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EDIT : Read the detailed HOWTO in the wiki
I managed to talk to syamajala on IRC yesterday, and he seems to have finished building base packages. Here's a short howto (instructions by syamajala) on how to get into a basic arch64 setup.
1). This is the list of base packages you need
2). This is the location of the base packages compiled with gcc-4.0.1
3). Download all the base packages to your disk
4). Use a Live CD (Gentoo minimal is an easy way to go) and mount an empty partition. (eg. /mnt/arch64)
5). Copy all the downloaded 64bit base packages to a folder
6). Untar the pacman package into a folder
7). copy the file pacman.static to wherever the downloaded packages are
8). touch /etc/pacman.conf
9). Change directory to the location of the packages (/mnt/arch/packs)
10). $ ./pacman-static -Ar /(wherver you mount your partition)
EDIT : sorry, but as of now this doesnt work. I'm missing out something silly, but can't quite figure out what it is. Will make the necessary corrections and repost.
Will add it to the wiki soon, but need confirmation that this actually works properly for everyone.
Nah, you can put it in the wiki and if it doesn't work for someone they can edit it. :-)
Guys please dont follow this guide yet.. I'm missing out something obvious and once I contact syamajala I'll edit this guide.
whats the problem?
doesnt seem to do anything...
for eg.
mount point is /mnt/arch64
packages location is /mnt/arch64/packages
untar pacman package to get
cp pacman.static to /mnt/arch64/packages
run ./pacman-static -Ar /mnt/arch64/packages
however, nothing happens when this command is executed..what am i missing here.. and how do i chroot into this setup from the x86_64 live cd ?
oh and distcc is missing in base packages
cd /mnt/arch64/packages/ and do ./pacman-static -Ar /mnt/arch64/ * also u can get rid of the var, usr, and bin dirs after you copy the pacman.static, because thats all you really need
and i fixed the package list get the new at
then just chroot /mnt/arch64 /bin/bash install grub, compile a kernel, edit /etc/rc.conf, ...
./pacman-static -Ar /mnt/arch64/* errors out
$ unable to create database.
just making sure you did it right ./pacman-static -Ar /mnt/arch64 *
notice the space in between the arch64 and the *. Also, check if there is a /mnt/arch64/var/ if its there then delete it
$ ./pacman.static -Ar /mnt/arch64 *
$ loading package data....load_pkg => missing package info file in ABS
i have never seen that error before. I'll try doing a fresh install on another partition and write down what i do as i install.
something like
./pacman-static -Ar /mnt/arch64/ *.tar.gz
maybe :?
Mr Green I like Landuke!
nah..I doubt it..
anyway i was thinking maybe we could set up Frugalware 64 on a partition and chroot into the arch64 partition(once its set up of course)
is it possible to chroot from arch-i686 to 64 bit arch?
err no ....
Mr Green I like Landuke!
Still bootstrapping from gentoo? Isn't is possible to use the existing arch64 iso?
syamajala: is the gcc4 package a multilib one or just 64bit?
I've installed the iso and made new gcc3.x packages. Multilib is still giving problems but I have a new working glibc32 package. Good to see the website is up and running again. Will send my packages asap.
err no ....
Actually, it is
But its a bit more work.. you'll need a 64 bit crosscompiler on your 32bit arch te compile a 64bit kernel. With that kernel you can boot into 32bit arch and start making a new 64 bit chroot. (that's how I started with 64bit arch )
Mr Green wrote:err no ....
Actually, it is
But its a bit more work.. you'll need a 64 bit crosscompiler on your 32bit arch te compile a 64bit kernel. With that kernel you can boot into 32bit arch and start making a new 64 bit chroot. (that's how I started with 64bit arch)
Anything is possible in Linux lol
We just want a simple (Arch Way!) to install base Arch64 ....
bootstrap via Arch(32) or Live Cd...
Mr Green I like Landuke!
creppy: only tempolrarily bootstrapping from gentoo, i tried the exsisting cd but i couldn't chroot after it installed a base system which is a problem. Those gcc4 packages were created from the exsisting arch64 and recompiled after i got a base system up so they would be "clean". Right now they are just 64bit, but i have decided that multilib support will be part of the default install. I was gonna work on it after a get stuff like xfce done. I'm not gonna bother with gnome right now because 2.12 is out and in testing so after it gets moved to current i'll make gnome packages. I also changed the flags to -march=x86-64 -O2 -pipe -fPIC so that the emt64 would be supported as well. I guess i could put out a new live cd after i make a kernel package.
also forgot, subscribe to the mailing list guys!
Nice work!
Will install the gcc4.0 packages here. Could you send me the PKGBUILD's for gcc/glibc/binutils? I'll start to work on the 32bit glibc and multilib gcc.
well i'm glad you asked for the pkgbuilds, because i have a subversion repo and viewcvs up!
there r way more pkgbuilds than there r packages right now, i just decided to import the whole current tree. there r no pkgbuilds for the packages in extra right now.
syamajala: I was going to ssh in to change the wiki link to point directly to the new wiki. Can you reset my password? I seem to have forgotten it. :oops:
Any talk about setting up an 'official' development tree for the arch64 packages? So we could use the same PKGBUILD management tools that the arch i686 team uses? Would be nice to have an arch developer on board that knows how they work, lol.