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Marking this [Solved] so it will be more easily identified as a solution.
Latest = archlinux-2012.08-1-archboot-x86_64.iso
I will test with each release of Archboot and keep this post and the script updated.
1. No GRUB - thus no dual boot.
2. Stub kernel - no bootloader (though strictly speaking the stub kernel is its own boot loader).
3. systemd - no rc.conf at all.
4. User prompted for major system config options - keyboard, timezone, language, etc.
5. Full disk encryption with LUKS on RAID0 array with root and data on separate LVM2 volumes.
6. systemd service used to monitor and relocate kernel updates for UEFI boot.
7. Bare-bones (no apps or users) so its only purpose is to boot Arch.
I'm sure there are some improvements that would be useful. Suggestions welcome...
Original script here here and here.
Find reliable systemd service replacements for rc.local and rc.local.shutdown See here.
Add interactive scripts for RAID and LVM2 creation and activation.
# This script is designed to be run in conjunction with a UEFI boot using
# Archboot install media. It is a modification of
# --append-binary-args is explained here
# It is up to you to install applications and users of your choosing.
# I use scripts to automate this but the choice of apps and user configuration
# are my personal references and I don't assume your preferences are the same.
# Things you need to know:
# You should have already created the encrypted RAID array and the LVM2 volumes.
# This script will assemble and decrypt the array and activate the LVM2 volumes.
# Store this script on the device you have extracted the Archboot ios image to
# and intend to boot from in UEFI mode.
# Mount the boot device on /tmp/src so you can access the script.
# You may need to stop your RAID arrays before you run this scrip if they are
# automatically started with arbitrary device names.
mdadm --stop /dev/md126
mdadm --stop /dev/md127
# You should edit /etc/mdadm.conf to remove any RAID devices they you do not
# want activated when you boot into the new install.
# You can use a simple search and replace in your favourite text editor to change these values:
# The Archboot install media is mounted on: /tmp/src
# The target media is mounted on: /tmp/target
# UEFI boot partition: /dev/sda1
# RAID devices: /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdc2
# RAID0 array: /dev/md2
# LVM2 physical volume: pv64SSDx3
# LVM2 volume group: vg64SSDx3
# LVM2 logical volume for root: lvRoot
# LVM2 logical volume for data: lvMyStuff
# TIP:
# If you issue the command 'script /tmp/src/install.log' before you run this script
# you will capture all of its screen output.
# It may be useful for debugging but don't forget to 'exit' when the script is
# complete so that it will close the logfile properly so you don't loose any of the details.
echo -en "\n|||||||||| Choose keyboard and console font \n\n" ; sleep 1 ; km
echo -en "\n|||||||||| Starting network \n\n" ; sleep 1 ; dhclient eth0
echo -en "\n|||||||||| Choose location and time zone \n\n" ; sleep 1 ; tz
echo -en "\n|||||||||| Assembling RAID array \n\n" ; sleep 1 ; mdadm --assemble /dev/md2 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdc2
echo -en "\n|||||||||| Unlocking encrypted target \n\n" ; sleep 1 ; cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md2 pv64SSDx3 ; vgchange -ay
echo -en "\n|||||||||| Creating target filesystems \n\n" ; sleep 1 ; mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1 ; mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/vg64SSDx3-lvRoot
echo -en "\n|||||||||| Mounting Archboot packages \n\n" ; sleep 1
mkdir -p "/packages/core-$(uname -m)"
mkdir -p "/packages/core-any"
modprobe loop
modprobe squashfs
mount -o ro,loop -t squashfs "/tmp/src/packages/archboot_packages_$(uname -m).squashfs" "/packages/core-$(uname -m)"
mount -o ro,loop -t squashfs "/tmp/src/packages/archboot_packages_any.squashfs" "/packages/core-any"
echo -en "\n|||||||||| Configuring pacman for Archboot packages \n\n" ; sleep 1
cat > /tmp/pacman.conf << EOF
SigLevel = Never
Architecture = auto
CacheDir = /packages/core-$(uname -m)/pkg
CacheDir = /packages/core-any/pkg
Server = file:///packages/core-$(uname -m)/pkg
Server =\$repo/os/\$arch
Server = file:///packages/core-$(uname -m)/pkg
Server =\$repo/os/\$arch
Server =\$repo/os/\$arch
echo -en "\n|||||||||| Creating target directory structure \n\n" ; sleep 1
mkdir -v /tmp/target
mount /dev/mapper/vg64SSDx3-lvRoot /tmp/target
mkdir -v /tmp/target/boot
mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /tmp/target/boot
mkdir -pv /tmp/target/var/log
mkdir -pv /tmp/target/var/lib/pacman
mkdir -pv /tmp/target/var/cache/pacman/pkg
mkdir -v /tmp/target/tmp
mkdir -pv /tmp/target/media/myStuff
mount -t ext4 /dev/mapper/vg64SSDx3-lvMyStuff /tmp/target/media/myStuff
echo -en "\n|||||||||| Updating target package database \n\n" ; sleep 1
mkdir -m 755 -p /tmp/target/var/cache/pacman/pkg
mkdir -m 755 -p /tmp/target/var/lib/pacman
pacman --noconfirm --cachedir /var/cache/pacman/pkg --config /tmp/pacman.conf --root /tmp/target -Sy
echo -en "\n|||||||||| Installing base \n\n" ; sleep 1
pacman --noconfirm --cachedir /var/cache/pacman/pkg --config /tmp/pacman.conf --root /tmp/target -Su base
echo -en "\n|||||||||| Installing systemd \n\n" ; sleep 1
pacman --noconfirm --cachedir /var/cache/pacman/pkg --config /tmp/pacman.conf --root /tmp/target -Rs sysvinit initscripts
pacman --noconfirm --cachedir /var/cache/pacman/pkg --config /tmp/pacman.conf --root /tmp/target -Su systemd{,-sysvcompat} systemd-arch-units
echo -en "\n|||||||||| Installing UEFI boot manager \n\n" ; sleep 1
rm -rf /tmp/target/boot/grub
mkdir -pv /tmp/target/boot/EFI/arch
pacman --noconfirm --cachedir /var/cache/pacman/pkg --config /tmp/pacman.conf --root /tmp/target -S efibootmgr
echo -en "\n|||||||||| Creating UEFI stub kernel relocate service \n\n" ; sleep 1
mkdir -p /tmp/target/boot/EFI/arch/
mkdir -p /tmp/target/opt/myArch/scripts/
cat > /tmp/target/opt/myArch/scripts/ << EOF
# /opt/myArch/scripts/
mv /boot/vmlinuz-linux /boot/EFI/arch/vmlinuz-linux.efi
mv /boot/initramfs-linux.img /boot/EFI/arch/
logger "Kernel \$(uname -r) was updated to \$(pacman --query linux | cut -c7-) on \$(date +%F) at \$(date +%X)"
chmod +x /tmp/target/opt/myArch/scripts/
cat > /tmp/target/etc/systemd/system/UEFIstubMOVE.path << EOF
Description=Copy EFISTUB Kernel and Initramfs to UEFISYS Partition
cat > /tmp/target/etc/systemd/system/UEFIstubMOVE.service << EOF
Description=Copy EFISTUB Kernel and Initramfs to UEFISYS Partition
# #####################
echo -en "\n|||||||||| Creating system configurations \n\n" ; sleep 1
# #####################
# ###############
cat > /tmp/target/tmp/mkinitcpio.conf << EOF
MODULES="nouveau dm_mod dm_crypt aes_x86_64 raid0"
HOOKS="base udev autodetect sata mdadm usbinput keymap encrypt lvm2 filesystems timestamp"
cp /tmp/.keymap /tmp/target/tmp/
cp /tmp/.font /tmp/target/tmp/
cp /tmp/.timezone /tmp/target/tmp/
cp /tmp/.hardwareclock /tmp/target/tmp/
echo ${HOSTNAME} > /tmp/target/tmp/hostname
cat > /tmp/target/tmp/hosts << EOF localhost.localdomain localhost ${HOSTNAME}
::1 localhost.localdomain localhost ${HOSTNAME}
# #####
cat > /tmp/target/tmp/fstab << EOF
# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0
/dev/sda1 /boot vfat defaults 0 0
/dev/mapper/vg64SSDx3-lvRoot / ext4 defaults,noatime 0 1
/dev/mapper/vg64SSDx3-lvMyStuff /media/myStuff ext4 defaults,noatime 0 0
echo -en "\n|||||||||| Creating chroot install script \n\n" ; sleep 1
cat > /tmp/target/install << EOF
echo -en "\n||||||||||||||| Press [Enter] to configure your language \n\n" ; read ; nano /etc/locale.gen ; locale-gen
echo -en "\n||||||||||||||| Press [Enter] to configure your mirrors \n\n" ; read ; nano /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
read KEY < /tmp/.keymap ; while [[ "\${KEY}" == *.* ]] ; do KEY=\${KEY%.*} ; done
echo -e "KEYMAP=\${KEY}" > /etc/vconsole.conf
read FON < /tmp/.font ; while [[ "\${FON}" == *.* ]] ; do FON=\${FON%.*} ; done
echo -e "FONT=\${FON}" >> /etc/vconsole.conf
echo -en "\n||||||||||||||| Console configured as: \n\n" ; cat /etc/vconsole.conf ; echo -en "\n|||||||||||||||\n\n" ; sleep 1
cp /tmp/.timezone /etc/timezone
read TZONE < /etc/timezone
ln -s "/usr/share/zoneinfo/\${TZONE}" /etc/localtime
echo -en "\n||||||||||||||| Timezone configured as: \n\n" ; cat /etc/timezone ; echo -en "\n|||||||||||||||\n\n" ; sleep 1
cp /tmp/.hardwareclock /etc/adjtime
echo -en "\n||||||||||||||| Hardware clock configured as: \n\n" ; cat /etc/adjtime ; echo -en "\n|||||||||||||||\n\n" ; sleep 1
mdadm --examine --scan > /etc/mdadm.conf
echo -en "\n||||||||||||||| RAID configured as:\n\n" ; cat /etc/mdadm.conf ; echo -en "\n|||||||||||||||\n\n" ; sleep 1
cp /tmp/hostname /etc/
cp /tmp/hosts /etc/
cp /tmp/fstab /etc/
echo -en "\n||||||||||||||| Remounting /boot \n\n" ; sleep 1 ; mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /boot
cp /tmp/mkinitcpio.conf /etc/
echo -en "\n||||||||||||||| Creating kernel \n\n" ; sleep 1 ; mkinitcpio -p linux
echo -en "\n||||||||||||||| Adding entries to UEFI boot loader \n\n" ; sleep 1
modprobe efivars
modprobe dm-mod
echo "initrd=\\EFI\\arch\initramfs-linux.img \
root=/dev/mapper/vg64SSDx3-lvRoot \
cryptdevice=/dev/md2:vg64SSDx3 \
add_efi_memmap pcie_aspm=force quiet" \
| \
iconv -f ascii -t ucs2 \
| \
efibootmgr \
--create \
--write-signature \
--gpt \
--disk /dev/sda \
--part 1 \
--label "${UEFI_LABEL} $(date +%F) $(date +%T)" \
--loader '\\EFI\\arch\vmlinuz-linux.efi' \
--append-binary-args -
echo "initrd=\\EFI\\arch\initramfs-linux.img \
root=/dev/mapper/vg64SSDx3-lvRoot \
cryptdevice=/dev/md2:vg64SSDx3 \
add_efi_memmap pcie_aspm=force quiet" \
> /boot/EFI/arch/linux.conf
efibootmgr \
--create \
--write-signature \
--gpt \
--disk /dev/sda \
--part 1 \
--label "${UEFI_LABEL} $(date +%F) $(date +%T) (CONF)" \
--loader '\\EFI\\arch\vmlinuz-linux.efi'
echo -en "\n||||||||||||||| Manually relocating UEFI stub kernel (systemd service will not be functional until reboot) \n\n" ; sleep 1
echo -en "\n||||||||||||||| Enabling services \n\n" ; sleep 1
systemctl enable cronie.service
systemctl enable dhcpcd@.service
systemctl enable UEFIstubMOVE.path
systemctl start UEFIstubMOVE.path
echo -en "\n||||||||||||||| Configuring non-volatile journal \n\n" ; sleep 1 ; mkdir /var/log/journal/
echo -en "\n||||||||||||||| Enter a password for root \n\n" ; sleep 1 ; passwd
echo -en "\n||||||||||||||| Exiting chroot \n\n" ; sleep 1 ; exit
chmod a+x /tmp/target/install
echo -en "\n|||||||||| Chrooting into target \n\n" ; sleep 1
umount /tmp/target/boot
mount --bind /dev /tmp/target/dev
mount --bind /sys /tmp/target/sys
mount --bind /proc /tmp/target/proc
chroot /tmp/target /install
echo -en "\n|||||||||| You can remove boot entries you do not need with efibootmgr -b X -B (X=menu entry number) \n\n"
echo -en "\n|||||||||| and set the boot order with efibootmgr -o X,Y,Z (X,Y,Z=menu entry numbers) \n\n"
echo -en "\n|||||||||| then reboot before you do anything else. \n\n"
Last edited by KairiTech (2012-10-08 02:22:25)