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I found this is quite strange, but I wasn't sure whether I performed the right steps.
Here goes....
pacman would normally "auto-configure" your plugins to work with Fireforx browser, but not Opera in this case.
First it's flash plugin. What I did was simply copying "" from /opt/mozilla-plugins/ to /usr/lib/opera/plugins, and it worked.
To note: Creating soft link to in between these two directories worked well too.
Next, I copied out all mplayer-plug-in-* from the same path to opera plugins folder, and it didn't work. I tried to create soft link in between, and it didn't work as well.
Can anyone help me?
try mozplugger, it's in the community repo
just a few words of explanation: install mozplugger, ln -sf /opt/mozilla-plugins/.../ /usr/libs/opera/..../
(don't remember the paths correctly)
then in opera -> find new plugins and everything should work
Or just add the mozilla plugin path in Opera preferences:
Preferences > Advanced > Content > Plug-in options > Change path > Add
and choose /opt/mozilla-plugins.