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I'm trying to install archlinux using a nighlty build (2012.06.05_04-00-01). I can't use the official release because my motherboard isn't supported (see this post).
Everything seems to work fine until the partition stage. At this stage, the installer shows two entries for each partition. Also, when I try to create the filesystem and mountpoint, the summary screen (the one with the /dev list) isn't modified (all entries only have a N letter).
Is it a known bug ?
Thanks in advance,
Last edited by oliparcol (2012-06-23 10:59:55)
No idea if it is a known bug but like hardons123 said in your other thread: use archboot.
ok thanks. I will give it a try. Is it better to re-create all the image or the archboot images available on the mirror are sufficient ?
The ones on the mirror are sufficient.
archboot worked like a charm