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The problem is the pattern originally given, which was 1920x1080. Heres some 1920x1200 versions:
For future use, heres the pattern except in a 1920x1200 resolution: … esized.png
I'm very sorry for bumping such an old thread, but I really find something to fix and it's more appropriate to reply than to open a new thread. I recently found and was amazed by the swahili wallpapers. However, after close observation I found there are two subtle flaws with this wallpaper:
1. There are two obviously tainted (in a dark gray that is isconsistent with the pattern) spots in the ">" section of the haskell logo.
2. The pattern is discontinued on the margin of the haskell logo.
So I made another version of this wallpaper, and fixed the two flaws. I did my best to replicate the geometric and chromatic parameters of the version by the original author, and I think this version can be a drop-in replacement to the original version. Currently I have only made a pink 1920x1200 version because of my screen size and my aethestic standard, and please feel free to ask for other versions.
Last edited by CasperVector (2012-04-15 12:40:22)
Using GPG/PGP? Please get my current public key (ID: 0xAEF6A134, valid from 2010 to 2013) from a key server.
Thumbnail of my version:
An improved (from my perspective) version:
Two modifications were made in the improved version:
1. The contrast of the background was weakened in order to make the wallpaper less distracting, and also to emphasise the haskell logo.
2. The black part in the haskell logo was furtherly blackened to make the logo consistently contrasted to the background.
Using GPG/PGP? Please get my current public key (ID: 0xAEF6A134, valid from 2010 to 2013) from a key server.