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I am looking for a modern lightweight GTK2 theme which should run smooth and fast on old hardware. Do you have any suggestions?
I already know mist, the xfce-themes and clearice.
I also tried the lubuntu-standard theme, but according to gtkperf it is considerably slower than the themes mentioned above.
Are there any GTK tweaks (for example choosing the correct font) to tweak gtk performance?
With one of my setups I'm using slightly modified good old bluecurve, because I still like it. Not particularly modern, it's still doing its job well, though.
Last edited by bohoomil (2012-08-08 18:16:35)
:: Registered Linux User No. 223384
:: github
:: infinality-bundle+fonts: good looking fonts made easy
Try my solution:
Modified LXDE:
pcmanfm and libfm replaced with spacefm and udevil
lxpanel replaced with lxpanelx-svn
lubuntu box theme (there are added menu icon and wallpapers) the theme includes gtk2, gtk3 and openbox
faenza icon theme
faenza libreoffice icons
Works smooth on antique 1,2 Celeron with 256M
Last edited by nbvcxz (2012-08-09 07:31:35)
Lenovo G50 | LXQT-git | compton | conky
I've been using MurrinaCleanGray, which is minimalistic while still lookin' pretty smooth. gtkperf reported: Total time: 5.12 for "Test All." I don't know how significant that is, but fun fact nonetheless.
You can try the tip mentioned in this thread: essentially, creating a ~/.compose-cache directory allows graphical applications to load faster.
I use linux and I dont understand nothing in this post.
Pages: 1