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I am trying to install Arch Linux PPC from the ISO on their site. I have run into a problem. When it comes to installing the packages I get and error about "key could not be looked up remotely" with different keys mentioned. I have tried changing the SigLevel to Never in /etc/pacman.conf but this seems to get over written when I start the package install form the installer (/arch/setup). How can I get round this?
If you add SigLevel = Never
and then run
pacman -Su base -r /mnt
on a different vt the packages installed for me.
The installer replaces /etc/pacman.conf when you tell it to install packages, so manually running pacman is required.
Thank you for the reply and information. I have gotten further. I am now stuck at installing the boot loader. I get an error that says:
Unable to find OpenFirmware path for boot=/dev/sda2
Please add ofboot=<path> where <path> is the OpenFirmware path to /dev/sda2 to /etc/yaboot.conf
So I have Googled and that ofpath should give me this information. But I then get this error when I run ofpath /dev/sdb2:
Unable to determind controller path!
Am I doing the right thing to find out the OpenFirmware path? Is there anything else I can try?
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