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I manually created it. Used gimp to changed the original icon's color to match the yellow in "awesome" on the wallpaper and then set every other category to the standard icon and my yellow icon. I can post the section of my rc.lua and/or the icon when I get home from work if you want to see.
New to Awesome but I'm lovin it. My desktop is pretty much standard Zenburn but I will show it bc there are a few changes.
I had a couple quick questions that I thought might be able to be answered here rather than starting a new topic. I tried looking back through the thread but I didn't make it through all 30 pages so they may have been answered before (Sorry if they were).
1. Is there a way to get the pacman updates widget to show the updates available without manually doing a pacman -Syy?
2. Does anyone got a good way to add Reboot and Shutdown entries to the menu that won't require a password? I tried a few ideas but the only way I could get it to work is to use "gksu".
Sorry for the long post. Thanks for all the info everyone has posted on this thread. I think I got more help from here than the wiki when transitioning to Awesome
1. I use a cron job that does pacman -Sy hourly. When I do actually upgrade I always use pacman -Syyu, as I've read of issues with this method (Don't fully grasp the issues, if anyone wants to chime in, I'm all ears.)
Edit: For 1. this is the exact script I use in cron. … 95#p566995
2. … o_Shutdown I modified mine to use /bin/poweroff instead of shutdown.
Last edited by doug piston (2012-05-02 13:57:47)
is there a way to show 0 instead of 3? Maybe messing with wc. cut and sed commands...
Switch from "Arch" to "Arch S" package manager.
You need to install an RTFM interface.
Thanks for the info @doug piston! I now realize how dumb of a question #2 was. This is just the first time I've used a DE/WM that didn't have restart/shutdown set up in advance.
@donniezazen: I'm not sure what part of the menu you were asking about but here is the pertinent part of my rc.lua.
-- Create a laucher widget and a main menu
myawesomemenu = {
{ "manual", terminal .. " -e man awesome" },
{ "edit config", "geany /home/boswbr25/.config/awesome/rc.lua" },
{ "restart awesome", awesome.restart },
{ "logout", awesome.quit },
{ "reboot", "sudo reboot" },
{ "shutdown", "sudo shutdown -h now" }
mysystem = {
{ "Terminal", terminal, "/usr/share/icons/Faenza/apps/96/terminal.png"},
{ "Geany", "geany", "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/geany.png"},
{ "File Manager", "thunar", "/usr/share/icons/Faenza/apps/96/thunar.png"},
{ "Firewall", "gufw", "/home/boswbr25/builds/gufw/pkg/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gufw.png" }
myinternet = {
{ "Chrome", "google-chrome", "/usr/share/icons/Faenza/apps/96/google-chrome.png"},
{ "Chrome Private", "google-chrome -incognito", "/usr/share/icons/Faenza/apps/96/google-chrome.png"},
{ "Postler", "postler", "/usr/share/icons/Faenza/apps/96/evolution.png"},
{ "Transmission", "transmission-gtk", "/usr/share/icons/Faenza/apps/96/transmission.png"},
{ "Pidgin", "pidgin", "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/pidgin.png"},
{ "TeamViewer", "teamviewer7", "/home/boswbr25/builds/teamviewer/pkg/opt/teamviewer/teamviewer/7/desktop/teamviewer.png" }
myoffice = {
{ "AbiWord", "abiword", "/usr/share/icons/Faenza/mimetypes/96/application-msword.png"},
{ "Gnumeric", "gnumeric", "/usr/share/icons/Faenza/mimetypes/96/"},
{ "ePDFViewer", "epdfviewer", "/usr/share/icons/Faenza/mimetypes/96/application-pdf.png" }
mymultimedia = {
{ "Spotify", "spotify", "/usr/share/icons/Faenza/apps/96/spotify.png" },
{ "Goggles MM", "gogglesmm", "/usr/share/icons/Faenza/apps/96/rhythmbox.png"},
{ "VLC", "vlc", "/usr/share/icons/Faenza/apps/96/vlc.png" },
{ "Xfburn", "xfburn", "/usr/share/icons/Faenza/apps/96/xfburn.png" }
mygraphics = {
{ "Gimp", "gimp", "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/gimp.png"}
mygames = {
{ "Djl", "djl", "/usr/share/icons/Faenza/categories/96/applications-games.png" }
mymainmenu ={ items = {
{ "awesome", myawesomemenu, beautiful.awesome_icon },
{ "System", mysystem, "/home/boswbr25/gimp/awesome-icon2.png" },
{ "Internet", myinternet, beautiful.awesome_icon },
{ "Office", myoffice, "/home/boswbr25/gimp/awesome-icon2.png" },
{ "Multimedia", mymultimedia, beautiful.awesome_icon },
{ "Graphics", mygraphics, "/home/boswbr25/gimp/awesome-icon2.png" },
{ "Games", mygames, beautiful.awesome_icon }
New to Awesome but I'm lovin it. My desktop is pretty much standard Zenburn but I will show it bc there are a few changes.
I had a couple quick questions that I thought might be able to be answered here rather than starting a new topic. I tried looking back through the thread but I didn't make it through all 30 pages so they may have been answered before (Sorry if they were).
1. Is there a way to get the pacman updates widget to show the updates available without manually doing a pacman -Syy?
2. Does anyone got a good way to add Reboot and Shutdown entries to the menu that won't require a password? I tried a few ideas but the only way I could get it to work is to use "gksu".
Sorry for the long post. Thanks for all the info everyone has posted on this thread. I think I got more help from here than the wiki when transitioning to Awesome
2: Look about Use dbus for power operations section in
when lying on couch or bed and just surfing on my laptop, it disturbed me to close/maximize windows using hotkeys. so i created a little taskbar mod, which shows on rightclick at tasklist a popup with close, maximize and swaptomaster function, as you do know from any other windowmanagers. the orignal popup with the overview of all clients was pointless to me, since i use revelation for overview!
the result is:
here is the code, if your interested:
@rc.lua: overwrite the existing rightclick function with this:
awful.button({ }, 3, function (c)
client.focus = c
instance ={ width=100 })
add this line to the head of the file.
local awfulclient = require("awful.client")
and overwrite the existing clients(menu, args) function with this:
function clients(menu, args)
if not menu then
menu = {}
c = capi.client.focus
local mynav = { }
mynav[3] = { " close", function () c:kill() end, "/home/intrntbrn/icons/client/close.png" }
mynav[2] = { " maximize", function () c.maximized_horizontal = not c.maximized_horizontal c.maximized_vertical = not c.maximized_vertical end, "/home/intrntbrn/icons/client/maximize.png" }
mynav[1] = { " to master", function () c:swap(awfulclient.getmaster(1)) end, "/home/intrntbrn/icons/client/tomaster.png" }
menu.items = mynav
local m = new(menu)
return m
Nice one, but it's useless for me because i minimiza windows by left-click and close them by right click...with middle click i maximize them
Just installed and played around with Awesome WM yesterday. I can say this WM is really good
Anyone know what i should put into rc,lua code so i can assign key like Printscreen and Fn on my laptop?
Anyway, here is my box right now. Made it using the git version, the documentation is barely there. So this is my best that i can do that time, lol
Last edited by whiterock (2012-05-04 07:29:28)
@whiterock This is what I have in my rc.lua to assign Print key. I use stable version but I don't remember seeing anything about changes to keybindings when I read the "3.4 to git" wiki.
awful.key({ }, "Print", function () awful.util.spawn("scrot -e 'mv $f ~/screenshots/ 2>/dev/null'") end),
@whiterock This is what I have in my rc.lua to assign Print key. I use stable version but I don't remember seeing anything about changes to keybindings when I read the "3.4 to git" wiki.
awful.key({ }, "Print", function () awful.util.spawn("scrot -e 'mv $f ~/screenshots/ 2>/dev/null'") end),
Perfect! Worked like a charm
Another question, is it possible to skin the wibox i.e. the toolbar at the top (or bottom)
I've got something in mind, but still not really sure about how to implement it
Thanks for the assistance
Last edited by whiterock (2012-05-04 12:14:36)
I haven't done it myself but you'll want to check out this page on "Themeing with Beautiful" on the awesome wiki. It looks like you could accomplish that with the settings explained in the "Custom Variables" section.
Good Luck !
You may also want to have a look at the luadoc for the git version, in /usr/share/doc/awesome/luadoc. Some of the highlights for wibox skinning include set_bg and set_fg taking cairo patterns, and some of the gears.color stuff that lets you create cairo patterns, including from png images.
I haven't done it myself but you'll want to check out this page on "Themeing with Beautiful" on the awesome wiki. It looks like you could accomplish that with the settings explained in the "Custom Variables" section.
Good Luck
You may also want to have a look at the luadoc for the git version, in /usr/share/doc/awesome/luadoc. Some of the highlights for wibox skinning include set_bg and set_fg taking cairo patterns, and some of the gears.color stuff that lets you create cairo patterns, including from png images.
After lurking for a while, i got the setup that i wanted. Here you go
After lurking for a while, i got the setup that i wanted. Here you go
Mind sharing your config?
@SolarBoyMatt: mind sharing your awesome icon and layout icons? It looks great
@SolarBoyMatt: mind sharing your awesome icon and layout icons? It looks great
Thanks! All I did was recolor the icons from the Zenburn theme.
They were also on my github page in my signature, but this way's more convenient.
Last edited by SolarBoyMatt (2012-05-07 13:38:16)
Cross post from May 2012 Screenshots thread..
Hey everyone, I am new to these forums, Arch Linux, and using any sort of a WM still working on my configuration, layout, colors, etc. But I am at a point where I can atleast post some screens.
(Heavy inspiration from Vargs 'moss' theme for awesome)
whiterock wrote:After lurking for a while, i got the setup that i wanted. Here you go
Mind sharing your config?
Just check out my github, it is in my signature
Back to Awesome after a months-long absence. A work in progess for now...
Is there a way to truly center my clock widget in the top panel, so it's stuck in a fixed position? I've tried
awful.widget.layout.margins[clock.widget] = { left = [integer] }
but that just breaks my config. Does this only work with images and bars? For now I'm just using a textbox as a spacer, which obviously doesn't really work.
EDIT: "awful.widget.layout.horizontal" doesn't seem to work either.
Last edited by ANOKNUSA (2012-05-08 15:10:59)
new background found @ may thread:
removed floating icon and added a tasklist mod which displays the client state (floating, minimized, ontop, sticky):
new background found @ may thread:
removed floating icon and added a tasklist mod which displays the client state (floating, minimized, ontop, sticky):
Is that music widget clickable?