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For those who like me, think the gnome-2.12.0 splash screen is as ugly as sin, I have created a new one - not version-specific, and specific to Arch Linux.
If you are interested you can find it here: … splash.png .
Feedback and or comments are welcome. Hope some of you enjoy it.
"If builders built buildings the way programmers write programs,
the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization."
Nice work, Theoden! 8)
Cool. Could be a bit simpler, IMHO, but it looks a heck of a lot better than the default one.
<line deleted due to incorrection interpretation>
Not trying to be condescending, but are you new to image manipulation?
Well thank you. I'm sure you've spent a good part of your day seeking out someone to insult. I hope you feel better now.
--Theoden :?
"If builders built buildings the way programmers write programs,
the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization."
<deleted to keep the peace>
That's crap and you know it!
You know - I can appreciate that you may not think much of my efforts. I'm sure that you are so superior and your efforts of such high quality that you are above criticism. I have never claimed to be the world's finest graphics artist ... like you.
Still, I find your post here insulting. Your comments were extremely rude and offensive, not to mention unnecessary. If you really cared to help someone, you would PM them such a message, and even then you would word it very differently.
No, it is clear to me that your post(s) were intended to hurt and insult and get some kiddie giggles out of a few immature users who might read it. Obviously your ego needs a lot of pumping up.
I meant it when I said, "Feedback and or comments are welcome." But I did not intend to open up any permission to the likes of you to be an insulting ass. If you don't like my contributions - few and poor as they may be - to arch ... then please just ignore them in the future. I have no respect or interest in your further opinions on any topic.
--Theoden :evil:
"If builders built buildings the way programmers write programs,
the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization."
I tried to be nice in that post along with a little funny. I was just wondering so I could offer tips and places for tutorials. :?
Well you tried... and failed.
If you have "negative" feedback to give, don't you think it would be a little better to be more profesional, and less insulting?
Even if the OP is new to image manipulation, what you said sounds to me kinda like "OMFG THIS IS THE WORST PIECE OF CRAP I'VE EVER SEEN"... which to me seems totally unacceptable.
DaDeXTeR (Martin Lefebvre)
My screenshots on PicasaWeb
Doesn't look cheap, just a bit verbose and a hell of a lot better than the default splash. :?
<deleted to keep the peace>
I don't know if it's because I'm tired... but I fail to see any sense in that reply... you must have thought about that one for a very long time, right?
DaDeXTeR (Martin Lefebvre)
My screenshots on PicasaWeb
Helping me? You fscking ego maniac. I want nothing from you at all.
Oh - and by the way - I've seen some of your work in the screenshots post ... it does indeed speak for itself. It says you are a no one to criticize anyone else's work. Believe me!
--Theoden :evil:
"If builders built buildings the way programmers write programs,
the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization."
right.... nothing too impressive there I would say
DaDeXTeR (Martin Lefebvre)
My screenshots on PicasaWeb
I do not care anymore.
Pages: 1
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