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Suspend 2 Ram Guide
1.Kernel 2.6.* with Sleep States
Power Management Opitions -> Acpi -> Sleep States
I think any 2.6.* kernel will work I am not sure
1. Make sure you have a kernel with Sleep States Compiled in. Any arch stock kernel should do.
2. pacman -S vbetool
Making the Script:
You now need to make a script that will unload your modules, save the video card state, restore modules on resume, etc....
Here is my script hopefully it pretty straight foward:
# Initiates a suspend-to-ram!
# Suspend
echo "Going to sleep at `date`"
##Let's go to Terminal 1 (Ctrl+Alt+1)
echo "* chvt 1"
/usr/bin/chvt 1
##Close Programs
##I have session saver for firefox
if [ `pidof firefox-bin` ] ;
then killall firefox-bin ;
else echo "Firefox-bin is not running";
##The Sound Module won't unload when applications are using the sound
killall xmms
if test -e /var/run/daemons/ ;
then /etc/rc.d/mpd stop;
else echo "Mpd is not Running" ;
## Stopping the Network
if test -e /var/run/daemons/network ;
then /etc/rc.d/network stop;
else echo "Network is not Running";
##Save Alsa Mixer Settings and give all the programs 2 secs to finish shutting down.
alsactl store
sleep 2
## Unload Modules [snd_emu10k1 = sound 8139too = network]
rmmod snd_emu10k1
rmmod 8139too
#Save Video State
echo "* save vbestate"
/usr/sbin/vbetool vbestate save > /etc/acpi/vbestate
echo "* writing to /sys"
echo -n "mem" > /sys/power/state
echo ""
# Resume
echo "Back from sleep at `date`"
##Restore the state of the Video
echo "* restore vbestate"
/bin/cat /etc/acpi/vbestate | /usr/sbin/vbetool vbestate restore
##Lets restore the clock
echo "* restore clock"
/sbin/hwclock --hctosys
##Lets get back to Xorg (Ctrl+Alt+1)
echo "* chvt 7"
/usr/bin/chvt 7
##Load Modules
modprobe snd_emu10k1
modprobe 8139too
##Give the modules some time to learn
sleep 5
##Load Programs
/etc/rc.d/network start
alsactl restore
/etc/rc.d/mpd start
echo "* done"
echo ""
# Done
exit 0
You must edit this script if you want to use it!!!
The chance that you have the same modules and setup as me are extremely slim.
Note: Firefox uses the sound module and prevents unloading of it.
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt