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Unia wrote:Kaustic wrote:llpp-git works perfectly fine on it's own, a very awesome pdf (xps/cbx) reader. (Uses OpenGL and mupdf, giving it speed others can only dream of.)
Thanks for the tip, it's awesome!
I agree. It's the fastest pdf viewer I've ever seen. Replaced zathura here.
Wow, llpp's speed is truly amazing. But boy, the documentation is shit. You need to open a document, hit 'h', and then have a look at a horribly formatted list of commands. --help and man are not really helping either... :-/
Wish, that program would also support djvu.
Last edited by Stalafin (2012-06-09 20:26:14)
Wow, llpp's speed is truly amazing. But boy, the documentation is shit. You need to open a document, hit 'h', and then have a look at a horribly formatted list of commands. --help and man are both bad either. :-/
At least the README is honest: "Oh my god it's full of bugs"
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Here's mine. brand new Arch user. I am using MWM because I love MWM.
Uploaded with
Last edited by woomia (2012-06-10 02:06:32)
ANOKNUSA wrote:Thanks. I'm happy with it too, and have to forward all praise and credit to moetunes, cookiemon5ter, stlarch and (once I get monsterwm multi-monitor up and running) Cloudef for their work.
Quick update:
Great. I dare you to share your config for bar
OH YEAH!? ...ok. It's just a basic conky script:
&L &3[ &4Î&2 ${mem} (${memperc}%) &3] &3[ &4¨&2 ${fs_free /}&4 : &2${fs_free /home} &3] &C &5[ &6${time %a, %b %d - %I:%M %p} &5]&R &3[ &4ñ &2${battery_time BAT0} &3] [ &4í &2${mixer Master} &3]
Small update:
More info about the programs and desktop?
Arch Linux with Openbox
AMD Phenom II x4 955BE @ 3.2GHz | GeIL Black Dragon DDR3-1333 8GB | ASUS EAH5850 DirectCU TOP
Dustbin wrote:Small update:
More info about the programs and desktop?
It's Xfce 4.10 with Compiz as WM, conky and docky.
#avoid flicker
double_buffer yes
#own window to run simultanious 2 or more conkys
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type override
own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
border_width 1
border_margin 3
draw_shades no
gap_x 0
gap_y 32
alignment top_middle
update_interval 1
default_color 000000
#default_shade_color 000000
own_window_colour 000000
use_xft yes
xftfont Sans:bold:size=7
# Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
override_utf8_locale yes
#to prevent window from moving
use_spacer none
minimum_size 320 0
${alignc}${color #B0E0E6}Kernel ${color ffffff}$kernel ${color #B0E0E6}:: Up ${color #ffffff}${uptime_short} ${color #B0E0E6}:: Cpu ${color #ffffff}${cpu} % ${color #B0E0E6}:: Ram ${color #ffffff}${memperc} % ${color #B0E0E6}:: Disk ${color ffffff}${fs_used_perc /} % ${color #B0E0E6}
${alignc}Up Speed ${color ffffff}${upspeedf wlan0} kb/s ${color #B0E0E6}:: Down Speed ${color ffffff}${downspeedf wlan0} kb/s ${color #B0E0E6}
${alignc}${color #ffffff}${time %d/%m/%y} ${time %H:%M}
Last edited by Dustbin (2012-06-10 12:27:09)
If the Matrix was real, it would run on Arch...
I fancied trying KDE out, here is the result of my trial..
I'm very happy with it.
Playing with cinnamon
More Motif Window Manager. Solaris colors and backdrop.
Uploaded with
Well, that has to be...I will just say that I don't like MWM :-)
Google+ | DeviantART |
MWM is actually pretty configurable but I'm just lazy
Playing with cinnamon
Do you happen to have a link to that wallpaper?.It looks rather nice.
Details, please!
Здравей, най накрая да видя някой Българин тук!
Redid my Conky rather considerably, and got a new wallpaper. It's iffy with transparent terms but I'm not suffering too badly yet.
HerbstluftWM, Conky, Vim (working on my just-recently-started mail client written only in Lua), and a few other things running on other desktops.
Dotfiles and what-have-you should all be in Github. If not, bug me somehow.
Currently running Arch on a Samsung Chromebook Pro (dual booted with ChromeOS), and various VPSes and Docker containers.
Redid my Conky rather considerably, and got a new wallpaper. It's iffy with transparent terms but I'm not suffering too badly yet.
HerbstluftWM, Conky, Vim (working on my just-recently-started mail client written only in Lua), and a few other things running on other desktops.
Dotfiles and what-have-you should all be in Github. If not, bug me somehow.
I neeeed you wallpaper!
monsterwm + Some_sorta_bar, modification in progress.
Nice! Can you share your colors (and possibly a vm theme if you have one)?
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
dimitrov wrote:Details, please!
Of course:
The wallpaper if I remember correctly is from, I can't find a link right now so I have uploaded it:
The Openbox theme is a slightly modified version of Carbon. The tint2rc is by me. The conkyrc is a slightly modified version of Cowon Conky. The ncmpcpp config is Happy Hardcore by crshd. As a gtk2 theme I'm using also a slightly modified version of mookid. More configs can be found on my github.
dimitrov wrote:Здравей, най накрая да видя някой Българин тук!
И аз се радвам да видя други българи тук.