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I'have a server with archlinux in my home, and i would to configure dcron in the best way....
My server has some users accounts, and i would to deny the use of crontab to some of this users. How can do it?
Sorry for my bad english but i'm italian
I hope you will answer as soon as possible... thanks
Create a file /etc/cron.deny with the usernames you want to deny (1 per line)
Or, you can create /etc/cron.allow with the only users you want to allow.
cron.[deny|allow] files work only for vixie cron, SleepyDog.
However, I've found a way to make dcron work on user-basis.
groupadd cron
chown root.cron /usr/bin/crontab
chmod 4750 /usr/bin/crontab
Now add users you want to allow to use cron to cron group.
Yes, infact i tried to use cron.deny, but it doesn't work, because dcron in archlinux repository is the Dillon's Cron Daemon, and it doesn't support cron.deny or cron.allow
Ok, so i must create group cron and change the group of /usr/bin/contrab from root:root to root:cron
I would have use fcron in AUR but it's unsupported and not community....
I hope that fcron become community as soon as possible, because it's very powerful....!!!
I'have another problems with dcron:
I did this command:
groupadd cron
chown root:cron /usr/bin/crontab
chmod 750 /usr/bin/contrab
gpasswd -a alessandro cron
to give permissions to alessandro, but when i do
crontab -e
to edit alessandro's crontab, i receive this message:
10-Sep-2005 21:05 initgroups failed: alessandro Operation not permittedunable to create /var/spool/cron/ Permission denied
unable to append to /var/spool/cron/cron.update
so i did this (as root)
chown root:cron /var/spool/cron/
chmod 775 /var/spool/cron/
but doing crontab -e (as alessandro) i recive:
10-Sep-2005 21:09 initgroups failed: alessandro Operation not permitted
and vi editor don't starts to edit crontab......
How can i do?
Thanks, alex1969
Try chmodding /usr/bin/crontab 4750, not mere 750.
Pst, Penguin, move off my frequency ;-)
its chmod 4750. The 4 in the beginning sets the file to SUID (set user ID) which gives permitted users rights to run the program with owner privaleges, in this case root, which is what you need.
Thanks, it's all ok naw!!!!!
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