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Details please, icons and conky script?
ArchLinux + KDE + cairo-dock + conky (:
Ripping discs for the new R-Pi media center:
What font are you using?
Beating Unia to it this time: it's Ohsnap. Marvelous font, if you ask me.
Beating Unia to it this time: it's Ohsnap. Marvelous font, if you ask me.
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres
Sure, they're in my GitHub (to which I conveniently link in my sig *hint* ): … olors/gaia
Oh, thank you. Your github has many colorscheme so I am confuse. I can not know exactly what I must find, though I've read your .Xresources (gaia_dark).
Looks like that's the one. Thanks a bunch. I've been looking for something similar for quite a while now.
Marvelous indeed.
Wall please
Unia wrote:Sure, they're in my GitHub (to which I conveniently link in my sig *hint* ): … olors/gaia
Oh, thank you. Your github has many colorscheme so I am confuse. I can not know exactly what I must find, though I've read your .Xresources (gaia_dark).
Yeah, true. I have done some cleanup on my laptop, just haven't taken the time yet to upload these changes to GitHub.
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres
Wall please
Details please, icons and conky script?
rbbt wrote:ArchLinux + KDE + cairo-dock + conky (:
icons: … ent=110944
panel: gaia 10
cronograph conky(clock): … ent=148024
I changed the conkyrc file here is mine
# — Conky settings — #
background no
update_interval 1
total_run_times 0
net_avg_samples 2
override_utf8_locale yes
double_buffer yes
no_buffers yes
text_buffer_size 2048
imlib_cache_size 0
temperature_unit celcius
# — Window specifications — #
own_window_class conky-semi
own_window yes
own_window_type normal
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
border_inner_margin 0
border_outer_margin 0
minimum_size 300 300
maximum_width 300
alignment top_right
gap_x 920
gap_y 280
# — Graphics settings — #
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders no
# — Text settings — #
use_xft yes
xftfont hooge 05_53:size=6
xftalpha 0.5
default_color FFFFFF
uppercase no
use_spacer right
color0 white
color1 orange
color2 green
# — Lua Load — #
lua_load $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/scripts/clock_rings.lua
lua_draw_hook_pre clock_rings
lua_load $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/scripts/multi_rings.lua
lua_draw_hook_post main
${execi 500 bash $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/accuweather/accuw_script}
${voffset 29}${offset 120}BAT:
${voffset 17}${goto 65}${font hooge 05_53:size=12}${time %H:%M}${font}${goto 185}UPTIME:
${voffset 2}${goto 65}${time %a %d %b}${goto 185}${uptime}
${voffset 2}${goto 65}${time %Y}
${voffset -6}${goto 145}HD
${voffset 12}${alignc}${fs_free}/${fs_size}
${voffset 36}${goto 91}${cpu cpu0}%${goto 221}${memperc}%
${voffset 10}${goto 76}CPU${goto 205}MEM
${voffset 20}${goto 90}${font hooge 05_53:size=12}${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/accuweather/curr_cond}°${voffset -32}${goto 125}${font conkyweather:size=40}${execpi 600 sed -n '2p' $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/accuweather/curr_cond}${font}${voffset -12}${goto 185}${execpi 600 sed -n '3p' $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/accuweather/curr_cond}${voffset 12}${goto 185}${font conkyweather:size=20}${voffset 7}${goto 80}${execpi 600 sed -n '7p' $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/accuweather/tod_ton}${goto 135}${execpi 600 sed -n '12p' $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/accuweather/tod_ton}${goto 185}${execpi 600 sed -n '17p' $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/accuweather/tod_ton}${font}${voffset 6}${goto 84}${execpi 600 sed -n '9p' $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/accuweather/tod_ton}°/${execpi 600 sed -n '10p' $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/accuweather/tod_ton}°${goto 140}${execpi 600 sed -n '14p' $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/accuweather/tod_ton}°/${execpi 600 sed -n '15p' $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/accuweather/tod_ton}°${goto 190}${execpi 600 sed -n '19p' $HOME/.
Conky/cronograph/accuweather/tod_ton}°/${execpi 600 sed -n '20p' $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/accuweather/tod_ton}°${voffset 7}${goto 85}${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/accuweather/tod_ton}${goto 140}${execpi 600 sed -n '11p' $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/accuweather/tod_ton}${goto 190}${execpi 600 sed -n '16p' $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/accuweather/tod_ton}
${if_match ${battery_percent BAT1}>0}${if_match ${battery_percent BAT1}<=15}${image $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/images/Red.png -p 129,18 -s 40x40}${endif}${endif}
${if_match ${battery_percent BAT1}>15}${if_match ${battery_percent BAT1}<=20}${image $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/images/Orange.png -p 129,18 -s 40x40}${endif}${endif}
${if_match ${battery_percent BAT1}>20}${if_match ${battery_percent BAT1}<=35}${image $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/images/Yellow.png -p 129,18 -s 40x40}${endif}${endif}
${if_match ${battery_percent BAT1}>35}${if_match ${battery_percent BAT1}<=100}${image $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/images/Dark_Green.png -p 129,18 -s 40x40}${endif}${endif}
${execpi 1 cat $HOME/.Conky/cronograph/scripts/blinkingLED}
conky (right one):
background no
update_interval 1.0
use_xft yes
xftfont waree book:size=10
gap_x 10
gap_y 10
alignment top_right
color1 D3D3D3
color2 D3D3D3
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_type normal
own_window_class conky-semi
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
double_buffer yes
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
${color1}${font conkysymbols:size=80}T${voffset -50}
${color1}${font defused:size=35}${time %H}${voffset -10}${font defused:size=25}${time :%M}${voffset -5}${font defused:size=15}${time :%S}
${voffset 10}
${color2}${font defused:size=22}${time %d} ${voffset -11}${font Droid Sans:size=12:bold}${time %B %Y} ${font Droid Sans:size=10:bold}${time %A}
${color1}${font OpenLogos:size=20}t${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold} Kernel: ${alignr}${kernel}
${font caviar dreams:size=10:bold}${color2}SYSTEM ${hr 2}
${color1}${font StyleBats:size=17}A${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold} CPU-0: ${cpu cpu0}% ${alignr}${cpubar 8,80 cpu0}
${color1}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=15:bold}i${font Droid Sans:size=7:bold} Hz: $alignr${freq freq0}MHz
${color1}${font StyleBats:size=17}A${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold} CPU-1: ${cpu cpu1}% ${alignr}${cpubar 8,80 cpu1}
${color1}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=15}i${font Droid Sans:size=7:bold} Hz: $alignr${freq freq1}MHz
${color2}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=15}Y${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold} RAM: $memperc% ${alignr}${membar 8,80}
${color2}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=15}Z${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold} Swap: $swapperc% ${alignr}${swapbar 8,80}
${color1}${font StyleBats:size=17}P${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold} Uptime: ${alignr}${uptime}
${font caviar dreams:size=10:bold}${color2}DISKS ${hr 2}
${color1}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=15}m${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold} Home:$alignr${fs_used /home} / ${fs_free /home}
${color1}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=15}m${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold} Archive:$alignr${fs_used /media/Archive} / ${fs_free /media/Archive}
${color1}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=15}m${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold} Win7:$alignr${fs_used /media/Win} / ${fs_free /media/Win}
${font caviar dreams:size=10:bold}${color2}PROCESSES ${hr 2}
${color1}${font StyleBats:size=17}E${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold} CPU${alignr}%CPU
${goto 32}${voffset -6}${stippled_hr}
${goto 30}${color2}${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold} ${top name 1} ${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold}${alignr}${top cpu 1}
${goto 30}${color1}${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold} ${top name 2} ${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold}${alignr}${top cpu 2}
${goto 30}${color2}${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold} ${top name 3} ${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold}${alignr}${top cpu 3}
${color1}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=15}0${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold} RAM${alignr}%MEM
${goto 32}${voffset -6}${stippled_hr}
${goto 30}${color2}${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold} ${top_mem name 1} ${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold}${alignr}${top_mem mem 1}
${goto 30}${color1}${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold} ${top_mem name 2} ${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold}${alignr}${top_mem mem 2}
${goto 30}${color2}${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold} ${top_mem name 3} ${font Droid Sans:size=8:bold}${alignr}${top_mem mem 3}
honestly the best desktop i've ever seen. DWM? and mind sharing the wall?
ctruett wrote:honestly the best desktop i've ever seen. DWM? and mind sharing the wall?
Yes, I'm using DWM.
Here is the wallpaper:
Supergirl: But fortunately I printed out everything I could find, not just the beginner's guide.
Supergirl: I printed out internet.
sboysel wrote:ctruett wrote:honestly the best desktop i've ever seen. DWM? and mind sharing the wall?
Yes, I'm using DWM.
Here is the wallpaper:
Can I see your configs ? best regards sim
Could you share that font, please?
All configs @
Beastie wrote:Could you share that font, please?
My favourite font. Here
w0ng wrote:Beastie wrote:Could you share that font, please?
My favourite font. Here
Thanks! Looking into the metadata, Dash appears to be an older version of 'Smooth' from artwiz-fonts:
All configs @
i3, just can't live without the stacking layout, best feature of i3
conky-cli - dzen - i3bar
I was "inspired" by bohomil and anoknusa
-- mixtr
Can I see your configs ? best regards sim
DWM: … evelop/dwm
.Xdefaults: … .Xdefaults
Startup: … op/startup
Supergirl: But fortunately I printed out everything I could find, not just the beginner's guide.
Supergirl: I printed out internet.