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Pretty new user here, I might not know everything but I know some things. Former Gentoo user, but I wanted to install Arch on my laptop due to the weak processor, and not having to compile everything.
Anyways, installation on the USB stick went pretty smooth until I was to install X(11).
The installation worked out and after that I installed my Intel video drivers.
But now, when I try to start X, I get this:
First, do I have to manually install xterm, twm, exec and xclock? I thought those were supposed to "come bundled with" xorg-server?
The log that it mentions is found here:
I'd love help with this, or at least point me to where I can get help.
onii ♥
Last edited by oniichan (2012-08-09 10:40:04)
First, do I have to manually install xterm, twm, exec and xclock? I thought those were supposed to "come bundled with" xorg-server?
Hello and welcome.
If you need any of the applications, yes, you do. X environment comes in many packages so that you are not forced to install anything you really don't need. That's why if you don't plan to use xclock for instance, and xterm you still find handy, a simple
pacman -S xterm
will do the job. Of course, use
pacman -Ss <keyword>
to find whatever package you want.
Last edited by bohoomil (2012-08-08 22:00:02)
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First, do I have to manually install xterm, twm, exec and xclock? I thought those were supposed to "come bundled with" xorg-server?
Post your ~/.xinitrc.
I have made a personal commitment not to reply in topics that start with a lowercase letter. Proper grammar and punctuation is a sign of respect, and if you do not show any, you will NOT receive any help (at least not from me).
oniichan wrote:First, do I have to manually install xterm, twm, exec and xclock? I thought those were supposed to "come bundled with" xorg-server?
Hello and welcome.
If you need any of the applications, yes, you do. X environment comes in many packages so that you are not forced to install anything you really don't need. That's why if you don't plan to use xclock for instance, and xterm you still find handy, a simple
pacman -S xterm
will do the job. Of course, use
pacman -Ss <keyword>
to find whatever package you want.
Thank you for that explanation, it made things a bit more clear.
oniichan wrote:First, do I have to manually install xterm, twm, exec and xclock? I thought those were supposed to "come bundled with" xorg-server?
Wow, how come I didn't see that, it was exactly what I needed. Thank you very much.
Post your ~/.xinitrc.
Since I got it working after post #3 it is no need to.
'nii ♥