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n1x4 wrote:Crosspost from XFCE thread....
Usually use dwm but got in a mood to play with other WMs/DEs today.. XFCE it is. Must confess, I like it. Sure beats the hell out of Gnome imo..... Anyway, here's a fresh install with just a few 'tweaks'.. Needs more work so if anyone has ANY idea, please let me
Meh... interesting wallpaper
can you share it?
Seems like i am not the only one who took interest in this wallpaper
Some tineye and google sessions later: original unmodified/uncolored [WARNING: Link is NSFW]
Last edited by ddaedalus (2012-05-10 21:16:47)
n1x4 wrote:Crosspost from XFCE thread....
Usually use dwm but got in a mood to play with other WMs/DEs today.. XFCE it is. Must confess, I like it. Sure beats the hell out of Gnome imo..... Anyway, here's a fresh install with just a few 'tweaks'.. Needs more work so if anyone has ANY idea, please let me
Meh... interesting wallpaper
can you share it?
OFC.... Here bro
Woofie wrote:n1x4 wrote:Crosspost from XFCE thread....
Usually use dwm but got in a mood to play with other WMs/DEs today.. XFCE it is. Must confess, I like it. Sure beats the hell out of Gnome imo..... Anyway, here's a fresh install with just a few 'tweaks'.. Needs more work so if anyone has ANY idea, please let me
Meh... interesting wallpaper
can you share it?
Seems like i am not the only one who took interest in this wallpaper
Some tineye and google sessions later: original unmodified/uncolored [WARNING: Link is NSFW]
LOL... Nice link.... I got some splashing to do now..
That's an awesome wallpaper. Would you care to share?
The wallpaper is from
I think he does great stuff
Dustbin wrote:A few changes since last May scrot:
Clean: dirty: the name of the icons? thx
If the Matrix was real, it would run on Arch...
My new Awesome WM setup!
Awesome setup.
Could you share your colors and zsh config(s)?
The wallpaper is from
specifically: think he does great stuff
Thanks. Some awesome wallpaper in there.
Farbiathan wrote:My new Awesome WM setup! setup.
Could you share your colors and zsh config(s)?
Hi there,
the zsh config is only very slightly (personal aliases etc.) modified
from … sh-config/
and the urxvt color scheme is based on the solarized color scheme
and this config … -test.html
I love, that solarized provides a light and dark set!
intrntbrn wrote:Dustbin wrote:A few changes since last May scrot:
Clean: dirty: the name of the icons? thx
the icons of your link didnt worked, but i found this link: … ent=136508
Wallpaper in refrence to being out of school for the summer. I'm actually quite busy, but it gives me a good laugh when I see it.
Basic DWM, Spent some time today playing with the PS1, tweaking colors, and finally changed off the default font... Now, off to finish a statusbar and I think I'll have this install just about the way I want it.
*Edit because I accidentally a word.
Last edited by phrak (2012-05-11 21:57:58)
Wallpaper in refrence to being out of school for the summer. I'm actually quite busy, but it gives me a good laugh when I see it.
Basic DWM, Spent some time today playing with the PS1, tweaking colors, and finally changed off the default font... Now, off to finish a statusbar and I think I'll have this install just about the way I want it.
*Edit because I accidentally a word.
What's the terminal and the terminal font?
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres
phrak wrote:Wallpaper in refrence to being out of school for the summer. I'm actually quite busy, but it gives me a good laugh when I see it.
Basic DWM, Spent some time today playing with the PS1, tweaking colors, and finally changed off the default font... Now, off to finish a statusbar and I think I'll have this install just about the way I want it.
image snip
*Edit because I accidentally a word.
What's the terminal and the terminal font?
It's urxvt and Droid Sans Mono
iTwenty wrote:This has been my style for a really long time now. looks like something I'd like to put on a music player, would you mind sharing the conky config?
Sure thing!
background yes
use_xft yes
xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=12
xftalpha 1
uppercase no
update_interval 1.0
total_run_times 0
own_window no
double_buffer yes
alignment tl
minimum_size 1366 768
gap_y 0
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
default_color c9c9c9
default_shade_color magenta
default_outline_color black
no_buffers yes
cpu_avg_samples 2
override_utf8_locale no
if_up_strictness address
# Colors
color1 ee7878 #shade of red
color2 green
color3 7878ee #shade of blue
color4 cyan
color5 magenta
color6 yellow
# Output
${font Raleway:size=22}${color1}${goto 180}CPU${color2}${goto 640}RAM${color3}${goto 1120}DISK
${font Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=12}${color1}${goto 50}Core 0 ${cpubar cpu0 10,250}${color2}${goto 520}RAM ${membar 10,250}${color3}${goto 970}ROOT ${fs_bar 10,250 /}
${color1}${goto 50} ${cpu cpu0}% (${freq_g cpu0} Ghz)${goto 320}${execi 10 /home/itwenty/bin/corezerotemp}${color2}${goto 520} ${mem} / ${memmax}${color3}${goto 970} ${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /}
${color1}${goto 50}Core 1 ${cpubar cpu1 10,250}${color2}${goto 520}SWP ${swapbar 10,250}${color3}${goto 970}BOOT ${fs_bar 10,250 /boot}
${color1}${goto 50} ${cpu cpu1}% (${freq_g cpu1} Ghz)${color2}${goto 520} ${swap} / ${swapmax}${color3}${goto 970} ${fs_used /boot} / ${fs_size /boot}
${color1}${goto 50}Core 2 ${cpubar cpu2 10,250}${color3}${goto 970}WIN7 ${fs_bar 10,250 /mnt/windows}
${color1}${goto 50} ${cpu cpu2}% (${freq_g cpu2} Ghz)${goto 320}${execi 10 /home/itwenty/bin/coretwotemp}${color3}${goto 970} ${fs_used /mnt/windows} / ${fs_size /mnt/windows}
${color1}${goto 50}Core 3 ${cpubar cpu3 10,250}
${color1}${goto 50} ${cpu cpu3}% (${freq_g cpu3} Ghz)
${color1}${goto 170}MOST CPU${color2}${goto 630}MOST RAM${color3}${goto 1100}MOST I/O
${color1}${goto 50}${top name 1}${goto 320}${top cpu 1}%${color2}${goto 520}${top_mem name 1}${goto 750}${top_mem mem 1}%${color3}${goto 970}${top_io name 1}${goto 1210}${top_io io_perc 1}%
${color1}${goto 50}${top name 2}${goto 320}${top cpu 2}%${color2}${goto 520}${top_mem name 2}${goto 750}${top_mem mem 2}%${color3}${goto 970}${top_io name 2}${goto 1210}${top_io io_perc 2}%
${color1}${goto 50}${top name 3}${goto 320}${top cpu 3}%${color2}${goto 520}${top_mem name 3}${goto 750}${top_mem mem 3}%${color3}${goto 970}${top_io name 3}${goto 1210}${top_io io_perc 3}%
${font Raleway:size=22}${color4}${goto 180}NET${color6}${goto 1080}MUSIC
${font Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=12}${color4}${goto 50}wlan0${color6}${goto 1085}${if_mpd_playing}${mpd_status}${else}Stopped${endif}
${color4}${goto 50}IP ${goto 250}${if_up wlan0}${addr wlan0}${else}Disconnected${endif}${image /tmp/Cover.jpg -p 520,400 -n}${color6}${goto 960} Track ${if_mpd_playing}${scroll 22 11 $mpd_track}${else}${goto 1240}N.A.${endif}
${color4}${goto 50}IN ${goto 250}${if_up wlan0}${downspeedf wlan0} (${totaldown wlan0})${else}N.A.${endif}${color6}${goto 960} Title ${if_mpd_playing}${scroll 22 11 $mpd_title}${else}${goto 1240}N.A.${endif}
${color4}${goto 50}OUT ${goto 250}${if_up wlan0}${upspeedf wlan0} (${totalup wlan0})${else}N.A.${endif}${color6}${goto 960} Album ${if_mpd_playing}${scroll 22 11 $mpd_album}${else}${goto 1240}N.A.${endif}
${color4}${goto 50}ESSID${goto 250}${if_up wlan0}${wireless_essid wlan0} ${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0}%${else}N.A.${endif}${color6}${goto 960} Artist ${if_mpd_playing}${scroll 22 11 $mpd_artist}${else}${goto 1240}N.A.${endif}
${color6}${goto 960} Volume ${if_mpd_playing}${mpd_vol}${else}${goto 1240}N.A.${endif}
${color4}${goto 50}eth0
${color4}${goto 50}IP ${goto 250}${if_up eth0}${addr eth0}${else}Disconnected${endif}
${color4}${goto 50}IN ${goto 250}${if_up eth0}${downspeedf eth0} (${totaldown eth0})${else}N.A.${endif}
${color4}${goto 50}OUT ${goto 250}${if_up eth0}${upspeedf eth0} (${totalup eth0})${else}N.A.${endif}${color6}${goto 960}${if_mpd_playing}${mpd_elapsed} ${mpd_bar 10,220} ${mpd_length}${endif}
Displaying album art in conky is a bit more involved. Basically, you want conky to display an image from some fixed location (I chose /tmp/Cover.jpg) and have another script running in the background that changes this image as soon as the song changes. Here is that script:
#! /usr/bin/env bash
while true; do
mpc idle player > /dev/null
PATH_TO_COVER="`mpc --format %file% | head -1 | xargs -0 dirname`"
if [[ ! -f $COVER_ART ]]; then
convert -resize 300x300 "$COVER_ART" "/tmp/$COVER_NAME"
This assumes that you have album art for the current song saved as Cover.jpg in the same folder as the song itself, but can be modified pretty easily to extract the art from the ID3 tag itself
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain
Here is my dwm. … _scrot.png
My disks crashed. running gentoo.
same old WMii
color edits & pornstars
semi dirty
:Go Away & Give My Pillow Back!!:
aur pkgbuilds - mostly fortune-mod's & fonts