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This one is entirely my fault.
I want to swap my main desktop from i686 to x86_64 using this guide: Migrating Between Architectures Without Reinstalling.
After performing several steps, I changed my mind and tried to revert. Obviously that didn't work as Udev in the ram disk now can't find
Here is the relevant pacman.log:
This is what I did:
I followed method 2
At the top of the article it mentions installing some fallback packages so I tried to
pacman -S busybox lib32-glibc
but realised lib32-glibc was not available so just installed busybox. I realise I would have been instructed to do this later anyway.
I ran
pacman -Sw $(comm -23 <(pacman -Qq) <(pacman -Qmq))
I removed hdup (probably irrelevant)
I edit pacman to use x86_64 and ran
pacman -Syy
That was slow so I resorted my mirrors and ran it again (line 20-21 in pastebin)
I then ran
pacman -Sw $(comm <(pacman -Qq|sed '/^lib32-/ d'|sort) <(pacman -Qqm|sort) -23)
to get all the x86_64 packages
That was slow so I resorted my mirrors (again) and ran it again (line 23 in pastebin)
Installed 64 bit kernel
Tried to install lib32-glibc again but did not have [multilib] enabled in pacman.conf (line 57 - 61)
Forced install of lib32-glibc (line 64)
This is where I changed my mind - I realised my system needed a lot of updates before it was stable enough for the switch (I added the note on the wiki about that)
I edited pacman to use i686 and ran
pacman -Syy
(line 65)
pacman -Syu
to see extent of needed upgrades but cancelled it
Reinstalled the the i686 kernel (71 - 103)
Wasn't sure if it was supposed to be i686 or auto in pacman.conf so I edited pacman to use auto and ran
pacman -Syy
(line 104)
Started and aborted full system upgrade before any installation
Removed rhythmbox (line 108 - 137)
Removed avidemux (line 138 - 145)
Started and aborted full system upgrade before any installation (line 145)
Started and full system upgrade (line 150 - 365)
My first thought when I couldn't boot was I had left lib32-glibc installed.
My main concern is that swapping the Arch from i686 to auto at step 6 has installed a bunch of x86_64 packages into an i686 environment. However, since I never booted into the x86_64 kernel, I dunno how that could happen.
Anything from line 367 is me trying to fix the system in various chroots. However, I had lots of problems in the chroot and I think this has probably done more harm than good.
I tried to remove lib32-glibc and that seemed to work but reinstalling pacman -S glibc always gave errors.
To start off I was chrooting in from an x86_64 install and that worked fine - then I started getting the /bin/bash not found. So I tried to chroot in from an i686 install USB and got the same thing.
It's a mess.
Last edited by dtw (2012-05-06 10:06:38)
On the plus side - I do have all the glibc packages I could possibly need in my cache!
I fixed it.
I couldn't chroot anymore because, during my 2am fumblings, I somehow managed to install an x86_64 version of glibc. I fixed that in 32 bit Live Env.
Once I could chroot in I ran the glibc post_upgrade script and rebuilt the init ram disk. That's fixed it.
It also seems that even though I used pacman -Syy to force downloads of the dbases each time I changed Architecture in pacman, the system was still pointing at the x86_64 pkgs.
Just a note for any foolhardy adventurers - it's much simpler to fix a system from with an Arch Live env of the same Arch as the one you're trying to fix.
Just another quick tip. Running the following really saved me some time:
find /var/lib/pacman/local -type f -name desc -exec grep x86_64 {} \;
That allayed my suspicions I had totally borked it!
Last edited by dtw (2012-05-06 10:08:24)