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#1 2005-09-18 07:58:28

From: Black Hills, USA
Registered: 2005-05-06
Posts: 111

rc.sysinit not starting directly after kernel {Fixed!}

Well I had a really hard time re-installing arch this time. First the problem is rc.sysinit isn't starting at all... second if I do this myself it doesn't complete all the way and stil doesn't work... since udev doesn't start i don't have any discs to use or work with...
I can't use internet, nor some commands, a couple times nano and that kind of stuff works but rarely.

here is my setup partition setup
Hda1: swap
Hda2: windows
hda3: windows
hda4: /boot ext2
hda5: / ext3
hda6: /home ext3
hda7 /usr JFS
hda8: /var RS3
hda9: /opt JFS
hda10: data vfat

hd (0,3)
kernel /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/hda5 devfs=nomount ro
any changes to this don't work very well..
after boot the init scripts don't do anything and i get a very basic console, I can su root and get a bash console.  I just installed the base, and removed a few items like logroate, devfs, lilo, and wireless tools.



#2 2005-09-18 23:56:03

From: Black Hills, USA
Registered: 2005-05-06
Posts: 111

Re: rc.sysinit not starting directly after kernel {Fixed!}

Second try: Ok rearraged and reinstalled Arch, partitions are fine now, grub fine now...
Init scripts still don't start tho. just a very simple shell, I su root and manually run /etc/rc.sysinit && rc.multi, they work and run fine, got network up and it runs fine. updated everything including init and udev.  Another problem is anything in sbin wants /sbin/$command instead of like modprobe I have to /sbin/modprobe

just need to get init scripts to run after booting the kernel... and to fix the command problem

PS: maybe this belongs in the workstation forum?


#3 2005-09-19 01:44:40

Forum Fellow
From: Charlotte, NC
Registered: 2005-01-29
Posts: 2,736

Re: rc.sysinit not starting directly after kernel {Fixed!}

do you have :/sbin/ in your $PATH?


here's mine:

[tyler@eLINUXe ~]$ echo $PATH
/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/opt/bin:/opt/gnome/bin:/opt/java/jre/bin: /opt/java/bin:/opt/kde/bin:/opt/mozilla/bin:/opt/qt/bin:/opt/xfce4/bin

added a space to fix formatting of page - phrakture


#4 2005-09-19 02:46:21

From: Black Hills, USA
Registered: 2005-05-06
Posts: 111

Re: rc.sysinit not starting directly after kernel {Fixed!}

Well that solved some of the sbin problem, sbin wasn't in PATH nor was /usr/sbin or /usr/X11R6/bin wasn't in it.
Thanks for the help there. Now to fix the other problem...


#5 2005-09-20 02:19:01

From: Black Hills, USA
Registered: 2005-05-06
Posts: 111

Re: rc.sysinit not starting directly after kernel {Fixed!}

Still having trouble..... Someone please make a suggestion... Now i just have / as Ext3 and a swap partition and it's still not working!!!!!
$PATH doesn't show what's in /etc/profile. rc.sysinit and rc.multi don't run after kernel is finished loading. I don't know why it does this either...?

I reburned the ISO and checked it's md5sum and it matched.  This is really pissing me off cause it didn't do this before when I first installed it.... hmm maybe install from my first cd drive instead of second... that's on an idea as I'm running out of things it could be!



#6 2005-09-20 05:22:20

Arch Overlord
From: behind you
Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 7,879

Re: rc.sysinit not starting directly after kernel {Fixed!}

what does your /etc/inittab look like?


#7 2005-09-20 22:03:11

From: Black Hills, USA
Registered: 2005-05-06
Posts: 111

Re: rc.sysinit not starting directly after kernel {Fixed!}

Well here is my inittab:

# /etc/inittab

#  Runlevels:
#    0    Halt
#    1(S)    Single-user
#    2    Not used
#    3    Multi-user
#    4    Not used
#    5    X11
#    6    Reboot


su:S:wait:/sbin/sulogin -p

c1:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 vc/1 linux
c2:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 vc/2 linux
c3:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 vc/3 linux
c4:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 vc/4 linux
c5:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 vc/5 linux
c6:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 vc/6 linux

ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now

x:5:respawn:/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon

# End of file

Need any more info to help just ask. smile Archie came in handy this time.


#8 2005-09-20 22:44:53

Arch Overlord
From: behind you
Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 7,879

Re: rc.sysinit not starting directly after kernel {Fixed!}

shouldn't sysinit look like:
rc:S12345:sysinit:/etc/rc.sysinit ??

I'm not at a *nix box, so I'll have to check later on


#9 2005-09-21 00:11:48

From: Black Hills, USA
Registered: 2005-05-06
Posts: 111

Re: rc.sysinit not starting directly after kernel {Fixed!}

Nope looked at the ones in the repo and they have nothing like that, good idea anyway.


#10 2005-09-21 00:24:24

Forum Fellow
From: Waterloo, ON, CA
Registered: 2005-04-08
Posts: 3,108

Re: rc.sysinit not starting directly after kernel {Fixed!}

For comparison's sake, my inittab is below (my system works fine)

# /etc/inittab

#  Runlevels:
#    0    Halt
#    1(S)    Single-user
#    2    Not used
#    3    Multi-user
#    4    Not used
#    5    X11
#    6    Reboot


su:S:wait:/sbin/sulogin -p

c1:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 vc/1 linux
c2:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 vc/2 linux
c3:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 vc/3 linux
c4:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 vc/4 linux
c5:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 vc/5 linux
c6:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 vc/6 linux

ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now

x:5:respawn:/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon -config /etc/X11/xdm/archlinux/xdm-config

# End of file

... they seem pretty identical to me, except I boot into xdm with a special config.  Hmmm....

-=edit=- Thought: Permissions?  Are rc.sysinit and rc.multi executable?  Would there be any pertinent information in, say, /var/log/kernel.log or /var/log/messages.log (or, for that matter, /var/log/everything.log)?

Second thought: If you removed devfs from your kernel, why are you still supplying the devfs=nomount kernel option?  Maybe that's having some weird side-effects?


#11 2005-09-21 02:45:33

From: Black Hills, USA
Registered: 2005-05-06
Posts: 111

Re: rc.sysinit not starting directly after kernel {Fixed!}

Nothing wrong in the logs, when i manually ran the scripts. I didn't remove devfs from the kernel but just the daemon but if I can get a custom kernel to compile I will remove devfs completly.  The rc.sysinit and rc.mutli are excutables but I don't know what other permissions they need/have.


#12 2005-09-21 03:42:27

Developer/Forum Fellow
From: Montreal, Canada
Registered: 2004-08-20
Posts: 5,212

Re: rc.sysinit not starting directly after kernel {Fixed!}

jnengland77 wrote:

The rc.sysinit and rc.mutli are excutables but I don't know what other permissions they need/have.

On my system, I have:

-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  124 Jul  9 01:45 rc.local
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  458 Jun  5 15:55 rc.multi
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 2.0K Jun  5 15:55 rc.shutdown
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 1.6K Jun  5 15:55 rc.single
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 5.1K Jun  5 15:55 rc.sysinit


#13 2005-09-21 22:08:26

From: Black Hills, USA
Registered: 2005-05-06
Posts: 111

Re: rc.sysinit not starting directly after kernel {Fixed!}

Crap, permissions are set right. WTF?! is wrong with this install, is it possible for an ISO to go bad on a fat32?, which it's stored on but the md5 sum was ok tho. Maybe I'll try installing from my other CD drive with a newly download/burned copy?


#14 2005-09-23 00:06:40

From: Black Hills, USA
Registered: 2005-05-06
Posts: 111

Re: rc.sysinit not starting directly after kernel {Fixed!}

Well niether of my ideas worked.  I even downloaded the base install instead of the other and it didn't work... I manually started the initscripts and stuff and updated and still even backed up and removed the initscripts and reinstalled them. I used devfs and it still won't start the initscripts...



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