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#1 2005-09-29 12:30:39

From: London, UK
Registered: 2005-01-13
Posts: 1,268

LaTeX wikibook

Apologies if people feel that this is the wrong forum - I don't really consider Latex a programming language any more than HTML. Anyway...

I have a set of Latex tutorials which have been going down rather well - if I do say so myself! I've been getting a lot of interest recently from people wishing to use the materials I've written. Then, Ben Webster asked if he could use my tutorials as a basis for a Latex Wikibook.

Within a blink of an eye he uploaded everything and it's all there in wiki-format! So why am I telling you guys all this? Well, hopefully it's obvious. The beauty of the wiki approach is that everyone can edit this. I hope my materials provide a great starting point for future improvements.

If you're a Latex notice, then look at the site and follow the tutorials. Is there anything not clear? Or a topic that's completely missing?

If you're a Latex boffin, then why not contribute some tips and tricks?

At the moment, because it's in a very early state, the wikibook is not as well presented as the originals. Mainly because the images and pdfs and stuff haven't been updated. However, that should hopefully change in the near future.

So, go forth and ditch your word processor!


#2 2005-09-29 22:10:49

Developer/Forum Fellow
From: Montreal, Canada
Registered: 2004-08-20
Posts: 5,212

Re: LaTeX wikibook

8) I'm a LaTeX fan myself. 

I wasn't aware about  the wrapfigure command.  I used floatingfigure instead. I might contribute once the wiki will be in a more advanced state.


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