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As per request from Unia, I have added a new option "--use-dhclient" which allows to use "dhclient" instead of "dhchpcd" in generated profiles (it just adds USE_DHCLIENT="yes" to the profiles). I hope it will be useful. This option is available in the latest github version:
I hope it will be released as new 1.2 version in Arch packages soon.
With best regards,
Ivan N. Veselov.
Thank you very much!
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres
A lot of thanks from me as well. I just discovered this little gem and it is worth every penne. Wait...
From you'll see that wifi-select is still working better for me than the new tool wifi-menu which comes with netcfg!
(Seems that iwlist is a happier way of scanning for networks than using wpa supplicant.)
Last edited by ninian (2012-05-13 20:21:14)
I think I found a bug!
If you connect to a network that has a special character (such as "$") in the name or password, it will fail to connect because wifi-select uses full quotes " instead of apostraphes ' in the generated network.d/ configuration file which causes netcfg to try to INTERPRET the value instead of simply reading. Changing the "s to 's should fix the problem
Ex: currently the password field will be
password = "my$superpassword"
which will make it think that $mysuperpassword is a variable (which is blank) and cause the password to become "my"
It *should* be
password = 'my$superpassword'
This way the password is not interpreted but simply read.
The password field is currently and issue for me, but the other fields use the same system and are thus also susceptible to this problem.
Also note: the 's should be escaped (as they are a 100% legal password character).
I am running:
netcfg 2.8.2-1
wifi-select 1.2-1
Steps to reproduce:
Connect to any wifi network where the ESSID or password contain a special "sh" or "bash" character (", ', $, etc) that are interpreted within quotes.
Hello, could you possible remove the dependency on initscripts for us people who are using systemd?
This does not seem to come from wifi-select:
Dependencies: dialog netcfg
The version in the official repo depends on initscript. … ifi-select
I'm puzzled:
$ pacman -Si wifi-select | grep Depends
Depends On : netcfg dialog wireless_tools
Netcfg now includes wifi-menu which has the same functionality as wifi-select.
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)
Woah, I had no idea wifi-menu was even there! Gonna try using that now