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This happened for me:
$ go install packagename
go install runtime: open /usr/lib/go/pkg/linux_amd64/runtime.a: permission denied
$ pacman -Q go
go 2:1.0.1-1
I didn't have this problem before updating Go.
I searched and found a similar problem reported for Debian here. The workaround on that page (fixing timestamps) fixed it for me, so that page may be helpful.
That should not be the solution. My GOROOT is in my own home directory. Also, I want to automate the compilation process and needing sudo is not very secure.
Yes that's weird, can you install from github, like in 'go get' ? Maybe this is related to using the Go binary package from Arch as I build Go from source and have no problems.
I don't have access to my Arch machine now, and even if I had I couldn't test this because I fixed the problem with the workaround I mentioned. So I'm afraid I can't help with that question. But I'm sure that my Go installation from source didn't have such a problem and even my package installation was fine until a recent update.
I also have this exact issue. I (as root) rebuilded all of the Go packages that ship with it, unaware of the cause of the issue. Thanks for the page describing how to correct it, but it is quite tedious to have to fix it after each update.
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