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Remove: wesnoth-cvs
Targets: wesnoth-svn-8377-1
Total Package Size: 37.8 MB
Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n] Y
:: Retrieving packages from dibble...
wesnoth-svn-8377-1 [/home/pkgs/dibble/] 100% LOCAL
checking package integrity... done.
removing wesnoth-cvs... done.
feh: invalid option -- 3
feh WARNING: 3 does not exist - skipping
loading package data... done.
checking for file conflicts... feh WARNING: /var/abs/dibble/wesnoth-svn/pkg/.FILELIST - No Imlib2 loader for that file format
feh WARNING: /var/abs/dibble/wesnoth-svn/pkg/.PKGINFO - No Imlib2 loader for that file format
installing wesnoth-svn... done.
Why is pacman running feh?!
Do your wesnoth-cvs and wesnoth-svn packages have anything in the install scripts ?
There is a strange option "3" too. What could pacman want to run with this parameter?
What's inside your feh package ? Maybe something conflicts with it? Is something symlinked to it ?
Is wesnoth-svn package installed properly after the error ?
What if you remove feh package and reinstall wesnoth-cvs/svn ?
Do your wesnoth-cvs and wesnoth-svn packages have anything in the install scripts ?
No install scripts
What's inside your feh package ? Maybe something conflicts with it? Is something symlinked to it ?
feh /usr/
feh /usr/bin/
feh /usr/bin/cam
feh /usr/bin/feh
feh /usr/bin/
feh /usr/man/
feh /usr/man/man1/
feh /usr/man/man1/feh.1.gz
feh /usr/share/
feh /usr/share/feh/
feh /usr/share/feh/fonts/
feh /usr/share/feh/fonts/
feh /usr/share/feh/fonts/
feh /usr/share/feh/fonts/yudit.ttf
feh /usr/share/feh/images/
feh /usr/share/feh/images/about.png
feh /usr/share/feh/images/menubg_aluminium.png
feh /usr/share/feh/images/menubg_aqua.png
feh /usr/share/feh/images/menubg_black.png
feh /usr/share/feh/images/menubg_britney.png
feh /usr/share/feh/images/menubg_brushed.png
feh /usr/share/feh/images/menubg_chrome.png
feh /usr/share/feh/images/menubg_default.png
feh /usr/share/feh/images/menubg_pastel.png
feh /usr/share/feh/images/menubg_sky.png
feh /usr/share/feh/images/menubg_wood.png
No libs - never links to anything AFAIK
Is wesnoth-svn package installed properly after the error ?
What if you remove feh package and reinstall wesnoth-cvs/svn ?
Dunno - might try later
Maybe untar the wesnoth-svn and cvs packages somewhere and check if their .FILELIST and .PKGINFO files are not corrupted as they are mentionned in the error message.