report X crashes with urxvt when opening stuff containing non standard encodings such as spam im mutt. It stopps when I remove a couple of my fonts
pretty much exactly like that. I think I can track it down to some ttf fonts.
At least it happens when I have ttf-ms-fonts installed and some of my own
fonts. The Bitstream and Luxi fonts coming with X doesn't create the crash.
It might be either a misencoding in the fonts or some trouble in urxvt calling
freetype maybe.
PS: phrakture, when you are on that ML, can you post it, I don't feel like
joining the 2876th ML tonight , thanks
show me yours I show you mine
I hacked a stupid!(could someone please eliminate that second loop and
combine the functionality in the first one) script to check the 88 colors that
can be shown in urxvt. … rstest.vim
what does it looks like here?
...featuring this .Xdefaults
I figure the that the dark colors (1-8) can only be displayed normal. The
moment you force the bold, they are shown in the 9-16 range :shock:
I read somewhere in the manpage or elswhere that the colors >16 can be
manipulated by some printf '33];code;%s07' magic, yet I dunno the
code numbers. Anyone?