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I noticed that if I mute my audio, and then un-mute it, I can't get sound back, even tho the mixer shows sound un-muted and maxed. How do I fix this?
For mute, I am using my Microsoft Keyboard's "mute" button. For unmute, I am also using the keyboard shortcut. However, when that fails, I used `xfce4-mixer` to try to unmute. It says its unmuted but theres still no sound. I worked around this by running `alsamixer` and unmuting manually, which works. But why isit that neither keyboard shortcut nor `xfce4-mixer` fails to work. Worse, `xfce4-mixer` appears to be showing the wrong information, that the channel (master) is unmuted but in `alsamixer`, its muted.
Last edited by jiewmeng (2012-04-22 01:08:02)
Computer Science Student, Web Developer
Aka provide more info! How are you muting/unmuting, what "mixer" are you using,...?
@Gcool, I updated my post
Computer Science Student, Web Developer
Have a look at this. Another option is to assign "amixer set Master toggle" to your mute button (also documented on the same wikipage) to mute/unmute the master channel directly.
Ok, I saw that `gstreamer0.10-base-plugins`, was installed and installed `gstreamer0.10-good-plugins`. I thought it was not a good idea to install the "bad" plugins. So I tried the keyboard shortcut method. However, it appears to work only one way, mute but I can't unmute. But on 2nd thought, I wonder if its even taking effect? That was the behaviour from before. How do I ensure my mute keyboard button actually run `amixer set Master toggle`? That works in the terminal 2 ways, mute & unmute.
Computer Science Student, Web Developer
Ok I tried again ... set keyboard shortcut to `/usr/bin/amixer set Master toggle` and worked ...
Computer Science Student, Web Developer
Maybe I am too much of a newb, but I am having the same problem. I am Using xfce4 and Alsa. The keyboard shortcuts for volume up and down work out of the box. The mute key works. When i un-mute it shows in the xfce notification area that it is-unmuted however sound fails to work.
opening alsa from CLI shows all volumes up. xfce mixer shoes unmuted all volumes up. still no actual sound
I would like unmute to actually unmute.