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Would it kill you to write "that" instead of "dat"?
Online games can kill your orthography lol
EDIT: I have replaced the wget with curl, i can install packer and yaourt, but still fails to install pacaur with a new system (its a hidden option: number 3 in the aur-helper menu).
That might be because you forgot to install yajl, a dependency needed by cower (note also that wget isn't necessary here, and that you've set wrongly "AUR_HELPER" to packer).
if ! check_package "pacaur" ; then
package_install "base-devel wget curl expac"
aur_download_package ""
aur_download_package ""
if ! check_package "pacaur" ; then
echo "Pacaur not installed. EXIT now"
exit 0
Edit: I've seen you're using makepkg -si in your aur build function, so adding yajl should probably not solve the issue here.
I haven't tried your script, but here's a few general comments:
- you could use curl everywhere instead of forcing the install of wget. Curl is installed as a dependecy of pacman 4 (pacman 3 used wget), so it is installed on every system. You can also remove curl from the "package_install" array for the same reason.
- instead of passing the PKGBUILD url to aur_download_package() function, why not using it as an array and pass the name of the aur pkgs only? That would shortens the code and make it clearer. Note you'll still have to download the tar.gz to avoid problem with package that provide install scripts, downloading the PKGBUILD only is not sufficient.
- It seems your script install the binary and aur dependencies as "explicit", which is a problem if the user wants to remove the package and its dependencies thereafter. You can use makepkg -si to install binary dependencies as "dependency", and/or use the pacman flag "pacman -D --asdep" to set them as dependency.
Last edited by Spyhawk (2012-08-17 11:25:45)
helmuthdu wrote:EDIT: I have replaced the wget with curl, i can install packer and yaourt, but still fails to install pacaur with a new system (its a hidden option: number 3 in the aur-helper menu).
That might be because you forgot to install yajl, a dependency needed by cower (note also that wget isn't necessary here, and that you've set wrongly "AUR_HELPER" to packer).
Edit: I've seen you're using makepkg -si in your aur build function, so adding yajl should probably not solve the issue here.
I haven't tried your script, but here's a few general comments:
- you could use curl everywhere instead of forcing the install of wget. Curl is installed as a dependecy of pacman 4 (pacman 3 used wget), so it is installed on every system. You can also remove curl from the "package_install" array for the same reason.
- instead of passing the PKGBUILD url to aur_download_package() function, why not using it as an array and pass the name of the aur pkgs only? That would shortens the code and make it clearer. Note you'll still have to download the tar.gz to avoid problem with package that provide install scripts, downloading the PKGBUILD only is not sufficient.
- It seems your script install the binary and aur dependencies as "explicit", which is a problem if the user wants to remove the package and its dependencies thereafter. You can use makepkg -si to install binary dependencies as "dependency", and/or use the pacman flag "pacman -D --asdep" to set them as dependency.
Fair enough, i have replaced all wget for curl in the script, no more need to install wget also.
I have changed the code to install packages from aur, i think by this way its possible to install packages without any aur-helper. All the packages will be stored in a folder inside the aui folder. Just pass then name of the package and its all done.
aui_install_package(){ #{{{
for PACKAGE in $1; do
#exec command as user instead of root
su -l $USERNAME -c "
[[ ! -d downloaded_packages ]] && mkdir downloaded_packages
cd downloaded_packages
curl -o $PACKAGE.tar.gz$PACKAGE/$PACKAGE.tar.gz
tar zxvf $PACKAGE.tar.gz
rm $PACKAGE.tar.gz
makepkg -si --noconfirm
} #}}}
I have added the command "pacman -D --asdeps <package_name>" before install yaourt/packer/pacaur. It fails to install if i dont install they first.
Thx for the tips.
EDIT1: I have added an new option to the aur-helpers, the "pacaui" (its just a name) it will download the packages base on the function above. So the user doesnt even need to install an aur-helper to install packages from aur.
EDIT2: That was an stupid idea* (it cant handle with dependencies from aur)
EDIT3: I have created a link for /usr/bin/core_perl/pod2man into /usr/bin then pacaur can be installed finally.
Last edited by helmuthdu (2012-08-17 21:22:41)
helmuthdu > Your code looks much better now. There's still a "AUR_HELPER="packer"" that should be changed (line 1036) if you want pacaur to work as expected.
Also, if you use "makepkg -si", you don't even need to install binary dependencies as those will be automatically installed by makepkg. You'll also have to use pacman -D --asdeps on aur dependencies, such as package-query and cower.
For example,
package_install "base-devel yajl namcap"
pacman -D --asdeps --noconfirm yajl namcap
aui_download_packages "package-query yaourt"
can become
package_install "base-devel"
aui_download_packages "package-query yaourt"
pacman -D --asdeps package-query
Same with packer and pacaur. You only need to keep base-devel (and probably git too).
helmuthdu > Your code looks much better now. There's still a "AUR_HELPER="packer"" that should be changed (line 1036) if you want pacaur to work as expected.
Also, if you use "makepkg -si", you don't even need to install binary dependencies as those will be automatically installed by makepkg. You'll also have to use pacman -D --asdeps on aur dependencies, such as package-query and cower.
Same with packer and pacaur. You only need to keep base-devel (and probably git too).
Thx for the tips, fixed all.
I would do that, but again, it fails to compile (at least packer and yaourt) if i dont install those dependecies first.
Best regards,
Thx for the tips, fixed all.
I would do that, but again, it fails to compile (at least packer and yaourt) if i dont install those dependecies first.
This is weird. I just tried manually with package-query/yaourt and packer, and this works as expected. In fact, this is exactly how pacaur is working - by letting makepkg doing all the work. Maybe pacman database isn't refreshed at that time?
Also, looking at this commit, I can see two little mistake:
- typo in AUR_HELPER="pacaui"
- "pacman -D --asdeps --noconfirm cower" defined before installing cower (also, you don't need the "--noconfirm" option when used with -D)
Keep up the good work, your script is very handy to save time.
just a week ago i installed arch with this script....awesome work. fast and easy, almost as easy as installing ubuntu. thank you.
In KDE, after installation the volume icon is missing. That is because kdemultimedia-kmix is not installed. Simple.
Nice script. Thank you.
I am trying to modify it to work in ParabolaGNU and to include only free (as in freedom) packages. ParabolaGNU is an FSF aproved distro based on Arch. For such purposes the script will install packages only from ParabolaGNU repos.
Last edited by quiliro (2012-08-29 21:28:56)
The script is PURE systemd now. Dropped support for initscripts.
It will configure all options using systemd from now on.
You can run the script again to get a pure systemd system.
Here is one list with the improvements from the sysvinit to systemd. … e-support/Cheers,
Thanks Helmuth
Just did a new install, it makes my box boot faster than ever!
Sergio S.
A small query... in your package_remove function:
package_remove(){ #{{{
#remove package
if [[ $AUTOMATIC_MODE -eq 1 ]]; then
pacman -Rcsn --noconfirm $1
pacman -Rcsn $1
} #}}}
you use "pacman -Rcsn". From the pacman man page:
-c, --cascade
Remove all target packages, as well as all packages that depend on one or more target packages. This
operation is recursive, and must be used with care since it can remove many potentially needed
-s, --recursive
Remove each target specified including all of their dependencies, provided that (A) they are not
required by other packages; and (B) they were not explicitly installed by the user. This operation is
recursive and analogous to a backwards --sync operation, and helps keep a clean system without orphans.
If you want to omit condition (B), pass this option twice.
My query being the use of the 'c' option. Would not 'pacman -Rssn' be a safer alternative ?
A small query... in your package_remove function:
My query being the use of the 'c' option. Would not 'pacman -Rssn' be a safer alternative ?
I never thought about it, i just followed the arch-wiki [ … g_packages] command to remove all packages and all dependencies.
Great script, made my last installation much faster.
Is there any chance for you to add XMonad to your script?
theshadster wrote:A small query... in your package_remove function:
My query being the use of the 'c' option. Would not 'pacman -Rssn' be a safer alternative ?I never thought about it, i just followed the arch-wiki [ … g_packages] command to remove all packages and all dependencies.
I see - but that one comes with a warning
A very nice script, though.
Great script, made my last installation much faster.
Is there any chance for you to add XMonad to your script?
I have added the Awesome as Desktop Environment []...
i think that can do this tricks (but i didnt have tried, i'm still in love with gnome )
ASHASHIN wrote:Great script, made my last installation much faster.
Is there any chance for you to add XMonad to your script?
I have added the Awesome as Desktop Environment []...
i think that can do this tricks (but i didnt have tried, i'm still in love with gnome)
Actually awesome, XMonad and Openbox are Window managers not desktop environments (just a little thing you may want to correct in future versions of your script).
The point on me requesting XMonad comes from the language it is writen (Haskell), i'm gonna use it to encourage the 1st year students that think haskell is useless.
Last edited by ASHASHIN (2012-09-01 11:41:17)
Actually awesome, XMonad and Openbox are Window managers not desktop environments (just a little thing you may want to correct in future versions of your script).
The point on me requesting XMonad comes from the language it is writen (Haskell), i'm gonna use it to encourage the 1st year students that think haskell is useless.
Fixed, i think thats a common mistake...
Yeah, haskell is a great language, i had some classes about it at college
I found a small bug in the function remove_partition(), line 351 :
My hard drive has 15 partitions ( yes 15 ) and when I want to format it, here's what I get :
Select root partition:
1) /dev/sda1 4) /dev/sda4 7) /dev/sda7 10) /dev/sda10 13) /dev/sda13
2) /dev/sda2 5) /dev/sda5 8) /dev/sda8 11) /dev/sda11 14) /dev/sda14
3) /dev/sda3 6) /dev/sda6 9) /dev/sda9 12) /dev/sda12 15) /dev/sda15
Enter your option: 1
Confirm format /dev/sda1 partition [y/N]: ySelect filesystem:
1) ext4 3) btrfs 5) ntfs
2) ext3 4) vfat
Enter your option: 1...
Select swap partition:
1) /dev/sda2 4) /dev/sda5 7) /dev/sda8 10) 1 13) 4
2) /dev/sda3 5) /dev/sda6 8) /dev/sda9 11) 2 14) 5
3) /dev/sda4 6) /dev/sda7 9) 0 12) 3
Enter your option:
as you can see, all occurrences of "sda1" has been deleted.
A very nice script, though.
I found a small bug in the function remove_partition(), line 351 :
My hard drive has 15 partitions ( yes 15 ) and when I want to format it, here's what I get :Select root partition:
1) /dev/sda1 4) /dev/sda4 7) /dev/sda7 10) /dev/sda10 13) /dev/sda13
2) /dev/sda2 5) /dev/sda5 8) /dev/sda8 11) /dev/sda11 14) /dev/sda14
3) /dev/sda3 6) /dev/sda6 9) /dev/sda9 12) /dev/sda12 15) /dev/sda15
Enter your option: 1
Confirm format /dev/sda1 partition [y/N]: ySelect filesystem:
1) ext4 3) btrfs 5) ntfs
2) ext3 4) vfat
Enter your option: 1...
Select swap partition:
1) /dev/sda2 4) /dev/sda5 7) /dev/sda8 10) 1 13) 4
2) /dev/sda3 5) /dev/sda6 8) /dev/sda9 11) 2 14) 5
3) /dev/sda4 6) /dev/sda7 9) 0 12) 3
Enter your option:as you can see, all occurrences of "sda1" has been deleted.
A very nice script, though.
Jesus, you realy like partitions! lol
I will check this and fix later, thanks for the bug report
EDIT: Fixed with last commit
Last edited by helmuthdu (2012-09-08 11:32:28)
Error when trying to install boot loader on another partition (not MBR)
With GRUB; When issuing this command: chattr -i /boot/grub/i386-pc/core.img, the "/i36-pc/core.img" is nonexistent, so the script wont work correctly and it wont boot later, just works with GRUB on MBR.
Also if I opt for "syslinux" is defaults to MBR (no option to install on another partition)
Thanks again for your work!
Sergio S.
Error when trying to install boot loader on another partition (not MBR)
With GRUB; When issuing this command: chattr -i /boot/grub/i386-pc/core.img, the "/i36-pc/core.img" is nonexistent, so the script wont work correctly and it wont boot later, just works with GRUB on MBR.
Also if I opt for "syslinux" is defaults to MBR (no option to install on another partition)
Thanks again for your work!
i found this issue in Grub2 wiki:
Install to Partition or Partitionless Disk
Note: grub-bios (any version - including upstream Bazaar repo) does not encourage installation to a partition boot sector or a partitionless disk like GRUB Legacy or Syslinux does. This kind of setup is prone to breakage, especially during updates, and is not supported by Arch devs.
I will do some tests with a virtualbox and see what i can do
EDIT: You can install syslinux and remove the "m" from the command like:
syslinux-install_update -ia
That should do the trick.
more info: … ic_Install
Last edited by helmuthdu (2012-09-08 12:17:18)
spsf64 wrote:Error when trying to install boot loader on another partition (not MBR)
With GRUB; When issuing this command: chattr -i /boot/grub/i386-pc/core.img, the "/i36-pc/core.img" is nonexistent, so the script wont work correctly and it wont boot later, just works with GRUB on MBR.
Also if I opt for "syslinux" is defaults to MBR (no option to install on another partition)
Thanks again for your work!
i found this issue in Grub2 wiki:
Install to Partition or Partitionless Disk
Note: grub-bios (any version - including upstream Bazaar repo) does not encourage installation to a partition boot sector or a partitionless disk like GRUB Legacy or Syslinux does. This kind of setup is prone to breakage, especially during updates, and is not supported by Arch devs.I will do some tests with a virtualbox and see what i can do
EDIT: You can install syslinux and remove the "m" from the command like:
syslinux-install_update -ia
That should do the trick.
more info: … ic_Install
Thank you, hope you can fix these issues in a new release of your script
Sergio S.
Great script, tried the new ais out in virtualbox and it worked great
i just had a few notes when testing it out:
- line:339 could add ext2 as its used for the boot partition
- line:465 after generating fstab data=ordered could be removed. This option will be used automatically whether you specify it or not. No point cluttering up your fstab. … e_an_fstab
- line:590 Warning: Editing file /boot/grub/grub.cfg is strongly not recommended. The file is generated by the grub-mkconfig command, and it is best to edit your /etc/default/grub or one of the scripts in the /etc/grub.d folder.
and maybe add another option for dual-booting
Great script, tried the new ais out in virtualbox and it worked great
i just had a few notes when testing it out:
- line:339 could add ext2 as its used for the boot partition
- line:465 after generating fstab data=ordered could be removed. This option will be used automatically whether you specify it or not. No point cluttering up your fstab. … e_an_fstab
- line:590 Warning: Editing file /boot/grub/grub.cfg is strongly not recommended. The file is generated by the grub-mkconfig command, and it is best to edit your /etc/default/grub or one of the scripts in the /etc/grub.d folder. maybe add another option for dual-booting
I agree with the most of these things, but just the fstab, since the fstab is configurated by the "genfstab" script from the archlinux install scripts, i will not change any value added to it. Maybe you can report this at
Last edited by helmuthdu (2012-09-18 01:47:39)
hay thanks for this! love yah. x
1) got a few errors swapoff: /dev/sda2/: swapoff failed: Invalid argument error when i selected yes to format the swap as ext2 using ais mode.
2) in default script i get a root warning (please use the --asroot option) etc when running makepkg i am logged in as root as you request in your fist post.
perhaps you can add the --asroot to the script or you can make this a manual command, you could even do a check for the app at the end and provide an option to try again manually if it's not found?
with error 2 there i get kicked out the script sadly. ;(
thanks again. x
Last edited by alexjax (2012-09-18 21:10:02)
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