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I finally get my printer working again, after a month.
I discovered, casually, that the udev rule contained there: … g_firmware now doesn't work anymore, because the path to rmmod is probably changed.
Now it must be something like:
ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="lp*", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03f0", \
ATTRS{idProduct}=="3d17", RUN+="/usr/bin/sleep 15"
ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="lp*", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03f0", \
ATTRS{idProduct}=="3d17", RUN+="/usr/bin/rmmod usblp"
So it's enough to change /sbin/rmmod to /usr/bin/rmmod.
EDIT: while i was writing and was reading the wiki page, it seems now it is correct?? Am i fool or it has been changed right now?
Last edited by nierro (2012-05-14 20:15:41)