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Trying to get arch installed on a new Macbookpro 9,2 (mid-2012)
I am able to successfully get to the installer with the latest releng (2012.06.05_04-00-01), but currently this bug :
is preventing me from setting up my partition mounts.
However, when trying my luck with archboot, I cannot even get to any output beyond grub, with either apple's bootloader or rEFIt. I am only able to access the grub boot options by dropping into the EFI shell and launching bootx64.efi from the command line. After I attempt either the lts or latest kernel, I get a black screen and the drive spins down.
If I do not use the EFI shell to launch the cd I get a blinking underscore cursor. First apple computer here, any veterans have advice?
I have checksumed, slow burned, and verified the install disk, and burned it twice.
Last edited by courtnek (2012-06-19 02:00:56)
I'm not sure if this is the case, but I had a similar problem with booting from flash stick on an AMD processor. I finally managed to boot the installation CD using the Plop bootloader ( I wrote Plop (plpbt.img) onto the flashdisk and booted into the Plop menu. Then I removed the flashdisk, wrote Arch installation CD onto it, plugged it back in and hit 'boot from usb'.
Last edited by mike54 (2012-06-19 16:38:25)