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hi all, everytime i click on my external drive, i have to put in my password to access it. Once i put in my password i can access it no problem but once i log out, i have to the the password thing again.
how do i prevent this , thanks in advance.
First you could describe your file manager and wm/de setup. There is nothing to "click on" in vanilla archlinux and the problem and solution may be very different depending on what your setup is.
In addition to the above, how do you start your wm/de? Do you use a login manager? What's in your xinitrc?
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
i do not have login, i just type startxfce4 , then i use Thunar to see my external drive. i click on it then it ask me for a password.
Welcome to the forums. Please read our Forum Etiquette, especially the How to Post entry.
You will need to provide more information. What is your DE? What are you "clicking on" (presumably a file manager?), are you using consolekit, etc... This will help the community understand the specifics of your issue, and will also prevent a lot of to-and-fro where people have to ask you these questions.
Also, the wiki has an excellent section on automounting.
will do .
Starting that way does not use console kit which is required for thunar's mounting AFAIK. Have you been through the wiki pages on thunar and xfce?
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
i just moved from Ubuntu to Arch. I will be more carefull on my next post. Thanks for yout help i will continue my search.
Archrocks, I hope you didn't feel as though you were being blown off. If you have trouble solving the problem please let us know.
But the wiki is a wealth of great info and should be the first stop. It would be redundant for us to walk users through every step of that. So check those out, if they work you can mark your issue as solved. If using those wiki pages doesn't help, you can come back with more information about which steps you have tried and which ones failed including error messages. Then it will be much easier for other members here to get to the heart of the problem.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
cool, i understand. thanks.
What`s the filesystem on the external drive?
Have you checked mounting permissions?
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