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#1 2005-08-23 07:48:31

Gullible Jones
Registered: 2004-12-29
Posts: 4,863

GrSecurity kernel?

Just wondering... wouldn't it be a good idea to have a GrSecurity kernel in the Current repo? If Arch Linux is to be used on servers, networks, etc., I would think it would be prudent to use such a kernel patchset to prevent certain software exploits.

(That said, it might not be good to make the default kernel a GrSecurity one - I've heard that PaX has a slight impact on performance...)


#2 2005-08-29 09:55:49

Registered: 2004-04-01
Posts: 57

Re: GrSecurity kernel?

If you want to deploy gresecurity and need to configure PaX, you probably also know how to recompile your kernel with the grsecurity modules. I think for most users this is absolutely not interesting, might be a fun project for an AUR smile

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