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#26 2012-02-27 03:59:46

Registered: 2011-04-12
Posts: 630

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

Nice to see you got it sorted out wink

And not this matters (at this point), but as far as loading vmware modules (or any kernel module) individually ~ It is really simple;

sudo modprobe *modulename*

As far as Vmware module names, they are as follows; vmci, vmnet, vmmon, vsock, vmblock

there have been a few occasions, in the past, where i have loaded them manually as part of trouble-shooting issues.



#27 2012-04-18 17:55:08

Registered: 2010-03-16
Posts: 1,542

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

VMware worked fine, but it now stopped and I have the heave's problem, except his solution doesn't work for me. Here's the problem:

$ sudo rc.d start vmware
Starting VMware services:
   Virtual machine monitor                                            failed
   Virtual machine communication interface                            failed
   VM communication interface socket family                           failed
   Blocking file system                                                done
   Virtual ethernet                                                   failed
   VMware Authentication Daemon                                        done


$ sudo modprobe vmmon
ERROR: could not insert 'vmmon': Exec format error

Last edited by Lockheed (2012-04-18 18:07:56)


#28 2012-05-07 10:31:33

Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 32

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

Lockheed wrote:

VMware worked fine, but it now stopped and I have the heave's problem, except his solution doesn't work for me. Here's the problem:

$ sudo rc.d start vmware
Starting VMware services:
   Virtual machine monitor                                            failed
   Virtual machine communication interface                            failed
   VM communication interface socket family                           failed
   Blocking file system                                                done
   Virtual ethernet                                                   failed
   VMware Authentication Daemon                                        done


$ sudo modprobe vmmon
ERROR: could not insert 'vmmon': Exec format error

I had just the same issue (see my latest comment on previous page). And now also just updated wmvare to 8.0.3 and problem happens again.
This is what I did:

1: Downloaded this patch: … 320.tar.gz

2: Opened in text editor and updated vmware version from 8.0.2 to 8.0.3


sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/vmware /etc/rc.d/
sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/vmware-workstation-server /etc/rc.d/


$ sudo /etc/rc.d/vmware start
Starting VMware services:
   Virtual machine monitor                                            failed
   Virtual machine communication interface                            failed
   VM communication interface socket family                           failed
   Blocking file system                                                done
   Virtual ethernet                                                   failed
   VMware Authentication Daemon                                        done


sudo perl -p -i -e 's|/sbin/(?!modprobe)|/usr/bin/|g' /etc/rc.d/vmware
sudo sed -i "s|/sbin/|/usr/bin/|g" /usr/bin/vmware
sudo sed -i "s|/sbin/|/usr/bin/|g" /usr/bin/vmplayer


$ sudo /etc/rc.d/vmware start                                           
Starting VMware services:
   Virtual machine monitor                                             done
   Virtual machine communication interface                             done
   VM communication interface socket family                            done
   Blocking file system                                                done
   Virtual ethernet                                                    done
   VMware Authentication Daemon                                        done
   Shared Memory Available 


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