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Just read on ./
"Just last month, Opera was celebrating their 10 year anniversary by giving away free registration codes; now they've trumped that by offering Opera for free. Quoth their site, 'Opera has removed the banners, found within our browser, and the licensing fee. Operas growth, due to tremendous worldwide customer support, has made todays milestone an achievable goal. Premium support is available.' Anyone who was on the verge of switching before now have virtually no reason not to."
Hmm browser wars will be exciting now eh? Now I don't need to use anything mozilla.
About time. This isn't so much a positive as the end of ridiculous negative!
Cool! But expect the security vulnerabilities to start piling on with Opera too, as more people use it...
Cool! But expect the security vulnerabilities to start piling on with Opera too, as more people use it...
Please don't tell me your serious.. look at all the people who use apache yet it's still secure as hell.
Ah, good point. I keep thinking in terms of Mozilla, which has gotten less and less secure since its user base started expanding.
I think he was talking about how people would find issues that haven't been found yet. If so, good! Just so long as they fix anything people find.
Yep... Wow, lookee, Firefox now suffers from an unpatched, extremely critical vulnerability involving remote injection of shell commands, affecting UNIX systems. In other words, someone could pull 'rm -rf /' on me remotely... :shock: Damn, this is bad. Well, out goes Firefox. :shock:
you guys are slow ... ;-) it's on my cpu for two days already...
just in case somebody wants to build it (if you not already did)...
pkgdesc="The Opera web browser"
depends=('lesstif' 'qt')
build() {
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-8.50-20050916.5-shared-qt.i386-en
./ DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg
I bow down in the glow of your awesomeness oh great opera sycophant
Oy, that has to count as trolling!
I've not cared for Opera since the release of version 6.x, but just might give it another try this weekend. It is possible that "free and bannerless" could change my mind, but it's still unlikely.
Oy, that has to count as trolling!
Indeed. However, "You guys are slow..." could also easily be construed as trolling. Pet hate of mine that, the "oh you guys are so behind the times" troll, grr makes me angry. We're all just fish in our own little pools and we really don't need to tell each other how big each others pool is all the time just to make ourselves look better.
To be honest I have done this a few times myself, which is probably why I hate it so much.
I've not cared for Opera since the release of version 6.x, but just might give it another try this weekend. It is possible that "free and bannerless" could change my mind, but it's still unlikely.
Same for me... I prefer to use Gecko- or KHTML/Webcore-based browsers. For some reason, I don't like the idea of my browser being closed-source, even though I'm fine with proprietary drivers.
I prefer to use Gecko- or KHTML/Webcore-based browsers. For some reason, I don't like the idea of my browser being closed-source, even though I'm fine with proprietary drivers.
Same here, and I forgot that Opera depends on Qt, so that means I won't be trying/using it.
I bow down in the glow of your awesomeness oh great opera sycophant
never knew I could make you annoyed that fast dibble Oh mighty dibble, please forgive me
[edit] by the way, I never used opera untill this release. But now I have to because firefox let all those popups through lately
I bow down in the glow of your awesomeness oh great opera sycophant
never knew I could make you annoyed that fast dibble
Oh mighty dibble, please forgive me
I pardon you
by the way, I never used opera untill this release. But now I have to because firefox let all those popups through lately
Same here, and I forgot that Opera depends on Qt, so that means I won't be trying/using it.
uhmmm, i did use that, however more and more popups came through lately
I get quite a lot of pop ups with firefox too
Re adblock, try to use filters as generic as possible - stuff like:
(This stuff was culled from my adblock options, which so far have not let through anything.)
why install it to /usr and not to /opt?
('Official' PKGBUILD does also install to /usr)
But then - why install mozilla/firefox to /opt?
I am confused.
Okay, changed my mind and decided to go ahead and try Opera one more time... but I still don't like it at all. It simply feels too clunky and slow, and I can't get used to it. I could hardly wait to get it and Qt uninstalled from my machine.
I am glad it's free, though, for those that do like it!
I expect Opera's popularity to decline quite a bit after this- the reason being that the average Joe (or at least the average MS Windows Joe) believes the commercial stuff ought to be the better one!
Microshaft delenda est
why install it to /usr and not to /opt?
Because only larg self contained packages go to /opt, like gnome, kde, mozilla (yes, this is large, because it's the whole mozilla suite (including at least mozilla, firefox, thunderbird as they all use the gecko engine). So opera is not that large and self contained so it should go to /usr.
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