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As with every gnome release, I'm preparing prerelease packages for the next upcoming GNOME release.
Packages are available at … me/os/i686
This repository can be placed in pacman.conf on top of all the other repositories in there.
The packages have been compiled against software in testing, using gcc 4.0.1
At this moment some things could be broken:
- GTK fileselector crashes when utilizing hal on some systems, this can be fixed by removing the gnome-vfs GTK modules included in libgnomeui.
- Evolution-exchange and webcal need an upgrade
- Upgrade is half way between beta1 and beta2
Expect more updates during the weekend. I will make public CVS available later this week, so at this moment only packages are available.
Hmm... Will there be less Bonobo in this next release?
Also, how often are you planning on updating these? On releases (the GNOME team does a build once a week don't they?) or every few days/when there's a change? At the moment, GTK is broken in a way that breaks PyGTK. I'll try CVS when I get a sec and see if the issue exists there as well.
this looks nice, since I am back to gnome again, so I can just as easy check this out -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
I plan to update these packages in the evenings when I have time, but most of the updates will take on sunday, the only 100% free day I have in a week
I am having some trouble loading gnome 2.12-beta, (and now I also have trouble loading gnome 2.10 as well)
it complains about this:
nautilus: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The file doesn't exist, but it should ?? reverting to old gnome didn't work ( i am writing this in E17 ) -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
Make sure you have the [gnome] repository as first repo above all the others. Also make sure your system is up2date.
it is above all, and my system is using the latest "current, extra, unstable" programs..
still have the error though...I'll try adding testing to my pacman and the update ...
EDIT: Updated the whole system today (with testing repo enabled) and now it works
btw. where can one read about the new stuff in gnome 2.12?? -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
If you're still having problems with the file selector check this out
Fileselector problems as in, when it gets something from hal that it can't parse, it crashes your application...
This has been fixed in 2.8.0
Why there's a delay: besides recompiling the whole repo for the updated cairo release, I'm also slaying the source of all these linking problems: libtool .la files have to go. Unfortunately, when you remove one from a package, you need to remove all in the whole distro that depend on that file...
i probably should just file a bug report now that this is in testing, but thought i should double check first... when i try to bring down the latest gnome 2.12 from testing, pacman dies on failed dependency of libnotify for gnome-applets. i don't see libnotify in testing and just making sure somethings wrong and i'm not just missing something?
I can confirm that. libnotify is on the arch ftp server in the testing directory though, you can download it manually. it's just not in the pacman db i think.
also, does one know how to "provoke" on of those applets to show a notification, mine don't :-)
other than that, the components that are already there seem to work nicely and fast EXCEPT evolution which crashes upon start.