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Diaz wrote:It would be a good idea to read about your ideas and all the development stuff in a blog. have you though about it? I'd put it imediatly in my feeds reader
I think what you're doing is really interesting and just sharing with the arch community is not enough ^^
How would Hydra project work on existing distributions in relation to toolkits, display servers, session managers, desktop environments etc? The project seems somewhat interesting but I still cannot fully grasp what it tries to accomplish.
You might want to read my new blog.
Thanks Diaz for reminding me such a thing exists
Ok what are you trying to accomplish again?
Instead of just spoon feeding you applications and toolkits I will be showing you
how to develop applications and toolkits. A this is how you build a
Application Development Toolkit
Display Server
Desktop Manager
Login Manager
.....And so on.
I am doing what should have been done to start with. No more "You don't
build your own file manager you use Nautilus" or "Why re-invent the wheel?"Because the wheel suck's I wan't a f$%&ing rocket pack!!!
Last edited by zester (2012-01-12 03:12:02)
Thx for your extensive explanation. Really interesting.
By what i read, i would say, it is wrong to compare wayland, X and your Implementation because they have a completely different focus.
Your system is more comparable to android or any other OS which is based on linux but brings its own display server. Am i right with that?
Thx for your extensive explanation. Really interesting.
By what i read, i would say, it is wrong to compare wayland, X and your Implementation because they have a completely different focus.
Your system is more comparable to android or any other OS which is based on linux but brings its own display server. Am i right with that?
Your right, But please don't take it as X vs Wayland Vs .... or Mine is better than there's. I don't mean it like that.
For me it was more about how something like this could be done, Than ill build something better. HaHa!
Yes i know, i got you right.
Hi Zester,
I'm very happy to see that you're still actively working on your project!
I hoped I could get rid of some bloated KDE technology but I see that you changed your focus to something more low-level (any chance that you can publish some of your lastest Qt/QML code for the desktop?)
Anyway, your project is very promising, it's fresh air for the Linux ecosystem.
I still think that an open source graphic stack (non-root-X, KMS, ...) should be the future; nouveau improved a lot, 2D works flawlessly with my nvc4, and Linux 3.3 will have initial Fermi reclock support (yay!).
But yes, if your priority is "performance now" than you have to go with the binary blob.
Ah, one last thing: have you ever tried Maratis3D? It's a new multi platform, feature-rich, blender-compatible game development tool. It has been released only a few months ago, so it still lacks a strong community behind but I think you should take a look at it (if you haven't done it yet).
Happy coding!
Hi Zester,
I'm very happy to see that you're still actively working on your project!
I hoped I could get rid of some bloated KDE technology but I see that you changed your focus to something more low-level (any chance that you can publish some of your lastest Qt/QML code for the desktop?)
Anyway, your project is very promising, it's fresh air for the Linux ecosystem.
I still think that an open source graphic stack (non-root-X, KMS, ...) should be the future; nouveau improved a lot, 2D works flawlessly with my nvc4, and Linux 3.3 will have initial Fermi reclock support (yay!).
But yes, if your priority is "performance now" than you have to go with the binary blob.Ah, one last thing: have you ever tried Maratis3D? It's a new multi platform, feature-rich, blender-compatible game development tool. It has been released only a few months ago, so it still lacks a strong community behind but I think you should take a look at it (if you haven't done it yet).
Happy coding!
Sure no problem once I have some free time ill dig up what Qt code I have and publish it.
As far as Maratis3D.
Nice find didn't know about that project.
I tried it out I have one word WOW! The graphics quality is very very very good.
I will be digging threw there source see how I can use this project.
Nice !!!!
Maratis3D not only has a Fixed pipeline and Shader based pipeline.
Supports OpenGL 3+, OpenGL ES 2.0, IOS, Android?
Works Perfectly with current version of Blender even has an exporter.
Is a complete game engine with Lua scripting, Note: Not sure if it has Networking
still digging threw the docs.
And I can drop the whole freaking thing right into my Hydra Display Server with out modification!
Works out of the box people!!!
The engine is also png/zlib licensed.
Thumbs up to dodosoft for the great find
Last edited by zester (2012-01-13 20:47:36)
It's hard to say, what I can tell you is that I wake up at 8AM and work on it 11:30PM to 12 AM that's around 16 hours a day
and I do that everyday and have been for quite some time now. I really don't focus on just one area I am actually interested
in every area. If your a c++ programmer interested in stuff like this, then you would see stuff sooner than the end user.
Wow! you are certainly dedicated in your endeavor
I know some C++ ~ by NO means am i an *excellent* C++ programmer, but i can get around (same applies to many other languages). I know just enough for it to be useful. Generally though, i lean towards being an end-user, as i don't have a ton of time for writing code (between work, music and life in general). But yes, i can tell you are definitely covering all areas - cool stuff. - I also like that you are sticking with the binary <graphics> drivers ~ as an nvidia user, i require the binary blob - there is no _reasonable_ alternative from my perspective
This is actually a whole new project and the only people that have any idea, that anyone is even doing anything like this is the ones that actually read this topic regularly. Soon I hope to have a website up soooo I can go around and do make
the project known.
Ya, i got that impression, also had a look at your blog this morning. Once, you have updated your git repo - i will probably have a look, assuming there will be some useful documentation / reference material. (which it sounds like there should be at some point).
Last edited by triplesquarednine (2012-01-14 18:13:11)
I finally got Skia working in Hydra ughhh it took forever!!!!!!!
I had to replace skia's entire build system with premake. They use
something called gyp and it totally suck's.
You couldn't build a dynamic lib there was no way to make install
nothing. All you got was a bunch of static libs!!! Bastards
Anyways it's working now.
So I have QPainter, Cairo & Pixman, Google's Skia and GraphicsMagick(Magick++)
all working.
Graphics Librarys left are AGG, Adobe GIL
I also have Maratis3D and Poco C++ Libs build system's converted over to premake.
I have Hydra's Object and SceneGraph classes almost completed.
If only I could get webkit to build(Headless) without Gtk or Qt I would be a happy man.
Lots and lots of stuff to do still but it's all coming together nicely.
Last edited by zester (2012-01-16 00:06:22)
Do you plan to make toolkits like QT or GTK available on your platform?
Btw, just found this on reddit: . Maybe you are interested in it too. "Just" a combination of different frameworks but looks pretty good so far.
Do you plan to make toolkits like QT or GTK available on your platform?
Btw, just found this on reddit: . Maybe you are interested in it too. "Just" a combination of different frameworks but looks pretty good so far.
Well I can tell you this, I am not doing anything that would make those toolkits NOT work.
Fact is anything that you can get into opengl or an image buffer that doesn't depend on a windowing system will work.
3D Graphics Engine Example:
Does not needs a Windowing System
1. OpenSceneGraph
2. Horde3D
3. Maratis3D
Needs a Windowing System
1. Ogre3D
2. Irrlicht
3. Gamekit
I haven't done anything with Gtk in particular, but I have done alot of exploration with Qt and unfortunately
Qt has some issues with it's internal threading and how it handles opengl. This has caused problems for
projects like all the ones listed above plus other projects like RtAudio, ZeroMQ and a bunch of others.
I am going to have to look at how Gtk and Qt built there wayland compositors.
The nice thing is that I am subscribed to waylands mail list and 90% of the time when they announce a
new feature, I smile because I already have it.
Or they will change the way something works and it will be how I am doing it.
Or they will be discussing a problem with wayland and I will be like yup I have that same problem.
Granted I am not working with them and I doubt they even know I exist but it's nice to know that some
of the idea's I have and the way I am doing certain things are not completely crazy. Because they have them also.
Same goes for android there is alot of similarities in how we both are doing thing's. Except for the whole java thing I don't do java.
Last edited by zester (2012-01-16 20:03:01)
3. QtWebkit based Web Browser Going to use Chromium instead
Why? There's a ver fine Qt browser:
Quantum project seems to be very promising, but there is no news since January. I am wondering if the project is still alive ?
Whoops sorry got sucked into my work there for a moment
I ended up working on two differant projects theres the Qt/QML "Quantum" project and the custom "Hydra" project.
Well the "Hydra" project ended up turning into a 2D/3D Game Development and Creative coding type deal, a complete C++/Lua Hybred, using GLFW(Window, Input "Keyboard, Mouse, Jotstick), Horde3D(Collada"Models/Bone Animation, Standard Pipeline Shaders, Partical Effects, ... ), Bullet(Physics), FMOD(3D Audio), Grapple (Game Networking),
I then took that and created a Qt C++ Widget and started working on a QML
I still want to implament, Skia (2D Graphics), OpenCV(Augmented Reality & Video), Poco C++ (C++ Framework), and a bunch of other librarys for
Hydra and get it to the point where its a full Application Development Framework like Qt but for the mean time its simple a 2D/3D Game Engine to
be used with Qt/QML ...
At this very moment I am finishing the API bindings. Here's what api call are implamented right now.
-- Create Window Object
win = Window()
win:openWindow(800, 600, 8, 8, 8, 8, 24, 0, 0) -- Open Window, Set Max Colors, Alpha, Depth, Stencel
win:setWindowTitle("Hydra Example v0.0.1a") -- Set Window Title
win:clearColor(0.50, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) -- Set Window RGBA background color
-- Create GraphicsEngine Object
graphics = GraphicsEngine()
graphics:setOption(7, 1)
graphics:setOption(5, 0)
graphics:setOption(8, 0)
graphics:setOption(4, 4)
graphics:setOption(9, 2048)
forwardPipeRes = graphics:addResource(9, "pipelines/forward.pipeline.xml", 0)
knightres = graphics:addResource(1, "models/knight/knight.scene.xml", 0)
logoMatRes = graphics:addResource(4, "overlays/logo.material.xml", 0)
lightMatRes = graphics:addResource(4, "materials/light.material.xml", 0)
envRes = graphics:addResource(1, "models/platform/platform.scene.xml", 0)
skyBoxRes = graphics:addResource(1, "models/skybox/skybox.scene.xml", 0)
cam = graphics:addCameraNode(1, "Camera", forwardPipeRes)
graphics:setNodeTransform( cam, 10, 50, 200, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 )
env = graphics:addNodes(1, envRes)
graphics:setNodeTransform(env, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 5)
sky = graphics:addNodes(1, skyBoxRes)
graphics:setNodeTransform(sky, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 500, 500, 500)
graphics:setNodeFlags( sky, 2, true )
knight = graphics:addNodes(1, knightres )
graphics:setNodeTransform( knight, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 )
light = graphics:addLightNode(1, "Light1", lightMatRes, "LIGHTING", "SHADOWMAP" )
graphics:setNodeTransform( light, 0, 100, 50, -30, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10 )
graphics:setNodeParamF( light, 501, 0, 200 )
graphics:setNodeParamF( light, 502, 0, 90 )
graphics:setNodeParamI( light, 505, 3 )
graphics:setNodeParamF( light, 506, 0, 0.9 )
graphics:setNodeParamF( light, 507, 0, 0.001 )
graphics:setNodeParamF( light, 503, 0, 0.9 )
graphics:setNodeParamF( light, 503, 1, 0.7 )
graphics:setNodeParamF( light, 503, 2, 0.75 )
graphics:setNodeParamI( cam, 609, 0 );
graphics:setNodeParamI( cam, 610, 0 );
graphics:setNodeParamI( cam, 611, 800 );
graphics:setNodeParamI( cam, 612, 600 );
graphics:setupCameraView(cam, 45.0, 800 / 600, 0.5, 2048.0);
graphics:resizePipelineBuffers( forwardPipeRes, 800, 600 );
-- Create 3D Sound Object
sound = Sound()
sound:init() -- Initalize it
sound:createSound("../content/sounds/Scoldt-From_My_Guts.mp3") -- Load Music File
sound:setMode(0) -- Set Mode
sound:play() -- Play Music
sound:upDateSystem() -- Update Sound System
-- Create Network Client Object
networkClient = NetworkClient()
networkClient:init("testgame","1") -- Initalize it
networkClient:setAddress("") -- Set Network Address
-- Start Game Loop
i = 0
while i == 0 do
win:clear(0) -- Clear Window
i = win:getKey(257) or win:getWindowParam(0) -- Get ESC and Window Close Button Click
-- Rendering code goes here --
graphics:render( cam )
win:swapBuffers() -- Swap Graphic Buffers
Here is a screenshot of the above lua script running.
Here are some screenshots of General Horde3D, Bullet Physics and Terrain Plugins.
Now if you head over to you will see some screenshots of the QML work I have been doing
and notice where the game engine fits in with that.
But overal I am still here and still working on it, not to mention waiting on a stable release of "Qt5"
Last edited by zester (2012-05-15 00:34:36)
Due to this article Qt5's Linux Requirements Cause Problems this DE is broken. I would like to know if that means that the project is dead... Hopefully not!
I dont see why he don't helps KDE instead of forking it.
Also im a bit confused that he says he wants to develp with BSD license cause KDE is GPL licensed.
It's a bit OT but in most parts I don't see why you cant use LGPL librarys in propreterie software or GPL code in commercial software (see nvidia linux driver).
BSD license don't protecs freedom its like anarchiy, so I dont see why someone can use it for an open source project.
Linux odin 3.13.1-pf #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Mar 5 21:47:28 CET 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
I dont see why he don't helps KDE instead of forking it.
Also im a bit confused that he says he wants to develp with BSD license cause KDE is GPL licensed.
It's a bit OT but in most parts I don't see why you cant use LGPL librarys in propreterie software or GPL code in commercial software (see nvidia linux driver).BSD license don't protecs freedom its like anarchiy, so I dont see why someone can use it for an open source project.
The Quantum Project does some low level things in a fundamentally different way than KDE, from what I understand. If he were to join KDE, he couldn't have things the way he wants.
Also, licenses are a developer's preference. If he wants to write code that someone else can use in proprietary software, that is his prerogative- to tell him he can't do that would be limiting his freedom.
Not everybody thinks anarchy is a bad thing, either.