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I've taken the 'generic' example script from /usr/share/aif/examples, and I've modified it to install from the net with a custom repository. That worked, until I tried to change the TARGET_REPOSITORIES variable:
Original from /usr/share/aif/examples/generic-install-on-sda:
My updated version:
TARGET_REPOSITORIES="core extra community"
I've also tried:
TARGET_REPOSITORIES=(core extra community $var_MIRRORLIST)
BTW, $var_MIRRORLIST just has a path to the mirror list. … POSITORIES
I've read the official arch documentation ^^ but, but the TARGET_REPOSITORIES section is blank, and I still can't figure it out.
I found this post, but it seemed like it was for an older version of aif (the post was from 2009). I tried their suggestion (below), but the variables didn't work (renamed):
SYNC_URL="your mirror here..."
TARGET_REPOS="carolo core extra community"
The errors I get are weird, here's the first two:
error: target not found: could
error: could not open file /mnt/var/lib/pacman/sync/core.db: Failed to open '/mnt/var/lib/pacman/sync/core.db'
If grabbing the rest of the errors would help, i can do that, but it seems it's cascades from there. I'm sure I'm just not using the right syntax in $TARGET_REPOSITORIES.
I've tried this on the latest of both the net and base install images. I'm invoking it with:
aif -p automatic -c script-here
I get the same result on both net and base install images.
I just want to install all of the packages I want at install time instead of having a post install script install everything for me, and packages like vim and gnome are in extra (with others that I'd like in community). I don't need the AUR, so it shouldn't be this difficult. Is there something I need to do to configure pacman or something?
Last edited by beatgammit (2012-07-24 01:08:53)
Here's the entire script if you're interested:
TARGET_REPOSITORIES="core extra community"
HARDWARECLOCK=UTC # UTC is the better option, but some OS'es don't support it (i.e. Windows)
# Do you want to have additional pacman repositories or packages available at runtime (during installation)?
# space separated list
# packages to install
TARGET_PACKAGES_EXCLUDE= 'nano reiserfsprogs'
TARGET_PACKAGES='openssh e2fsprogs'
# you can optionally also override some functions...
# This way you can change/extend/remove pretty much all functionality in AIF !
worker_intro () {
inform "Automatic install of arch system starting in 3 seconds."
sleep 3
worker_configure_system () {
sed -i 's/^HOSTNAME="myhost"/HOSTNAME="arch-generic-install"/' $var_TARGET_DIR/etc/rc.conf
PART_ACCESS= # can be set to 'uuid', 'dev', 'label', or leave empty for 'dev'
# These variables are mandatory
PARTITIONS='/dev/sda 100:ext2:+ 512:swap *:ext4'
BLOCKDATA='/dev/sda1 raw no_label ext2;yes;/boot;target;no_opts;no_label;no_params
/dev/sda2 raw no_label swap;yes;no_mountpoint;target;no_opts;no_label;no_params
/dev/sda3 raw no_label ext4;yes;/;target;no_opts;no_label;no_params'
Alright, I think I figured it out, but I'm not sure why it works this way. Here's what I did:
The documentation should probably be updated, because it took me longer to figure out than I care to admit.
If a mod could mark this as solved, it would be appreciated. I'm not sure if I can do it myself, or how I would. Thanks!
Last edited by beatgammit (2012-06-24 22:37:35)
Just edit the title of your first post in the thread to add "[SOLVED]".
The documentation is a wiki so you can update it yourself.
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