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I just try pkill xterm and here is the result:
[oesser@xxxxxxxxx ~]$ pkill xterm
pkill: no matching criteria specified
Try `pkill --help' for more information.
pkill works properly except that it does not want to kill xterm ?! The only explanation that I see is that pkill mistake "xterm" for options. But it does not seems to support the "--" (end of options). Anyway that is weird...
Last edited by olive (2012-07-11 20:46:39)
have you tried preg to verify that the process is called 'xterm'?
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
have you tried preg to verify that the process is called 'xterm'?
Yes and pgrep does find the xterm. Anyway pkill does not fail like that if it cannot find a process:
[oesser@xxxxxxxxx ~]$ pkill jhfjhzefjherfzezezfz
[oesser@xxxxxxxxx ~]$ echo $?
[oesser@xxxxxxxxx ~]$ pkill xterm
pkill: no matching criteria specified
Try `pkill --help' for more information.
[oesser@xxxxxxxxx ~]$ echo $?
pkill xterm fails the same way as if you call pkill without any argument.
Last edited by olive (2012-07-11 20:54:19)
I can confirm that this happens on my Arch install as well. To kill xterm I have to use
kill $(pidof xterm)
If I just use "pkill xterm" I get the same error Olive gets. On the other distros I have available, "pkill xterm" does work.
(edit) removed "-9" from the kill command (got that from a google search, obviously not a good idea and it works without; thanks MrCode)
Last edited by 2ManyDogs (2012-07-11 22:01:10)
I'm getting the same thing, actually:
lappy486 ~ $ pkill "xterm"
pkill: no matching criteria specified
Try `pkill --help' for more information.
lappy486 ~ $ pgrep "xterm"
lappy486 ~ $ kill `pgrep "xterm"`
lappy486 ~ $
BTW, I'd seriously recommend against using (p)kill -9, except in bad emergencies; it doesn't allow processes to do cleanup/free memory before being removed from the process queue.
EDIT: This isn't really a problem for me, as I don't use plain xterm. I was just chiming in because I was able to reproduce the issue.
Last edited by MrCode (2012-07-11 21:29:30)
I stumbled across this post while trying to figure out why i can't pkill dbus. As it turns out procps-ng v3.3.3 has a bug that causes it to interpret `xterm' as `-term' and `dbus' as `-bus'. I.e it skips the first character when trying to match signal names..
Anyway, this appears to be fixed, perhaps accidentally, here:
- … dbe7066ac1
You should be able to `pkill xter' without a problem, assuming you don't have any other programs running that match xter..
Pages: 1