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#1 2012-08-26 00:37:56

From: San Joaquin Valley, CA
Registered: 2012-06-25
Posts: 382

[Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

EDIT {2012-10-15}: I have again marked this as [solved].  A new resolution with remarkable results has been achieved.
EDIT {2012-10-04}: I have removed the [solved] from this thread's subject because page load time have crept back up.  There is  new post from me about the status.  Thanks.
Lately pages started taking a very long time to load, especially and on google-chrome.  And when pinging with URL name, the line 'Ignoring unknown parameter "update encrypted"' appears after the ping command.  Ping times can also vary from ~20 to ~90 for the same site by different ip's .

I recently switched to archlinux on my 64bit workstation.  At first, performance was amazing, and mostly still is except for loading web pages.  For example, and taking 5 minutes or more to load.

Some sample termout:
(notice the long time ~15 sec in the first ping, for 4 pings, normally it's about ~3 sec)

⋯$ ping -c 4
Ignoring unknown parameter "update encrypted"
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=51 time=91.8 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=51 time=90.8 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=51 time=109 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=51 time=122 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 15373ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 90.866/103.703/122.495/13.155 ms

⋯$ ping -c 4
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=51 time=91.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=51 time=89.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=51 time=91.4 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=51 time=89.5 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3003ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 89.203/90.561/91.989/1.237 ms

⋯$ dig

; <<>> DiG 9.9.1-P2 <<>>
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 29487
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;		IN	A


;; AUTHORITY SECTION:	5260	IN	NS	5260	IN	NS	5260	IN	NS	5260	IN	NS

;; Query time: 27 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Aug 25 16:42:50 2012
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 160

⋯$ ping -c 4
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=51 time=90.4 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=51 time=90.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=51 time=90.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=51 time=91.6 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3004ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 90.110/90.751/91.683/0.654 ms

⋯$ host has address has address mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 20

⋯$ ping -c 4
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=49 time=22.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=49 time=22.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=49 time=21.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=49 time=21.8 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3005ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 21.858/22.216/22.739/0.377 ms

Also occurs with pacman update:

⋯⋯$ sudo pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
Ignoring unknown parameter "update encrypted"
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 multilib is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do

These are the things I have tried:
1. Changing LAN cable plug in on router/firewall
2. Changing the NIC (on mainboard; eth0 to eth1)
3. Reinstalling google-chrome (google-chrome-stable-21.0.1180.81-151980.x86_64)
4. Switching to netcfg from network.
5. Changing DNS nameservers (;;
6. Rebooting firewall/router (Untangle 9.2.1~svn20120328r31539release9.2-1lenny)

The 64bit workstation also boots WinXP x64, Vista64, Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 12.04 (awaiting deprecation) and these do not share the same problem.  Also a 32bit Archlinux system does not have this problem.

I have been working with SAMBA getting it to work on my wired private LAN and may have misconfigured something. sad

⋯$ cat /etc/resolv.conf

⋯$ cat /etc/conf.d/netcfg
# Enable these netcfg profiles at boot time.
#   - prefix an entry with a '@' to background its startup
#   - set to 'last' to restore the profiles running at the last shutdown
#   - set to 'menu' to present a menu (requires the dialog package)
# Network profiles are found in /etc/network.d

# Specify the name of your wired interface for net-auto-wired

# Specify the name of your wireless interface for net-auto-wireless

# Array of profiles that may be started by net-auto-wireless.
# When not specified, all wireless profiles are considered.
#AUTO_PROFILES=("profile1" "profile2")

⋯$ cat /etc/network.d/mynetwork
DESCRIPTION='A basic static ethernet connection using iproute'
#ROUTES=(' via')
DNS=('' '' '')

## For IPv6 autoconfiguration

## For IPv6 static address configuration
#ADDR6=('1234:5678:9abc:def::1/64' '1234:3456::123/96')

Last edited by keepitsimpleengineer (2012-10-15 15:51:36)

Al Einstein: "Man soll die Dinge so einfach machen wie möglich ~ aber nicht einfacher." (Things should be as simple as possible ~ but not too simple.) ~ Al (Einstein) war ein Cousin von Albert, "Al" ist die Abkürzung für Aloysius


#2 2012-08-26 02:17:21

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-12-22
Posts: 513

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

Try setting Samba's "encrypt passwords = true" in your config.

EDIT: as for DNS: give GRC's DNS Benchmark a run using a "Custom List". It'll take a good hour, but a fast DNS query time speeds up your internet experience dramatically. (Designed to run perfectly in wine FYI)

Last edited by pilotkeller (2012-08-26 02:24:48)


#3 2012-08-26 12:32:29

From: San Joaquin Valley, CA
Registered: 2012-06-25
Posts: 382

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

pilotkeller wrote:

Try setting Samba's "encrypt passwords = true" in your config.

Alas, already set to "yes"

pilotkeller wrote:

EDIT: as for DNS: give GRC's DNS Benchmark a run using a "Custom List". It'll take a good hour, but a fast DNS query time speeds up your internet experience dramatically. (Designed to run perfectly in wine FYI)

Wow, what a great little application.  My nameserver selection were good, but I ran the whole thing (35 minutes) and made some changes.  I live just 50 miles from "Silicon Valley" so my DNS requests are around 20ms.

DNS=('' '' '')

Al Einstein: "Man soll die Dinge so einfach machen wie möglich ~ aber nicht einfacher." (Things should be as simple as possible ~ but not too simple.) ~ Al (Einstein) war ein Cousin von Albert, "Al" ist die Abkürzung für Aloysius


#4 2012-08-26 15:33:37

From: San Joaquin Valley, CA
Registered: 2012-06-25
Posts: 382

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

pilotkeller wrote:

Try setting Samba's "encrypt passwords = true" in your config.

Seeking to workaround a misconfigured samba configuration, I replaced smb.conf with a generic one using GADMIN-SAMBA

netbios name = KISE-005
server string = Samba file and print server
workgroup = kise
security = user
hosts allow = 127. 192.168.0.
interfaces =
bind interfaces only = yes
remote announce =
remote browse sync =
printcap name = cups
load printers = yes
cups options = raw
printing = cups
guest account = smbguest
log file = /var/log/samba/samba.log
max log size = 1000
null passwords = no
username level = 6
password level = 6
encrypt passwords = yes
unix password sync = yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
local master = no
domain master = no
preferred master = no
domain logons = no
os level = 33
logon drive = m:
logon home = \\%L\homes\%uA
logon path = \\%L\profiles\%u
logon script = %G.bat
time server = no
name resolve order = wins lmhosts bcast
wins support = no
wins proxy = no
dns proxy = no
preserve case = yes
short preserve case = yes
client use spnego = yes
client signing = yes
client schannel = yes
server signing = yes
server schannel = yesA
nt pipe support = yes
nt status support = yes
allow trusted domains = no
obey pam restrictions = yes
enable spoolss = yes
client plaintext auth = no
disable netbios = no
follow symlinks = no
update encrypted = yes
pam password change = no
passwd chat timeout = 120
hostname lookups = no
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
passdb backend = tdbsam
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd '%u'
passwd chat = *New*password* %n\n *ReType*new*password* %n\n *passwd*changed*\n
add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -c 'Samba User Account' -s /dev/null '%u'
add user to group script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -c 'Samba User Account' -s /dev/null -g '%g' '%u'
add group script = /usr/sbin/groupadd '%g'
delete user script = /usr/sbin/userdel '%u'
delete user from group script = /usr/sbin/userdel '%u' '%g'
delete group script = /usr/sbin/groupdel '%g'
add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g sambamachines -c 'Samba Machine Account' -s /dev/null -M '%u'
machine password timeout = 120
idmap uid = 16777216-33554431
idmap gid = 16777216-33554431
template shell = /dev/null
winbind use default domain = yes
winbind separator = @
winbind cache time = 360
winbind trusted domains only = yes
winbind nested groups = no
winbind nss info = no
winbind refresh tickets = no
winbind offline logon = no

comment = Home Directories
path = /home
valid users = %U
read only = no
available = yes
browseable = yes
writable = yes
guest ok = no
printable = no
locking = no
strict locking = no

comment = Network Logon Service
path = /var/lib/samba/netlogon
read only = no
available = yes
browseable = yes
writable = no
guest ok = no
printable = no
locking = no
strict locking = no

comment = User Profiles
path = /var/lib/samba/profiles
read only = no
available = yes
browseable = yes
writable = yes
guest ok = no
printable = no
create mode = 0600
directory mask = 0700
locking = no
strict locking = no

comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
browseable = yes
writable = no
guest ok = no
printable = yes
locking = no
strict locking = no

path = /var/lib/samba/pdf-documents
comment = Converted PDF Documents
admin users = %U
available = yes
browseable = yes
writeable = yes
guest ok = yes
locking = no
strict locking = no

path = /tmp
comment = PDF Printer Service
printable = yes
guest ok = yes
use client driver = yes
printing = bsd
print command = /usr/bin/gadmin-samba-pdf %s %u
lpq command =
lprm command =

No improvement sad

Al Einstein: "Man soll die Dinge so einfach machen wie möglich ~ aber nicht einfacher." (Things should be as simple as possible ~ but not too simple.) ~ Al (Einstein) war ein Cousin von Albert, "Al" ist die Abkürzung für Aloysius


#5 2012-08-26 15:42:30

From: San Joaquin Valley, CA
Registered: 2012-06-25
Posts: 382

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

From another 2009 archlinux form post. ([WORKAROUND] very slow DNS lookups for network clients) I tried disabling IPv6.

In "/etc/default/grub" I added "ipv6.disable=1" to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT parameter, and updating /boot/"grub/grub.cfg"

This did not help.

Al Einstein: "Man soll die Dinge so einfach machen wie möglich ~ aber nicht einfacher." (Things should be as simple as possible ~ but not too simple.) ~ Al (Einstein) war ein Cousin von Albert, "Al" ist die Abkürzung für Aloysius


#6 2012-08-26 15:53:43

From: San Joaquin Valley, CA
Registered: 2012-06-25
Posts: 382

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

From archlinux wiki  Resolv.conf I created this file:

⋯# cat /etc/resolv.conf.tail
options timeout:1
options attempts:1

and rebooted.  This is supposed to limit the attempts to 1 from default 2 and to change the timeout between pings to 1 second from 5 seconds.

I expected the ping time to drop from the occasional ~15 seconds to about ~3 seconds.  It did not.

⋯$ ping -v -c 4
Ignoring unknown parameter "update encrypted"
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=1 ttl=48 time=18.2 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=2 ttl=48 time=23.0 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=3 ttl=48 time=25.4 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=4 ttl=48 time=19.8 ms

--- drud⋯ ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 10066ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 18.271/21.646/25.422/2.783 ms

⋯$ ping -v -c 4
Ignoring unknown parameter "update encrypted"
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=1 ttl=48 time=22.5 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=2 ttl=48 time=22.4 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=3 ttl=48 time=17.9 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=4 ttl=48 time=18.9 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3004ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 17.989/20.466/22.541/2.041 ms

⋯$ ping -v -c 4
Ignoring unknown parameter "update encrypted"
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=51 time=89.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=51 time=91.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=51 time=92.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=51 time=95.9 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 15338ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 89.131/92.255/95.928/2.428 ms

Al Einstein: "Man soll die Dinge so einfach machen wie möglich ~ aber nicht einfacher." (Things should be as simple as possible ~ but not too simple.) ~ Al (Einstein) war ein Cousin von Albert, "Al" ist die Abkürzung für Aloysius


#7 2012-08-26 15:55:05

From: San Joaquin Valley, CA
Registered: 2012-06-25
Posts: 382

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

Still no clue about the line

Ignoring unknown parameter "update encrypted"

after the ping command.

Al Einstein: "Man soll die Dinge so einfach machen wie möglich ~ aber nicht einfacher." (Things should be as simple as possible ~ but not too simple.) ~ Al (Einstein) war ein Cousin von Albert, "Al" ist die Abkürzung für Aloysius


#8 2012-08-26 16:30:55

From: San Joaquin Valley, CA
Registered: 2012-06-25
Posts: 382

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

As a result of the changes made here, the time required to fully draw has decreased.  However, it is much longer than required by my archlinux 32bit installation.

Except for the kernel version, 3.0.40-1-lts for i686 and 3.4.9-1-ARCH for x86_64, they are esentially the same.

Al Einstein: "Man soll die Dinge so einfach machen wie möglich ~ aber nicht einfacher." (Things should be as simple as possible ~ but not too simple.) ~ Al (Einstein) war ein Cousin von Albert, "Al" ist die Abkürzung für Aloysius


#9 2012-08-26 16:39:47

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-12-22
Posts: 513

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

What about giving Wireshark a try? Start a capture as you run a ping and see what traffic happens durring.


#10 2012-08-27 00:15:42

From: San Joaquin Valley, CA
Registered: 2012-06-25
Posts: 382

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

pilotkeller wrote:

What about giving Wireshark a try? Start a capture as you run a ping and see what traffic happens durring.

Well I am a real NooB with wireshark, but I waded through it and found mDNS packets with a second of no activity after.  I removed package nss-mdns and they went away.  Now total times are arow ~3 seconds as expected.

I have a bit of a learning curve here.

Thanks for the sugguestion.

Still very long load times, though...

Al Einstein: "Man soll die Dinge so einfach machen wie möglich ~ aber nicht einfacher." (Things should be as simple as possible ~ but not too simple.) ~ Al (Einstein) war ein Cousin von Albert, "Al" ist die Abkürzung für Aloysius


#11 2012-08-27 01:46:00

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-12-22
Posts: 513

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

Alright. Well I'm very sorry but I'm out of ideas at this point... Best of luck to you sir. smile


#12 2012-08-27 09:04:17

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-12-22
Posts: 513

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

Has this always been the case with your x86_64 version?
Do you run x86_64 on other PCs? Same problem?

Check your Samba logs in /var/logs/

Run the following to see the tails of your all logs

for i in /var/logs/*;do
    ls -lh $i >> /tmp/log_tails.txt
    echo -e "\n" >> /tmp/log_tails.txt
    tail -n 30 $i >> /tmp/log_tails.txt
less /tmp/log_tails.txt

See if htop shows anything unusual

What does "traceroute -mtu" return

Try without Samba running

Add the IP and to your hosts file and try again

If all this fails - See if you can post a wireshark Pcap file of a ping to (Link to it)

Last edited by pilotkeller (2012-08-27 09:09:56)


#13 2012-08-27 16:19:30

From: San Joaquin Valley, CA
Registered: 2012-06-25
Posts: 382

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

pilotkeller wrote:

Has this always been the case with your x86_64 version?
Do you run x86_64 on other PCs? Same problem?

When 1st installed, it was remarkably faster than my my other systems even on this x86_64 hardware (Ubuntu 10.04/12.04,WinXpx64,Vista64) and the i686 system.  I run Mythbuntu x86_64 on 2 HTPCs but haven't checked.

pilotkeller wrote:

Check your Samba logs in /var/logs/

I have samba daemons set to start manually, and have verified they weren't running, unless I started them manually.

pilotkeller wrote:

Run the following to see the tails of your all logs

for i in /var/logs/*;do
    ls -lh $i >> /tmp/log_tails.txt
    echo -e "\n" >> /tmp/log_tails.txt
    tail -n 30 $i >> /tmp/log_tails.txt
less /tmp/log_tails.txt

Not quite--I have inspected the logs and found this on daemon.log:

Aug 27 06:51:40 localhost dbus[839]: [system] Activating service name='org.bluez' (using servicehelper)
Aug 27 06:51:40 localhost dbus[839]: [system] Activated service 'org.bluez' failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1
Aug 27 06:51:43 localhost dbus[839]: [system] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' (using servicehelper)
Aug 27 06:51:43 localhost dbus[839]: [system] Activated service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1
Aug 27 06:51:55 localhost dbus[839]: [system] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' (using servicehelper)
Aug 27 06:51:55 localhost dbus[839]: [system] Activated service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1
Aug 27 06:56:40 localhost dbus[839]: [system] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' (using servicehelper)
Aug 27 06:56:40 localhost dbus[839]: [system] Activated service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1

So I removed networkmanager and several packages they were dependent.  Some improvement.  Since there is no bluetooth here, I may also remove bluz.

pilotkeller wrote:

See if htop shows anything unusual

Nothing there or with iotop.

pilotkeller wrote:

What does "traceroute" return

It failed based on "-mtu" but previous runs with traceroute indicates two IPs for drudgereport, on east coast and one west coast with ~90ms and ~20ms pings. 

pilotkeller wrote:

Try without Samba running

Done, as above.

pilotkeller wrote:

Add the IP and to your hosts file and try again

I did with the ~20ms IP and not much change.

Now when running etherape as loads, you can see that drudgereport hits a lot of other sites.  I believe this may be the a big part of the problem.

pilotkeller wrote:

If all this fails - See if you can post a wireshark Pcap file of a ping to (Link to it)

I will do this, but need to work a little more getting up to speed with wireshark (thanks for gettin me on to it smile ).

Where it stands now is Firefox loads reasonably promptly, but google-chrome sticks from time to time.  When we started , it would take 5 or more minutes. It might just be a problem with google-chrome.  I think I'll use wireshark to compare Foxfire, google-chrome on x86_64 and also on i686.  Anything interesting I'll post.

Also, I think resolver may be part of the problem, since the unknown line from ping only shows up when pinging with a URL vice IP.

Finally, thanks for hanging in there with me on this.  You have been very helpful.  Please point your elbow at the ceiling and pat yourself on the back. smile

P.S. etherape is very cool while running GRC's DNS Benchmark.

Al Einstein: "Man soll die Dinge so einfach machen wie möglich ~ aber nicht einfacher." (Things should be as simple as possible ~ but not too simple.) ~ Al (Einstein) war ein Cousin von Albert, "Al" ist die Abkürzung für Aloysius


#14 2012-08-27 17:31:49

From: San Joaquin Valley, CA
Registered: 2012-06-25
Posts: 382

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?


I checked the Name Service Switch configuration file (/etc/nsswitch.conf):

# Begin /etc/nsswitch.conf

passwd: files
group: files
shadow: files

publickey: files

#hosts: files dns
#hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4
#hosts: files mdns4_minimal dns mdns4
hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] wins dns mdns4

networks: files

protocols: files
services: files
ethers: files
rpc: files

netgroup: files
automount: files

# End /etc/nsswitch.conf

and then changed it to this:

# Begin /etc/nsswitch.conf

passwd: files
group: files
shadow: files

publickey: files

hosts: files dns
#hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4
#hosts: files mdns4_minimal dns mdns4
#hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] wins dns mdns4

networks: files

protocols: files
services: files
ethers: files
rpc: files

netgroup: files
automount: files

I think this is why delays in resolving domain names were present.

google-chrome/drudgereport now loads in ~7 seconds, much better than the 5 or more minutes before. smile

More on this here.

Last edited by keepitsimpleengineer (2012-08-27 17:46:35)

Al Einstein: "Man soll die Dinge so einfach machen wie möglich ~ aber nicht einfacher." (Things should be as simple as possible ~ but not too simple.) ~ Al (Einstein) war ein Cousin von Albert, "Al" ist die Abkürzung für Aloysius


#15 2012-08-27 18:48:13

From: San Joaquin Valley, CA
Registered: 2012-06-25
Posts: 382

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

Yikies!  The Speed is back!  Definitely [SOLVED] big_smile

Al Einstein: "Man soll die Dinge so einfach machen wie möglich ~ aber nicht einfacher." (Things should be as simple as possible ~ but not too simple.) ~ Al (Einstein) war ein Cousin von Albert, "Al" ist die Abkürzung für Aloysius


#16 2012-08-28 00:38:50

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-12-22
Posts: 513

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

Beauty! big_smile I'm glad I at least helped show you some neat new tools, and I'll even go see what my nsswitch.conf looks like now. wink

Take care and best of luck.


#17 2012-10-04 17:30:03

From: San Joaquin Valley, CA
Registered: 2012-06-25
Posts: 382

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

Since the last post in this thread, load times have increased.  Here is a summary and current status.

Currently, Google Chrome from AUR loads/refreshes a web page ( in about 30 seconds or so, sometimes even longer, occasionally as few as 7 seconds.  Since this page auto-refreshes every few minutes, it is very annoying.  Additionally, opening a set of pages at boot can take several minutes.

Compounding the annoyance is the fact the same page loads/refreshes with Google Chrome on the same hardware in ~3 seconds when running Vista 64 or the now deprecated Xubuntu 12.04.

These are the things I have tried from posts prior to this one:
1. Changing LAN cable plug in on router/firewall
2. Changing the NIC (on mainboard; eth0 to eth1)
3. Reinstalling google-chrome (stable-google-chrome 22.0.1229.79-1)
4. Switching to netcfg from network.
5. Changing DNS nameservers using GRC's DNS Benchmark using a "Custom List"
6. Rebooting firewall/router (Build: 9.3.0~svn20120827r32791release9.3-1lenny)
7. Replaced smb.conf with a generic one using GADMIN-SAMBA
8. Added "ipv6.disable=1" to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT
9. Edited "/etc/resolv.conf.tail" setting "options timeout:1" & "options attempts:1".
10. Used Wireshark but this was likely inconclusive due to my lack of experience
11. Changed "hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] wins dns mdns4" to "hosts: files dns" in "/etc/nsswitch.conf"

#11 resulted in a significant improvement.

Since these I have tried this:
1. Create a new profile in Chrome.
2. Disable all plugins.

I checked Firefox, it somewhat faster about 7 seconds for this page.

Still no relief from long page load times. sad

Al Einstein: "Man soll die Dinge so einfach machen wie möglich ~ aber nicht einfacher." (Things should be as simple as possible ~ but not too simple.) ~ Al (Einstein) war ein Cousin von Albert, "Al" ist die Abkürzung für Aloysius


#18 2012-10-08 21:14:30

Registered: 2012-10-08
Posts: 71

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

Maybe try testing with curl (command line tool).  The 'time' utility is useful for measuring the time for things to happen as well.

time curl

This will only do the DNS and fetch the HTML for the site requested.  It won't download all the images, scripts, etc that the page is probably telling your browser to fetch.  It could be one of the script requests/executions causing slowness.

I am all for wireshark.  I use it almost every day and find is useful.  If you are okay with it, feel free to post a pcap.


#19 2012-10-09 19:04:14

From: San Joaquin Valley, CA
Registered: 2012-06-25
Posts: 382

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

gsgleason wrote:

I am all for wireshark.  I use it almost every day and find is useful.  If you are okay with it, feel free to post a pcap.


Here's the current situation⋯

I have switched to Opera 12.02 with "Turbo Mode" enabled, and load/refresh times are much more reasonable.

Here is what I have posted (on my page)…

1) Wireshark output for a load of 8 tabs (my initial startup) for chrome on archlinux (zipped).  It's a 6+MB file.


2) Wireshark output for a load of 8 tabs (my initial startup) for opera on archlinux (zipped). 2.8MB file.


3) I also ran the same on Vista 64 Ultimate/Chrome... 2.1 MB file

All these are run on the same hardware/LAN/router-firewall/cable-modem.
For arch, the nameservers are,,  For Vista they default to ISP nameservers (comcast).

Filter on Arch was to & from, host IP.
No filter on Win64 with shutdown (32bit workstation)

I am very new to wireshark (& network administration), a veritable babe in the woods.  If there is an oops or an anomaly in my running them, let me know, no problem to rerun, &c.

Thanks again, I hope something useful will come from all this work.  I'm going to wait a bit before trying curl.

Al Einstein: "Man soll die Dinge so einfach machen wie möglich ~ aber nicht einfacher." (Things should be as simple as possible ~ but not too simple.) ~ Al (Einstein) war ein Cousin von Albert, "Al" ist die Abkürzung für Aloysius


#20 2012-10-12 13:26:04

Registered: 2012-10-08
Posts: 71

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

I thought only certain sites were having slow load issues, like 

I don't think starting with analyzing an 8 tab startup is a very good idea. Generally when we troubleshoot a network or technical issue, it's best to start with the absolute minumum to reproduce the issue.

A pcap of an 8-tab startup is not very helpful in that regard.

I filtered down to just things related to the drudge report with the following filter on the Arch-Chrome1stOpen file.

( contains "drudge") or (ip.addr == or (ip.addr ==

The first issue I see is that it took two attempts to initiate the TCP socket. 

There was a TCP SYN sent at 23.02 seconds, then again at 24.02.  Likely caused by internet congestion, but adding one second nonetheless.

The whole page, from initial DNS query to all the data being recieved, started at 23.03 seconds and ended at 24.17 seconds.

What's interesting is that your user agent doesn't close its end of the socket until 34.11 seconds.

I see that there is a lot of external scripting involved on that site, so possibly one or more of those is causing delays.  I really don't have time to try to filter down to only the relevant data among 8 other tabs with of packets, though.

If you want to get another pcap of only a single page loading slow, preferably drudge report, it would be a lot easier to analyze.

Last edited by gsgleason (2012-10-12 13:31:46)


#21 2012-10-12 13:29:10

Registered: 2012-10-08
Posts: 71

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

Oh, and curl is very simple and would seriously only take you a moment to try that command.  For example:

$ time curl -s -o /dev/null

real    0m3.406s
user    0m0.187s
sys     0m0.094s

If you don't want to follow the advice of those who are trying to help, that is of course your choice.

Last edited by gsgleason (2012-10-12 13:30:02)


#22 2012-10-12 14:34:49

From: San Joaquin Valley, CA
Registered: 2012-06-25
Posts: 382

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

gsgleason wrote:

Oh, and curl is very simple and would seriously only take you a moment to try that command.  For example:

$ time curl -s -o /dev/null

real    0m3.406s
user    0m0.187s
sys     0m0.094s

If you don't want to follow the advice of those who are trying to help, that is of course your choice.

[ljohnson{07:29:23}~]$ time curl -s -o /dev/null

real    0m0.665s
user    0m0.003s
sys    0m0.007s

More, later...

Al Einstein: "Man soll die Dinge so einfach machen wie möglich ~ aber nicht einfacher." (Things should be as simple as possible ~ but not too simple.) ~ Al (Einstein) war ein Cousin von Albert, "Al" ist die Abkürzung für Aloysius


#23 2012-10-12 16:01:53

Registered: 2012-10-08
Posts: 71

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

keepitsimpleengineer wrote:
gsgleason wrote:

Oh, and curl is very simple and would seriously only take you a moment to try that command.  For example:

$ time curl -s -o /dev/null

real    0m3.406s
user    0m0.187s
sys     0m0.094s

If you don't want to follow the advice of those who are trying to help, that is of course your choice.

[ljohnson{07:29:23}~]$ time curl -s -o /dev/null

real    0m0.665s
user    0m0.003s
sys    0m0.007s

More, later...

Assuming that it completed successfully, that took not long at all.  I guess removing the -s option would be good for better visibility.


#24 2012-10-12 16:13:07

From: San Joaquin Valley, CA
Registered: 2012-06-25
Posts: 382

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

gsgleason wrote:

I thought only certain sites were having slow load issues, like 

I don't think starting with analyzing an 8 tab start-up is a very good idea. Generally when we troubleshoot a network or technical issue, it's best to start with the absolute minimum to reproduce the issue.

A pcap of an 8-tab start-up is not very helpful in that regard.

⋯ ⋯

If you want to get another pcap of only a single page loading slow, preferably drudge report, it would be a lot easier to analyze.

Here is boot chrome drudgereport only.  Arch-ChromeDrgRpt

For comparison, here is WinXP x64 chrome *32 drudgereport only. WinXP-ChromeDrgRpt.zipx

I really appreciate your help!

I always start my Internet browsing sessions by opening these 8 tabs.  That and ignorance are why I did the 8 tab capture.

Chrome is my preferred browser.  I also use Firefox (slightly faster) and (faster with turbo but unstable).

I have taken the draconian step of using WinXP x64 for browsing tasks, faster even though rebooting is annoying.

Al Einstein: "Man soll die Dinge so einfach machen wie möglich ~ aber nicht einfacher." (Things should be as simple as possible ~ but not too simple.) ~ Al (Einstein) war ein Cousin von Albert, "Al" ist die Abkürzung für Aloysius


#25 2012-10-12 16:16:26

From: San Joaquin Valley, CA
Registered: 2012-06-25
Posts: 382

Re: [Solved]Network problems loading pages and with ping, DNS lookup?

gsgleason wrote:

Assuming that it completed successfully, that took not long at all.  I guess removing the -s option would be good for better visibility.

[ljohnson{09:14:07}~]$ time curl -o /dev/null
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 43582  100 43582    0     0   215k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  370k

real	0m0.203s
user	0m0.007s
sys	0m0.000s

Al Einstein: "Man soll die Dinge so einfach machen wie möglich ~ aber nicht einfacher." (Things should be as simple as possible ~ but not too simple.) ~ Al (Einstein) war ein Cousin von Albert, "Al" ist die Abkürzung für Aloysius


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