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I've installed Arch in EFI mode but now when I reboot the computer GRUB is the default bootlooder. The desired behaviour is for rEFInd to start to allow me to pick OSX or Linux and if the later, then start GRUB. What I have to do, is press the Alt key when booting to bring up EFI Boot, which then starts rEFInd.
I would assume the problem is that either the EFI partition or the linux partition is the preferred boot option as rEFInd will only start if the OSX partition is booted first (as this is where rEFInd is installed as it should according to the developer to avoid corrupt firemware on Mac).
I haven’t been able to find any records of other mac users who have run in to this issue so I assume that I must have done something unique during the install? Can anyone:
1) Shed some light on what I've managed to do differently
2) Best way to set MAC volume as primary boot (bless, boot change flag in cfdisk etc?)
Help would be much appreciated!
Last edited by Azakaa (2012-09-14 19:29:27)
It sounds like rEFInd is not properly blessed. What you can do is move your rEFInd folder to the EFI partition and rename it to 'boot':
<efi partition>/EFI/boot
and then rename /EFI/boot/refind_x64.efi to bootx64.efi
It should then become the default boot method, without requiring it to be blessed. I have been running it like this for a few months now without any problems.
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
Thanks for you reply! I did some additional research after your suggestion and found an alternative way on rEFInd homepage. Now that I knew what I was looing for (that it had to be blessed) I used the following command from OSX which worked!
sudo bless --setBoot --folder /EFI/refind --file /EFI/refind/refind_x64.efi
Many thanks for your help in pointing me in the right direction!