You are not logged in.

#151 2012-08-04 15:21:38

doug piston
From: Seattle
Registered: 2011-09-11
Posts: 387

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

The last couple of reboots I have seen a small issue but am not sure where to start. I use systemd (graysky I understand you do not) and no login manager, at boot time, when I can type in my username and password is when psd.service seems to finish starting. Not a big deal I see the message where my username is suppose to go but I can login just fine.

I ran the systemd blame command and it looks like psd.service is taking 11000ms to start. (This is from memory, I can get the exact amount later tonight). I guess I am just asking if anyone else is seeing this as well, and if it could be related to the size of the file its trying to sync. I've PSD installed and running find for about a week and this just popped up.



#152 2012-08-04 15:51:26

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,621

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

@doug - I actually switched over to systemd a while ago and am really liking it.  To answer your question, yes, the time is directly related to the amount of data you're asking it to sync.

$ systemd-analyze blame
  1069ms psd.service
   576ms network.service
   503ms rc-local.service

You should use a util like ncdu to see just how large your profile(s) are and consider trimming them down.  How many profiles are you syncing?  Firefox?  Chromium? Others?

CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck  • AUR packagesZsh and other configs


#153 2012-08-04 16:03:41

doug piston
From: Seattle
Registered: 2011-09-11
Posts: 387

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

Thanks for the reply and I too am liking it very much. I use just the mozilla profile and I will install/run ncdu this evening. Thank you for the suggestion.


#154 2012-08-04 16:52:36

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,621

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

Firefox is notoriously bad for two reasons:


You can vacuum your databases or better yet disable the former in your preferences.  Just google it and you'll find out how.

CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck  • AUR packagesZsh and other configs


#155 2012-08-05 00:59:02

doug piston
From: Seattle
Registered: 2011-09-11
Posts: 387

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

I did as you said and it did not help much if at all. I cleared the history and we are all good.

1016ms dkms.service
909ms psd.service
509ms systemd-udev-trigger.service

Thank you for the tip and I have added a custom history setting to firefox. Appreciate the help.



#156 2012-08-05 01:45:39

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,621

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

You need to clean and vacuum your databases.  I'll post a script to help tomorrow.

CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck  • AUR packagesZsh and other configs


#157 2012-08-05 01:56:55

doug piston
From: Seattle
Registered: 2011-09-11
Posts: 387

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

Oh I did that as well. Maybe the command from the wiki was not good enough\correct??

I used this

$ cd ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default
$ for i in urlclassifier3 places; do \
    sqlite3 $i.sqlite vacuum;        \
    sqlite3 $i.sqlite reindex;       \


Apologies on my ignorance on the subject.

Last edited by doug piston (2012-08-05 01:57:15)


#158 2012-08-05 11:48:09

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,621

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

You found it.... so how large are your profiles now?

du -d 1 -h /tmp/$LOGNAME* | sort -n -r

Mine seems to be 122 M

$ du -d 1 -h /tmp/$LOGNAME* | sort -n -r 
864K	/tmp/facade-chromium/Dictionaries
122M	/tmp/facade-chromium
106M	/tmp/facade-chromium/Default
0	/tmp/facade-chromium/Temp
0	/tmp/facade-chromium/PepperFlash
0	/tmp/facade-chromium/Crash Reports

Last edited by graysky (2012-08-05 11:50:26)

CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck  • AUR packagesZsh and other configs


#159 2012-08-05 14:00:48

doug piston
From: Seattle
Registered: 2011-09-11
Posts: 387

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

76M	   /tmp/jarvis-mozilla/firefox
76M	   /tmp/jarvis-mozilla
0	   /tmp/jarvis-mozilla/extensions

Since running the vacuum and using the custom history settings I am very pleased.


#160 2012-09-06 15:32:27

From: Sweden
Registered: 2008-12-07
Posts: 153

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

First, I want to thank you for psd and asd. They've worked great so far, installation and configuration was straightforward, and documentation excellent.

I noticed a problem with psd after switching to systemd. I use psd to sync my Firefox profile, which is over 500 MB in size. Firefox is launched automatically by my window manager, but after the switch Firefox would sometimes have problems with loading my profile. My guess is that the startup simply was too fast, so psd didn't have time to sync all files (fossworldproblems...). I solved it by adding a delay before autostarting Firefox.

My workaround works well, but do you any way to tell systemd to wait for psd to complete syncing before starting X (in my case kdm.service)?


#161 2012-09-06 16:31:34

From: Milan, Italy
Registered: 2011-09-02
Posts: 849

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

Add a "After=psd.service" in kdm.service [Unit]?

Last edited by nierro (2012-09-06 16:34:38)


#162 2012-09-07 00:35:20

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,621

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

I think that nierro's suggestion is interesting.  Does it solve your problem?  As an aside, why is your profile so large?  Have you tried using profile-cleaner to trim it down?

CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck  • AUR packagesZsh and other configs


#163 2012-09-07 13:59:03

Registered: 2010-06-08
Posts: 20

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

If a user specified in psd.conf isn't logged in, does their profile get synced?


#164 2012-09-07 14:26:43

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,621

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

Doorbreath wrote:

If a user specified in psd.conf isn't logged in, does their profile get synced?


CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck  • AUR packagesZsh and other configs


#165 2012-09-10 12:38:52

From: Sweden
Registered: 2008-12-07
Posts: 153

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

nierro wrote:

Add a "After=psd.service" in kdm.service [Unit]?

Thanks, that seems to do the trick! However, boot feels faster with the "sleep 10; firefox" workaround, so I think I'll continue to use that.

graysky wrote:

I think that nierro's suggestion is interesting.  Does it solve your problem?  As an aside, why is your profile so large?  Have you tried using profile-cleaner to trim it down?

It's mostly the cache that takes a lot of space since I never clear it. With 24 GB memory it doesn't matter much though; I'm glad I can put the memory to good use with your great script.


#166 2012-09-10 14:49:50

From: Vila Velha - Brasil
Registered: 2010-05-25
Posts: 470

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

how to solve "directory not empty" issue for chromium?


#167 2012-09-22 17:34:03

From: Vila Velha - Brasil
Registered: 2010-05-25
Posts: 470

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

ok, giving some output

it's claiming about directory not empty, files exist; in the first 2 errors.
can someone help?

[studio@(none) ~]$ LC_MESSAGES=C sudo rc.d start psd
:: Starting Profile-Sync-Daemon                                                                                                        [BUSY] mv: não foi possível mover "/home/studio/.config/chromium-backup" para "/home/studio/.config/chromium/chromium-backup": Diretório não vazio
mv: não foi possível mover "/home/studio/.config/chromium" para "/home/studio/.config/chromium-backup/chromium": Diretório não vazio
ln: failed to create symbolic link "/home/studio/.config/chromium/studio-chromium": Arquivo existe
rsync: failed to set times on "/home/studio/.config/chromium-backup/studio-chromium": Operation not permitted (1)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1052) [sender=3.0.9]

[studio@(none) ~]$ LC_MESSAGES=C sudo rc.d stop psd
:: Stopping Profile-Sync-Daemon                                                                                                        [BUSY] mv: não foi possível mover "/home/studio/.config/chromium" para "/home/studio/.config/chromium-backup/chromium": Diretório não vazio
ln: failed to create symbolic link "/home/studio/.config/chromium/studio-chromium": Arquivo existe
rsync: failed to set times on "/home/studio/.config/chromium-backup/studio-chromium": Operation not permitted (1)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1052) [sender=3.0.9]

# /etc/psd.conf
# For documentation, see:

# List users separated by spaces whose browser(s) profile(s) will get symlinked
# and sync'ed to tmpfs.
# Do NOT list a user twice!
# Example
# USERS="facade happy"

# List browsers separated by spaces to include in the sync. Useful if you do not
# wish to have all possible browser profiles sync'ed.
# Possible values:
#   chromium
#   google-chrome
#   mozilla
#   midori
#   opera
#   opera-next
#               qupzilla
# Note that mozilla is the correct value for the firefox browser!
# If the following is commented out (default), then all available/supported
# browsers will be sync'ed.

# Define where browser profiles will reside in tmpfs
# This location must be mounted to tmpfs and MUST have permissions of 777
# Use NO trailing backslash!
# If running a standard ARCH install the following default is fine


#168 2012-09-22 19:22:01

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,621

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

@cap - post the output of

$ ls -l /home/studio/.config

CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck  • AUR packagesZsh and other configs


#169 2012-09-22 19:34:52

From: Vila Velha - Brasil
Registered: 2010-05-25
Posts: 470

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

graysky wrote:

@cap - post the output of

$ ls -l /home/studio/.config
[studio@(none) ~]$ ls -l /home/studio/.config
total 156
drwxr-xr-x 3 studio users 4096 Set 21 18:20 audacious
-rw------- 1 studio users   70 Jul 13 13:10 aurvote
drwx------ 8 studio users 4096 Set 22 16:29 chromium
drwx------ 8 studio users 4096 Set 22 14:29 chromium-backup
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Set 11 14:30 dconf
drwxr-xr-x 4 studio users 4096 Jul 19 17:29 deadbeef
drwxr-xr-x 2 studio users 4096 Jul 15 20:01 emelfm2
drwxr-xr-x 5 studio users 4096 Jul 22 23:00 emesene2
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Ago  3 11:37 Empathy
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Ago 20 20:14 enchant
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Jul 11 18:41 evince
drwx------ 3 studio users 4096 Ago 24 23:05 gajim
drwxr-xr-x 2 studio users 4096 Ago  3 10:56 goa-1.0
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Set 22 14:47 gtk-2.0
drwxr-xr-x 2 studio users 4096 Jul 10 03:07 gtk-3.0
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Jul 11 11:20 htop
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Jul 10 22:00 kekekeks
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Jul 10 07:33 leafpad
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Jul 15 21:32 libfm
drwxr-xr-x 3 studio users 4096 Jul 11 14:08 libreoffice
-rw-r--r-- 1 studio users  147 Set 21 11:37 lxtask.conf
drwxr-xr-x 3 studio users 4096 Jul 20 11:55 menus
drwxr-xr-x 2 studio users 4096 Jul 11 16:26 mirage
drwxr-xr-x 3 studio users 4096 Ago 17 12:53 mono.addins
drwx------ 3 studio users 4096 Jul 15 21:32 pcmanfm
drwxr-xr-x 2 studio users 4096 Ago 17 12:57 Pinta
drwxr-xr-x 2 studio users 4096 Jul 16 08:31 qtfm
drwxr-xr-x 2 studio users 4096 Jul 10 16:02
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Set  8 17:59 sar2
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Jul 14 14:12 Skype
drwxr-xr-x 3 studio users 4096 Jul 13 21:34 smplayer
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Ago 29 14:04 Thunar
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Ago 16 12:09 tracker
drwxr-xr-x 5 studio users 4096 Set 22 01:55 transmission
-rw-r--r-- 1 studio users 7607 Ago 24 23:04 Trolltech.conf
drwxr-xr-x 2 studio users 4096 Set 22 01:42 vlc
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Jul 12 19:08 xarchiver
drwxr-xr-x 3 studio users 4096 Jul 14 09:14 xfce4


#170 2012-09-22 19:40:29

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,621

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

Problem seems to be that you have two physical directories for your chromium profile: chromium and chromium-backup.  Why?  I do not know.

Do this:

$ mv ~/.config/chromium-backup ~/.config/chromium-backup-wtf
$ sudo rc.d start psd

Repeat the ls command and verify that indeed you have a symlink for chromium and a directory for chromium-backup.  For example:

$ ls -l ~/.config
total 192
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Sep  9 17:12 Terminal
drwxr-xr-x  2 facade users 4096 Sep 22 12:19 Thunar
drwxr-xr-x  2 facade users 4096 May  4 21:01 autostart
drwxr-xr-x  2 facade users 4096 Aug 13  2011 backintime
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Aug 26  2011 bleachbit
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Aug  5 20:21 brasero
drwx------  7 facade users 4096 Sep 22 15:30 chromium-backup
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Sep 20 20:57 dconf
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Jul  6 17:12 enchant
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Oct 15  2011 epdfview
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Sep 20 20:57 evince
drwxr-xr-x  2 facade users 4096 Sep 22 12:19 geeqie
drwxr-xr-x  2 facade users 4096 Oct  9  2011 goa-1.0
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Sep 22 12:20 gtk-2.0
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Jul 26 18:40 htop
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Jul  3 19:22 leafpad
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Aug 13  2011 libfm
drwxr-xr-x  2 facade users 4096 Jul 11 12:44 libimobiledevice
drwxr-xr-x  3 facade users 4096 May 28 05:47 libreoffice
drwx------  3 facade users 4096 Aug 13  2011 lxpanel
drwx------  3 facade users 4096 Aug 13  2011 lxsession
drwxr-xr-x  3 facade users 4096 Aug 13  2011 menus
drwxr-xr-x  2 facade users 4096 Aug 13  2011 openbox
drwxr-xr-x  3 facade users 4096 Aug 13  2011 pcmanfm
drwxr-xr-x  2 facade users 4096 Sep 17 17:04 vlc
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Aug 20  2011 xfburn
drwxr-xr-x  6 facade users 4096 Sep 17 09:45 xfce4
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Aug 13  2011 xfce4-session
drwxr-xr-x  2 facade users 4096 Sep  4  2011 xfe
-rw-r--r--  1 facade users  216 May 14 18:47 archey3.cfg

If all is well, you can delete ~/.config/chromium-backup-wtf

CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck  • AUR packagesZsh and other configs


#171 2012-09-22 21:00:30

From: Vila Velha - Brasil
Registered: 2010-05-25
Posts: 470

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

graysky wrote:

Problem seems to be that you have two physical directories for your chromium profile: chromium and chromium-backup.  Why?  I do not know.

Do this:

$ mv ~/.config/chromium-backup ~/.config/chromium-backup-wtf
$ sudo rc.d start psd
[studio@(none) ~]$ mv ~/.config/chromium-backup ~/.config/chromium-backup-wtf
[studio@(none) ~]$ sudo rc.d start psd
[sudo] password for studio: 
:: Starting Profile-Sync-Daemon                                          [BUSY] ln: failed to create symbolic link "/home/studio/.config/chromium": Arquivo existe

graysky wrote:

Repeat the ls command and verify that indeed you have a symlink for chromium and a directory for chromium-backup.  For example:

$ ls -l ~/.config
total 192
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Sep  9 17:12 Terminal
drwxr-xr-x  2 facade users 4096 Sep 22 12:19 Thunar
drwxr-xr-x  2 facade users 4096 May  4 21:01 autostart
drwxr-xr-x  2 facade users 4096 Aug 13  2011 backintime
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Aug 26  2011 bleachbit
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Aug  5 20:21 brasero
drwx------  7 facade users 4096 Sep 22 15:30 chromium-backup
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Sep 20 20:57 dconf
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Jul  6 17:12 enchant
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Oct 15  2011 epdfview
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Sep 20 20:57 evince
drwxr-xr-x  2 facade users 4096 Sep 22 12:19 geeqie
drwxr-xr-x  2 facade users 4096 Oct  9  2011 goa-1.0
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Sep 22 12:20 gtk-2.0
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Jul 26 18:40 htop
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Jul  3 19:22 leafpad
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Aug 13  2011 libfm
drwxr-xr-x  2 facade users 4096 Jul 11 12:44 libimobiledevice
drwxr-xr-x  3 facade users 4096 May 28 05:47 libreoffice
drwx------  3 facade users 4096 Aug 13  2011 lxpanel
drwx------  3 facade users 4096 Aug 13  2011 lxsession
drwxr-xr-x  3 facade users 4096 Aug 13  2011 menus
drwxr-xr-x  2 facade users 4096 Aug 13  2011 openbox
drwxr-xr-x  3 facade users 4096 Aug 13  2011 pcmanfm
drwxr-xr-x  2 facade users 4096 Sep 17 17:04 vlc
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Aug 20  2011 xfburn
drwxr-xr-x  6 facade users 4096 Sep 17 09:45 xfce4
drwx------  2 facade users 4096 Aug 13  2011 xfce4-session
drwxr-xr-x  2 facade users 4096 Sep  4  2011 xfe
-rw-r--r--  1 facade users  216 May 14 18:47 archey3.cfg

If all is well, you can delete ~/.config/chromium-backup-wtf

[studio@(none) ~]$ ls -l /home/studio/.config
total 160
drwxr-xr-x 3 studio users 4096 Set 21 18:20 audacious
-rw------- 1 studio users   70 Jul 13 13:10 aurvote
drwx------ 8 studio users 4096 Set 22 17:49 chromium
drwx------ 8 studio users 4096 Set 22 17:49 chromium-backup
drwx------ 8 studio users 4096 Set 22 14:29 chromium-backup-wtf
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Set 11 14:30 dconf
drwxr-xr-x 4 studio users 4096 Jul 19 17:29 deadbeef
drwxr-xr-x 2 studio users 4096 Jul 15 20:01 emelfm2
drwxr-xr-x 5 studio users 4096 Jul 22 23:00 emesene2
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Ago  3 11:37 Empathy
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Ago 20 20:14 enchant
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Jul 11 18:41 evince
drwx------ 3 studio users 4096 Ago 24 23:05 gajim
drwxr-xr-x 2 studio users 4096 Ago  3 10:56 goa-1.0
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Set 22 14:47 gtk-2.0
drwxr-xr-x 2 studio users 4096 Jul 10 03:07 gtk-3.0
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Jul 11 11:20 htop
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Jul 10 22:00 kekekeks
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Jul 10 07:33 leafpad
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Jul 15 21:32 libfm
drwxr-xr-x 3 studio users 4096 Jul 11 14:08 libreoffice
-rw-r--r-- 1 studio users  147 Set 21 11:37 lxtask.conf
drwxr-xr-x 3 studio users 4096 Jul 20 11:55 menus
drwxr-xr-x 2 studio users 4096 Jul 11 16:26 mirage
drwxr-xr-x 3 studio users 4096 Ago 17 12:53 mono.addins
drwx------ 3 studio users 4096 Jul 15 21:32 pcmanfm
drwxr-xr-x 2 studio users 4096 Ago 17 12:57 Pinta
drwxr-xr-x 2 studio users 4096 Jul 16 08:31 qtfm
drwxr-xr-x 2 studio users 4096 Jul 10 16:02
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Set  8 17:59 sar2
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Jul 14 14:12 Skype
drwxr-xr-x 3 studio users 4096 Jul 13 21:34 smplayer
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Ago 29 14:04 Thunar
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Ago 16 12:09 tracker
drwxr-xr-x 5 studio users 4096 Set 22 01:55 transmission
-rw-r--r-- 1 studio users 7607 Ago 24 23:04 Trolltech.conf
drwxr-xr-x 2 studio users 4096 Set 22 01:42 vlc
drwx------ 2 studio users 4096 Jul 12 19:08 xarchiver
drwxr-xr-x 3 studio users 4096 Jul 14 09:14 xfce4

I run chomium like this

chromium --disk-cache-dir=/tmp/cache


#172 2012-09-22 21:05:18

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,621

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

Running with disk-cache-dir should matter.. What I do not understand is why you aren't getting a symlink.  I am spassuming that your user has write access to your cache dir?  Can you manually create a link there as a test?  What is the output of starting pad after you remove the ~/.config/chromium-backup and stop the psd?

EDIT:  meant to say, disk-cache-dir should NOT matter...

Last edited by graysky (2012-09-22 21:39:20)

CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck  • AUR packagesZsh and other configs


#173 2012-09-22 21:20:49

From: Vila Velha - Brasil
Registered: 2010-05-25
Posts: 470

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

graysky wrote:

Running with disk-cache-dir should matter.. What I do not understand is why you aren't getting a symlink.  I am spassuming that your user has write access to your cache dir?  Can you manually create a link there as a test?  What is the output of starting pad after you remove the ~/.config/chromium-backup and stop the psd?

I closed chromium and renamed chromium-backup again

this time it works:

[studio@(none) ~]$ LC_MESSAGES=C sudo rc.d start psd
:: Starting Profile-Sync-Daemon                                          [DONE] 
[studio@(none) ~]$ LC_MESSAGES=C sudo rc.d stop psd
:: Stopping Profile-Sync-Daemon                                          [DONE]

thanks a lot, I guess it's fixed.


#174 2012-09-22 21:59:36

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,621

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

@cap - Glad to hear it's working now.  Make sure you're running the up-to-date version as always.

CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck  • AUR packagesZsh and other configs


#175 2012-09-24 21:43:17

From: Finland
Registered: 2011-02-20
Posts: 84

Re: profile-sync-daemon - keep browser profiles in tmpfs and sync'ed

After latest update (3.13-1 -> 3.14-1) psd stopped working. Poked around a bit and noticed that for some reason $SUDO_USER doesn't get set in my system.

I'm no master in bash scripting, so while waiting for a more professional fix, I have replaced $SUDO_USER with logname in set_which() function in /usr/bin/profile-sync-daemon:

local logname=$(logname)
#homedir="$(getent passwd $SUDO_USER | grep $user | cut -d: -f6)"
homedir="$(getent passwd $logname | grep $user | cut -d: -f6)"

Edit: DOH! Stupid me (I blame lack of coffee....). Of course logname doesn't work when shutting down and booting up (in plain English: not logged in). So it's back to 3.13-1 for now, for me.

Last edited by samuvuo (2012-09-24 21:54:02)


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