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just wondreing?
Links and etc are said to help immensely.
I'm going to assume you mean the fedora deriv
Tried it, didn't like it.
I never really like fedora derivatives.. I'd rather just use fedora
(he's got arch packages on there, he he)
@phrak yep thems the one's....
uses the weird goggles build system to compile, not sure i understand the differences it seam like it just wraps around gcc as that what it invokes anyway
Can anyone point to screenshots of this desktop?
All of your mips are belong to us!!
from google images "fox desktop" this one ?
That's the fedora one
from google images "fox desktop" this one ?
That's Fox Linux
I tried googling before i first posted the question, and I couldn't find a single screenie. The closest I came was the shots of fox toolkit. Most of these are pretty old and look awfully similar to some Redmond product, except the Ogle frontend, which looks more like GTK or something. That's why I hoped someone else had a link to actual shots of the Fox Desktop (Fox as in Toolkit).
All of your mips are belong to us!!
not at my AL box now will post one tonight after 7.00pm (bst)
need to learn how to configure it nicely tho.....
if anyone is interseted it will only build with fox --version <1.5
pkgbuid coming soon
not at my AL box now will post one tonight after 7.00pm (bst)
pkgbuid coming soon
Depending on the screenshots, I might give your pkgbuild a go.
All of your mips are belong to us!!
it realy is very basic at the minute as i have yet to full get the configuration but has potential
here is the basic screenie, no alternative config has been done it looks like this out of the box, openbox is supplying the wm, but any latest gen will work, fluxbox was messy with it... pek wouldnt run, remind me of icewm really. the calc app is a fox native, and the wrapper the supply for mc is nice kinda like emelfm
After reading the FAQ, it seems that it is made to look like Windows intentionally.
Anyway, I'm going to go against the developer's theory of "why not" and ask why? What's the point of making ANOTHER toolkit? We already have enough division in the linux world, and I can't see what's going to make this desktop different from gtk2 or qt desktops
its another option. very low mem requirement, so good for old hardware
But in the end, people are undoubtably going to end up using either CLI apps (with which you can use any window manager you want to reduce memory requirements), or common apps like firefox (which is going to use a lot of memory anyway). And is it going to compete a lot against XFCE?
I just don't see the point. modern DE's might be considered "bloated" but that's because they do a lot. Introducing yet another toolkit isn't giong to help bloat any. if you don't want bloat, you use a less complex system.
Besides, the development is going to be slow as hell. By the time something useable by the common people is out, we'll have Gnome 8.10 and KDE 9.0 with super-secret mind reading technology or something.
Meh, if I want lightweight I'll use xfce or fluxbox
Why another distro? Why another package management system?
Sorry, but exactly the thing that makes OSS great also causes this level of fragmentation and new ideas.
BTW...using Fluxbox or XFCE will not make you independent from heavy libs...gtk, qt, etc.
Using Fox would, if there were enough apps out there written using gotta start somewhere.
I just don't see the point. modern DE's might be considered "bloated" but that's because they do a lot. Introducing yet another toolkit isn't giong to help bloat any. if you don't want bloat, you use a less complex system.
The point is: because we can. I hate comments like this. Forking projects and creating new projects to do the same thing in a different way are the spirit of open source. Sometimes people just want to do things themselves.
Back in the day when someone suggested KDE as a new project (Kool Desktop Environment, at the time), people would make comments like "what's wrong with Motif? why do you need another widget set?" - do you wish we all stuck with Motif and their ugly-ass widgets?
You're making the same comments here that have been made for the last 10 years or so - "Why make another app to do XYZ when ABC is good enough?"
@phrak yep thems the one's....
uses the weird goggles build system to compile, not sure i understand the differences it seam like it just wraps around gcc as that what it invokes anyway
You know there's a arch package for Goggles....
yep alreday installed thanks..