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#51 2011-11-19 06:47:18

From: Ireland (but I'm French)
Registered: 2011-08-09
Posts: 29

Re: Xmonad causes full system freezes randomly?


I had the freeze with kernel 3.1.1. while watching a video on Dailymotion.
Nothing since xorg 1.11.2-2, but it was updated only 3 days ago...

I'm French and French people can't speak English, so please please please excuse the terrible English!


#52 2011-11-19 08:36:54

Registered: 2011-03-27
Posts: 323

Re: Xmonad causes full system freezes randomly?

Completely free of freezes for several days. (xmonad and Intel HD 3000.)


#53 2011-11-30 07:51:18

Registered: 2009-12-28
Posts: 25

Re: Xmonad causes full system freezes randomly?

A kind gentlemen pointed me to this thread from

I've had similar freezes with the 3.1 kernel, but I don't use xmonad. There have been certain actions that have freezed my computers every time they've been executed. One perculiar one was "git svn rebase" (also "git svn clone" would freeze after copying a few revisions). I have two computers, one desktop and one laptop (macbook pro 5. gen). I ran KWin before, now I try to use E17, and on my desktop I run without X for the moment (this seems to help, I haven't manage to freeze it since).

On my laptop, it also froze every time I logged into KWin, and it looked like I could "time it" to when Akonadi was started. When using E17 it would also freeze about 20 sec after I'd started Kontact. I also managed to get it to freeze when opening LibreOffice once. I managed to freeze my desktop at first when trying to recompile openafs (during configuring). After disabling X I was able to compile, but the two could be unrelated of course.

Since the operations to me seemed not to have a common library or similar, I was inclined to believe it had something to do with the kernel or something else which is more "low level". Since it happened routinely on both my desktop and laptop I found it hard to believe it was hardware-related (my first guess when it happened on my laptop was the nvidia card/driver). Since some specific actions were always triggering the freeze, I found it hard to believe that it was a problem of resources. Other than that I couldn't figure out how to get started debugging, and I could not find any information in /var/log (no expert here)


#54 2011-12-01 05:49:35

Registered: 2011-11-30
Posts: 2

Re: Xmonad causes full system freezes randomly?

I had a similar problem, full system freezes on an atom netbook (asus 1215n) using the integrated intel graphics (Nvidia card was off). I use xmonad and it seemed to freeze after going from some coding in vim sans mouse, back to a workspace with chrome and using the touchpad. It happened ever other day or so but became more and more frequent. I managed to roll my kernel back to version 3.0.6-2 from Oct 7th, and had zero freezes for over a month. Since then kernel updates are on my ignore list, though when I have more time I will try the most recent ones and see if I get freezes again.


#55 2011-12-02 17:03:58

Registered: 2008-11-14
Posts: 2,427

Re: Xmonad causes full system freezes randomly?

I don't like to make noise in this thread, i didn't upgraded by some time (was at kernel 3.0.3 and xorg 10 series), yesterday kernel jumped to 3.1.3 and xorg to 1.11.2.
Last time my system gave me problem was while i was hitting ctrl-shift-t to open another konsole tab, anyway i have had not a system freeze, it turned to vt and display a text message for 30 seconds (i've had no time to write it down) before tha autoreboot, meanwhile, the power led was blinking.
After having the same trouble multiple times, i rolled back kernel,glibc and xorg and now everything is fine again, i hope.
Anyway i'm using the -pf kernel, maybe that's the reason because my system auto-reboots and doesnt' freeze. (?)

My system is an asus 1005ha (a netbook atom + intel i915 chipset).
De is standard KDE 4

Last edited by kokoko3k (2011-12-02 17:23:02)

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#56 2012-02-06 02:22:04

Registered: 2008-02-25
Posts: 20

Re: Xmonad causes full system freezes randomly?

Xmonad freezing has been a problem for me too.

It sometimes happen when using Chromium and I use the "save as" dialog. It never opens the dialog window and I can't Mod-Space or Mod-Alt-Enter to create a new window.
The whole xmonad WM hangs.

I can still use the window I was last using (mouse and keyboard commands work), but I can't switch to other windows (they dont take commands). It was like the tiling manager just died and left me with my current window.

I can't open new windows, Mod-P doesn't open dmenu, but xmobar still keeps updating.

It has happened when I was just doing something in vim too, my other open windows were using zathura to view pdfs.
All of a sudden I couldn't Mod-tab to the other windows or create or move window arrangements.

I've removed the xmonad installed from the official repo and installed the one from the haskell site (using cabal to install xmonad).
But the problem still happens.

I notice sometimes theres the error G_IS_OBJECT not found (when I go back to tty1, Ctrl+Alt+F1). So I tried adding GTK: "pacman -S gtk".
But it still freezes.

I'm using xmonad, xmobar, and dmenu. Browser is chromium, terminal is urxvt.

This is getting very frustrating, esp when I am doing some homework assignment using vim and R and all of a sudden it all freezes and I have to kill x and start x again and reopen all the PDFs and all the chromium tabs I had open.

I'm thinking of switching to awesomewm in the mean time but really dont want to because I've just gotten the hang of xmonad.

P.S. I'm using Asus EEEPC 1000HE. No DE.

I've figure out the problem, I think.
Xmobar did not have stdinreader in it. So I think there was so jamming of memory going on there.
After adding in the line for stdinreader in xmobar config file it doesn't freeze anymore.
Stdinreader gives you a text of the current windows you have open, so its pretty nifty.

Last edited by sunv (2012-03-25 07:15:32)


#57 2012-04-12 16:23:08

Registered: 2007-09-16
Posts: 61

Re: Xmonad causes full system freezes randomly?

sunv wrote:

I can't open new windows, Mod-P doesn't open dmenu, but xmobar still keeps updating.

I have exactly the same probelm. (linux 3.3.1-1 xmonad 0.10-3) It seems to happen at random.
I didn't try the xmobar stdinreader hack you proposed - I do not want stdinreader stuff in my xmobar. There must be a better solution. Or is there a way to use the stdinreader in xmobar config but actually don't show it in xmobar?


#58 2012-05-23 13:05:48

Registered: 2009-07-31
Posts: 12

Re: Xmonad causes full system freezes randomly?

To unfreeze, do
$ pkill xmobar

kamahl: you will need to put "Run StdinReader" in commands AND "%StdinReader%" in template fix the problem. … _frozen.21

Last edited by rubaka (2012-05-23 13:24:34)


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