You are not logged in.
I just upgraded slim, and i notice that i cannot suspend, shutdown and reboot anymore.
And to mount usb drive, i am asked for my password.
After the upgrade i changed /etc/slim.conf,pacnew to suit my needs and then sudo mv /etc/slim.conf.pacnew /etc/slim.conf .
My .xinitrc is the same, so, where is the problem?
here there are my slim.conf:
# Path, X server and arguments (if needed)
# Note: -xauth $authfile is automatically appended
default_path /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
default_xserver /usr/bin/X
xserver_arguments -nolisten tcp vt07
# Commands for halt, login, etc.
halt_cmd /sbin/shutdown -h now
reboot_cmd /sbin/shutdown -r now
console_cmd /usr/bin/xterm -C -fg white -bg black +sb -T "Console login" -e /bin/sh -c "/bin/cat /etc/issue; exec /bin/login"
#suspend_cmd /usr/sbin/suspend
# Full path to the xauth binary
xauth_path /usr/bin/xauth
# Xauth file for server
authfile /var/run/slim.auth
# Activate numlock when slim starts. Valid values: on|off
# numlock on
# Hide the mouse cursor (note: does not work with some WMs).
# Valid values: true|false
# hidecursor false
# This command is executed after a succesful login.
# you can place the %session and %theme variables
# to handle launching of specific commands in .xinitrc
# depending of chosen session and slim theme
# NOTE: if your system does not have bash you need
# to adjust the command according to your preferred shell,
# i.e. for freebsd use:
# login_cmd exec /bin/sh - ~/.xinitrc %session
login_cmd exec /bin/bash -login ~/.xinitrc %session
# Commands executed when starting and exiting a session.
# They can be used for registering a X11 session with
# sessreg. You can use the %user variable
# sessionstart_cmd some command
# sessionstop_cmd some command
# Start in daemon mode. Valid values: yes | no
# Note that this can be overriden by the command line
# options "-d" and "-nodaemon"
# daemon yes
# Available sessions (first one is the default).
# The current chosen session name is replaced in the login_cmd
# above, so your login command can handle different sessions.
# see the xinitrc.sample file shipped with slim sources
sessions xfce4,icewm-session,wmaker,blackbox
# Executed when pressing F11 (requires imagemagick)
screenshot_cmd import -window root /slim.png
# welcome message. Available variables: %host, %domain
welcome_msg Welcome to %host
# Session message. Prepended to the session name when pressing F1
# session_msg Session:
# shutdown / reboot messages
shutdown_msg The system is halting...
reboot_msg The system is rebooting...
# default user, leave blank or remove this line
# for avoid pre-loading the username.
default_user federico
# Focus the password field on start when default_user is set
# Set to "yes" to enable this feature
#focus_password no
# Automatically login the default user (without entering
# the password. Set to "yes" to enable this feature
auto_login yes
# current theme, use comma separated list to specify a set to
# randomly choose from
current_theme default
# Lock file
lockfile /var/lock/slim.lock
# Log file
logfile /var/log/slim.log
and my .xinitrc:
export BROWSER=chromium
export DE=xfce
exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch startxfce4
Last edited by nierro (2012-05-08 18:42:44)
Maybe the problem is that shutdown and suspend are not in your default path. Try adding /sbin and /usr/sbin to your default path in slim.conf. If that doesn't help it's probably a problem with consolekit.
Last edited by Terminator (2012-05-08 16:46:10)
Yeah now that you make me notice it, there was a little differences between that new line and the old one, but i tought it was something not used anymore, so i left the new one! I'll try, thanks
From later in this thread:
Ok, do:
There were two sessions for myself. So, the new slim is starting your exec line already with a console kit session. This is new behavior. It didn't before.
So, I modified my exec line to remove "ck-launch-session" in .xinitrc to:
exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session startxfce4
Reverted the changes I made to the shutdown/restart policy and rebooted. Shutdown, restart, mounting USB drive: they all work again now.
Edit: from even later on in this thread, just:
exec startxfce4
As your .xinitrc exec line should be sufficient for practically anyone. "startxfce4" does the dbus-launch itself.
Original post here:
Changed in my /etc/slim.conf:
default_path /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin
Same issue, in Action buttons Shutdown and Restart grayed out.
in .xinitrc, launch line:
exec ck-launch-session startxfce4
Launch line was:
exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch --exit-with-session startxfce4
But, same issue with that launch line. Was googling and I found results saying dbus-launch is contained within startxfce4.
Last edited by headkase (2012-05-09 02:23:48)
Yeah, adding /sbin and /usr/sbin doesn't fix the issue!
I just checked and path are correct (/sbin/shutdown and the others are ok), so i don't know, any help is really appreciate!
Last edited by nierro (2012-05-08 17:03:33)
it is an error related to consolekit, cecause if i close my netbook, i expect it to suspend, but when i open the lid again, xfce-power-manager tells me i'm not authorized and it won't suspend.
Ok, here's a "hackish" way to re-enable Shutdown and Restart. I don't use suspend or hibernate so you may have to do similar instructions for those.
Edit the following sections:
<action id="org.freedesktop.consolekit.system.stop">
so it's allow inactive member says:
<action id="org.freedesktop.consolekit.system.restart">
so it's allow inactive member says:
And this will enable shutdown and restart, look for other sections that may apply to you.
The question is however: why is my session suddenly "inactive" whereas before it was "active"?
Edit: logout and back in to take effect.
Last edited by headkase (2012-05-08 17:38:39)
Ok this is a workaround, but sorry for the question, i did not understand why this problem has came out. I could not find a changelog for new slim, but i want to know what changed!
Thank you anyway for the solution!
Yeah i know understand what do you mean...
for suspend and hibernation i must edit org.freedesktop.upower.policy, the same way as above.
But why current logged in user is inactive????
Thank you anyway for the solution!
You're welcome, it works but like yourself I'm waiting for a better explanation/solution. But, yeah, works for interim.
What version of slim is it really? svn version 1.3.3 has new support for console-kit and works fine here.
What version of slim is it really? svn version 1.3.3 has new support for console-kit and works fine here.
I get:
$ pacman -Ss slim
extra/slim 1.3.3-2 [installed]
Desktop-independent graphical login manager for X11
It was just updated and pacman -Syu brought it in for myself.
I have the same version 1.3.3-2 and have the same issue. I cannot suspend, restart
consolekit 0.4.6-3 is installed
Last edited by EasySly (2012-05-08 18:01:04)
can you please link us the changelog? i could not find it!
svn version 1.3.3 has new support for console-kit and works fine here.
This would explain everything but why it is working for you and not for us
can you check #7 and give a look to that file, and tell us if allow inactive is set to "yes" or "no"?
EDIT: found it : … e_id=18914
Last edited by nierro (2012-05-08 18:05:43)
Easysly look at post #7 and next to read a workaround!
The problem goes deeper too: I'm trying to mount a USB stick. Not authorized whereas before it worked fine. I'm not going to go in and edit the two udisks policies, instead I'm going to hope a "console kit" solution itself gets presented here.
yes, this is what i'm thinking.
I'm going to rollback those files and wait.
Slim source; … e_id=18914
I'm using a self compiled svn version. Revision log:
Can you please have a look at /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.consolekit.policy and tell us what's your "allow_inactive" value? Thanks!
Uhm another release of slim, may be this problem get fixed?
EDIT: not fixed
Last edited by nierro (2012-05-08 18:40:27)
Ok, do:
There were two sessions for myself. So, the new slim is starting your exec line already with a console kit session. This is new behavior. It didn't before.
So, I modified my exec line to remove "ck-launch-session" in .xinitrc to:
exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session startxfce4
Reverted the changes I made to the shutdown/restart policy and rebooted. Shutdown, restart, mounting USB drive: they all work again now.
Last edited by headkase (2012-05-09 00:53:09)
You're my hero!
Thanks a lot!
You're welcome! I think I leveled-up..
I also have two sessions.
My .xinitrc has already had a simple "exec startxfce4", there was no ck-launch-session in it before, so I cannot apply your fix unfortunately.
My slim.conf "login_cmd": exec ck-launch-session /bin/bash -login ~/.xinitrc %session